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Old 07-18-2016, 06:55 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
It is just sad that we as a country are spiraling outta control!
When you have one political party trying at all cost to foster division between the races and classes of people to further their own agenda, what should you expect. There is a reason many providers like older white guys or just older men in general, we tend to be civil towards them. There will never be peace as long as young black males think they can battle their way through life.
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Old 07-18-2016, 08:23 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by wildwing View Post
When you have one political party trying at all cost to foster division between the races and classes of people to further their own agenda, what should you expect. There is a reason many providers like older white guys or just older men in general, we tend to be civil towards them. There will never be peace as long as young black males think they can battle their way through life.
Its not about race imo, its about the haves and the have nots. I was harassed constantly by police in my youth, because I had long hair and because of my appearance (I'm white), they figured minimum I would have some forbidden topic on me and this was before I had ever even gotten in any real trouble.

If you're poor in this country you almost have no choice but to turn to the dark side. And yes that harassment will put a chip on your shoulder real quick. There are a lot of good black kids that are fucked with for no reason.

The people in power will do whatever necessary to keep you down and poor and themselves in power. They only care about one color, green. Nothing is gonna change after this election, only gonna get worse for the have nots. That's a carrot tied to a string folks.

I'm not taking sides either I don't care who kills who as long as it doesn't effect those close to me.
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Old 07-18-2016, 10:44 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by radio109 View Post
Its not about race imo, its about the haves and the have nots. I was harassed constantly by police in my youth, because I had long hair and because of my appearance (I'm white), they figured minimum I would have some forbidden topic on me and this was before I had ever even gotten in any real trouble.

If you're poor in this country you almost have no choice but to turn to the dark side. And yes that harassment will put a chip on your shoulder real quick.....
I agree with all you said that I didn't include.. some people just like to live in a bubble wanting their side to be right, when everyone's points are valid. Issues can be resolved if people just addressed those issues with priority but you reasoned it correctly.

Politically speaking, I'm glad to see the uprise in registered independents across the country. People may still lean towards a certain party but at least it indicates some type of shift towards the country being non partisan.

If you fall in the class of the have nots, you just have to have enough intellect, will, resolve, drive, and luck just to make a decent life for yourself and hope you don't get caught with a hooker or breaking another non violent law because you're fucked.. Yeah you can still make something out of this life for yourself but it's going to be 10x harder than before but hopefully you're wiser. If you're positioned with the haves you can always just use your get out of jail free card.. until you run out of them.. that reminds me, I need to go see my plug, hehe

But everybody's not built the same.. And that's when good decent people rich or poor trying to better life for everyone deserving of it have to take a back seat to the asshats and their self interest agendas just because their louder.

Ignorance can be fixed, but sadly there's no cure for stupid.. You just have to let them die off, while nature takes course..
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Old 07-18-2016, 11:02 AM   #19
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Think you missed my point. I know plenty of people who rose up out of humble means. It's all about the choices you make. Granted there is plenty of bad luck out there. One thing is for certain now. If the police tell you to do something and you don't comply with them you will be taking a huge chance.
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Old 07-18-2016, 11:06 AM   #20
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This is what happens when governments have too much power. The people get fed up. The Bill of Rights were created to limit the government's power but all of these rights have been eroded away and we allow it. The government is free to do as it sees fit be it gun control even though we have an amendment stating we have a right to bear arms, cops hassling poor people, or taxes that take 50% of our work away. The idea of government limited power is slowly going away and people are tired of it. Police can search your car and your person without a warrant and if he finds nothing you don't get arrested and he just violated your right to be free from searches and no punishment to government for it. I have never been searched when I drive my Jaguar, but when I have used a work truck which is old and battered, I have been searched and I don't drink and drive or use substances, just appear poor and that is reason enough to be violated.
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Old 07-18-2016, 11:46 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Max Steed View Post
I agree with all you said that I didn't include.. some people just like to live in a bubble wanting their side to be right, when everyone's points are valid. Issues can be resolved if people just addressed those issues with priority but you reasoned it correctly.

Politically speaking, I'm glad to see the uprise in registered independents across the country. People may still lean towards a certain party but at least it indicates some type of shift towards the country being non partisan.

If you fall in the class of the have nots, you just have to have enough intellect, will, resolve, drive, and luck just to make a decent life for yourself and hope you don't get caught with a hooker or breaking another non violent law because you're fucked.. Yeah you can still make something out of this life for yourself but it's going to be 10x harder than before but hopefully you're wiser. If you're positioned with the haves you can always just use your get out of jail free card.. until you run out of them.. that reminds me, I need to go see my plug, hehe

But everybody's not built the same.. And that's when good decent people rich or poor trying to better life for everyone deserving of it have to take a back seat to the asshats and their self interest agendas just because their louder.

Ignorance can be fixed, but sadly there's no cure for stupid.. You just have to let them die off, while nature takes course..
I agree wholeheartedly

Originally Posted by Boudin3112 View Post
This is what happens when governments have too much power. The people get fed up. The Bill of Rights were created to limit the government's power but all of these rights have been eroded away and we allow it. The government is free to do as it sees fit be it gun control even though we have an amendment stating we have a right to bear arms, cops hassling poor people, or taxes that take 50% of our work away. The idea of government limited power is slowly going away and people are tired of it. Police can search your car and your person without a warrant and if he finds nothing you don't get arrested and he just violated your right to be free from searches and no punishment to government for it. I have never been searched when I drive my Jaguar, but when I have used a work truck which is old and battered, I have been searched and I don't drink and drive or use substances, just appear poor and that is reason enough to be violated.
Well said

We were watching a vid on liveleak at work a few days ago, I wont post it because this isn't the place. Anyway it looked like a young kid maybe early 20 approaching some cops. Took what looked like a 12 gauge to the chest, he fell and kept reaching for the wound under his shirt (no doubt instinctively), took a few more probably 9 or 38 slugs to the chest and shoulders, then I think 2 more 12 gauge blasts for good measure. Honestly looked like a murder scene to all of us at work. Compliance is one thing, that looked like murder to me.

I'm not against cops or anyone but if that were my son, you bet your ass someone is gonna pay.
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Old 07-18-2016, 11:57 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by wildwing View Post
Think you missed my point. I know plenty of people who rose up out of humble means. It's all about the choices you make. Granted there is plenty of bad luck out there. One thing is for certain now. If the police tell you to do something and you don't comply with them you will be taking a huge chance.
If referring to my post.. I'm not sure if I did miss your point or not.. or what choices you are referring to that differentiate one group from another as drawn from the context of your previous post.

Men and women, young and old, all make bad choices alike.. but I think status and wealth creates bias, versus being poor and/or a minority.

As most may be aware of now and have read or heard about, one of the slain officers wrote on his Facebook how he was "hated by some in uniform" and "feared by others when out of it" . I'm not directly quoting so correct me if I'm out of context with what was said. But people need to stop lying to themselves if they don't believe we have to do better by others and ourselves.

But I agree with your statement that one should always comply with the police, its never a winning situation.. Was that an "as a matter of fact" statement or a direction of point you were trying to make?
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Old 07-18-2016, 12:51 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Boudin3112 View Post
This is what happens when governments have too much power. The people get fed up. The Bill of Rights were created to limit the government's power but all of these rights have been eroded away and we allow it. The government is free to do as it sees fit be it gun control even though we have an amendment stating we have a right to bear arms, cops hassling poor people, or taxes that take 50% of our work away. The idea of government limited power is slowly going away and people are tired of it. Police can search your car and your person without a warrant and if he finds nothing you don't get arrested and he just violated your right to be free from searches and no punishment to government for it. I have never been searched when I drive my Jaguar, but when I have used a work truck which is old and battered, I have been searched and I don't drink and drive or use substances, just appear poor and that is reason enough to be violated.
Yep, but we keep voting for our party to protect our rights and pocket books don't we.. #sarcasm

Originally Posted by radio109 View Post
We were watching a vid on liveleak at work a few days ago, I wont post it because this isn't the place. Anyway it looked like a young kid maybe early 20 approaching some cops. Took what looked like a 12 gauge to the chest, he fell and kept reaching for the wound under his shirt (no doubt instinctively), took a few more probably 9 or 38 slugs to the chest and shoulders, then I think 2 more 12 gauge blasts for good measure. Honestly looked like a murder scene to all of us at work. Compliance is one thing, that looked like murder to me.

I'm not against cops or anyone but if that were my son, you bet your ass someone is gonna pay.
Yes, police have a hard job, one that takes a lot of courage, but that's the senselessness people are disgusted with that usually leads to no repercussions for the action. It's about the resources available but police need to be better trained.

We send 18-20 yo into combat zones to face hostile enemies and their ass would be in a sling if they violate rules of engagement with combatants but we allow our citizens to be handled in this fashion, with the only repercussion being a paid vacation.

Their job is tough so they should be giving the beneficial doubt of using negligence but we should expect and demand better course of judgement from them with their actions. For some, it's not a reality and never matters until it's their family on the other end lying on the pavement.
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Old 07-18-2016, 01:34 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by wildwing View Post
One thing is for certain now. If the police tell you to do something and you don't comply with them you will be taking a huge chance.
Only if you black here lately.........

I've been pulled over for driving while black a few times this year.
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Old 07-18-2016, 03:43 PM   #25
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Max I should have quoted Radio. Sry man. The only real concern I have is these cop shooters are ex Nation of Islam members so what that means to me is the penetration of this radical form of terror is very deep. And yes, there is more than likely a serious increase in driving while black incidents.
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Old 07-18-2016, 04:22 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by wildwing View Post
Max I should have quoted Radio. Sry man. The only real concern I have is these cop shooters are ex Nation of Islam members so what that means to me is the penetration of this radical form of terror is very deep. And yes, there is more than likely a serious increase in driving while black incidents.
I think I understood all your posts clearly. I'm actually one of those people, I consider myself one of the haves/well off. I joke around on here a lot about being broke and out of hobby funds. I may be out of hobby funds but no where near broke.

I actually notice I only get pulled over in my beat up work truck too, or when my tats are visible.
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Old 07-18-2016, 05:26 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by wildwing View Post
Max I should have quoted Radio. Sry man. The only real concern I have is these cop shooters are ex Nation of Islam members so what that means to me is the penetration of this radical form of terror is very deep. And yes, there is more than likely a serious increase in driving while black incidents.
No problem bro, I gotcha..

Yeah, I've seen up close and personal how people who align with certain groups become overtly aggressive and delusional.

I had a childhood friend who I grew up with, was raised in a very strict religious household, but still conducted himself like a normal teen.

At some point in time later on as an adult, he got involved with the Black Hebrew Israelite and his character and personality changed completely. He was just consumed with the teachings, typing all kinds of nonsense on facebook, promoting black supremacy, and began to distance himself from family, friends, and anyone who he felt didn't align with what he was learning.

I know there are fringe fractions of these groups as well as others that represent a culture that carries and poses potential danger to a civil society.

My opinion is that you can be part of any type of cult and function normally out in public.. but these people with easy impressionable minds who appear to function normal on the outside usually fall into these fringe type dynamics of these groups and become radicalized.

Then we blame it on mental illness as why they checked out. I just think they were never able to properly check in..

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Old 07-18-2016, 07:16 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Boudin3112 View Post
This is what happens when governments have too much power. The people get fed up. The Bill of Rights were created to limit the government's power but all of these rights have been eroded away and we allow it. The government is free to do as it sees fit be it gun control even though we have an amendment stating we have a right to bear arms, cops hassling poor people, or taxes that take 50% of our work away. The idea of government limited power is slowly going away and people are tired of it. Police can search your car and your person without a warrant and if he finds nothing you don't get arrested and he just violated your right to be free from searches and no punishment to government for it. I have never been searched when I drive my Jaguar, but when I have used a work truck which is old and battered, I have been searched and I don't drink and drive or use substances, just appear poor and that is reason enough to be violated.
IRS used to be able to enter and search your records at anytime and they always toted guns. Police could stop you and search the same way, without any probable cause and no miranda rights around to read. These are all changes in the last 50 years away from that. Free markets? Fuggetaboutit back in the good ole days. Raw materials were all price fixed, flying and rail too.
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Old 07-18-2016, 08:06 PM   #29
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Governments and idealogies aside, innocent lives are being taken. Even though my lifestyle is considered "outside" of the law, I have a great deal of respect for those who dive headlong into the fray. And that is what those men did, dive into the danger that was the person who sought out and targeted law enforcement.
Skin color does not matter to a bullet, and certainly didn't matter to the one person who did the shooting. He killed men of every color, with families and friends who loved and cared for them. Killing of human beings is senseless, period.
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Old 07-18-2016, 10:52 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411 View Post
Do they want a fing war well lets give them one ALL LIVES MATTER black,blue,red,green I have had a fuc@@@@@@@@@ng nuff
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