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Old 07-16-2016, 12:26 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
It was more for your benefit than mine that I suggested you should stop posting here because you make an ass of yourself so often that you make other people embarrassed for you by proxy.

I noticed you had no comment on the fact that you were clearly talking unfounded crap once again saying I'm lying about my age. That is so you. You just prattle off bullshit and then refuse to admit when you are wrong.
Yah, I've been doing this for 5 years under the same handle & my threads get a few thousand or so views, so I think I'll ignore your advice like most mongers ignore your ads.

The only reason this one is getting any attention is because a few of us have verbally laughed at you which generates views. You get it yet? I think you do...

I also notice you didn't respond to it being more about your shit attitude than your hoogar middle age birth date? Why is that Auntie Leah/Rea? I want to understand how your simple mind works...consider it a science project.

But I'm guessing you might be getting a few suck ups for business because of you rambling on in every thread. Some seem to like fucking someone with no charm or true attraction (like you), and that's why you jump in every thread with your whining.

Its a sad little niche' you have chosen, but I guess when you are fat & long in the tooth in Hoogar Years you have to find something to keep the cash flow moving, eh?

Bye the way Auntie, are you going to make that bomb pea salad for next months family reunion?

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Old 07-16-2016, 12:54 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by JadeRose View Post
33 is old? :/
I just traded in a 2 1/2 year old car with 110,000 miles. Started and stopped several times a day pretty much every day for 920 days. had to retread it twice and get it professionally made over a few times a year...

Looked fine but once inside it you just knew it was a lot older with more wear than a car 5 times it's age driven twice a month and always groomed after the ride

Yeah... a 33 year old whore that has been fucked and made to do things she was not designed for day after day has a similar feel to a well kept gal much older.....

Most car rental companies realize the problem and turn over their inventory every couple of years....

Flavor of the month that first month is the best any gal can hope for.... After that it's not different than taking a new car home..... It looses a good chunk of value right awat
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Old 07-16-2016, 05:08 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I just traded in a 2 1/2 year old car with 110,000 miles. Started and stopped several times a day pretty much every day for 920 days. had to retread it twice and get it professionally made over a few times a year...

Looked fine but once inside it you just knew it was a lot older with more wear than a car 5 times it's age driven twice a month and always groomed after the ride

Yeah... a 33 year old whore that has been fucked and made to do things she was not designed for day after day has a similar feel to a well kept gal much older.....

Most car rental companies realize the problem and turn over their inventory every couple of years....

Flavor of the month that first month is the best any gal can hope for.... After that it's not different than taking a new car home..... It looses a good chunk of value right awat
110,000 miles in 2.5 years?
That sounds like travelin' salesman miles...

" get it professionally made over a few times a year..."
That include getting seat rebuilt with new springs?
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:08 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Awwwww there's my grumpiest little carebear in all of care-a-lot!
I think my imposter's avatar is an attempt at mocking another eccie user who has no intention of giving him the time of day.

Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Ya know, the fact that you follow me around all over this forum trying to initiate conversations with me is reminding me of a puppy...you'd be a rescue one obviously. Have to give you a bath and wash your own poop out of your fur and pray you don't keep trying to roll around in it. Put you on a sensible diet too! No more table scraps, gotta keep you away from the biscuits and gravy.

I've been reading up on how I can help you when you get the urge to follow me around (and to overeat):

Who wants to see a remedial program like this for whores? Better hygiene, better impulse control (less BSC), fewer falsely labeled "BBW" chubbalubbas?

I could get behind that. Click on like if you agree.
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:08 AM   #50
Leah Layada
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Women are not cars. Women are women. If women were cars you'd hear about people's ex wives and girlfriends joining up together like in the Transformers to form a massive battle bot to destroy evil.

As for wear and tear on my vagina, the vagina does not get looser the more often you have sex. The vagina stretches and contracts as situations require up to a point and then goes right back to it's natural starting point. This is basic anatomy taught throughout the USA and you should really know it already.

Further, if you are really trying to "log my miles" you should note that I've never had a baby and that I've taken very long and frequent breaks from the hobby (this last one was about four years long). So your argument here fails on all fronts.

I have a lot to do today so won't be able to reply to the ongoing misogyny festival you present here.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I just traded in a 2 1/2 year old car with 110,000 miles. Started and stopped several times a day pretty much every day for 920 days. had to retread it twice and get it professionally made over a few times a year...

Looked fine but once inside it you just knew it was a lot older with more wear than a car 5 times it's age driven twice a month and always groomed after the ride

Yeah... a 33 year old whore that has been fucked and made to do things she was not designed for day after day has a similar feel to a well kept gal much older.....

Most car rental companies realize the problem and turn over their inventory every couple of years....

Flavor of the month that first month is the best any gal can hope for.... After that it's not different than taking a new car home..... It looses a good chunk of value right awat
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:19 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
You don't know me, don't know shit about what you insist on talking about and should really stop posting here in general and about me in particular.
people know you Leah. They just know you as Reya Sunshine, your last handle here before your constant superior than others attitude got you to the point where you quit posting in CoEd and left the board with a proclamation that ECCIE was of no use to you.....

Now your back.... New Handle....trying to leave behind your history but still here in CoEd and all over seeking attention. Are you doing the same in your sessions? Looking for love again in the wrong places? Will that be the reason you bareback a client and get knocked up? Because you love him? Or just for the money?

So many questions Leah/Reya Sunshine/Nahhah Heresy/Erotic Emily and how many others?

What do you really want the Private Tabs for again? Making remarks about hobbyists in some thread that you know BCD? That would be a misuse of their personal information Leah.... You should no better.....

The problem you have coming on and attacking others here and getting into it with Toyz is that YOU need a supply of cock attached to wallets to pay your bills.... Toyz needs nothing.... Very few guys here can lose anything with an approach such as his... If he has money in his pocket he's getting laid,,,,, Eventually this costs you business.....

Lot's of guys want nothing to do with a provider in the middle of controversy all the time.....

Especially one with your history under so many other names here.....
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:35 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Women are not cars. Women are women.

Ladies are women.
Whore's are women
Some Ladies are whores.
Not all whores are ladies.

Whores are a product. This is a review board for the purpose of evaluating everything there is to know about a whore before making the decision to rent it for some period of time.

The analogy of older high mileage whore like yourself trying to put a questionable past under many different handles behind her and a high mileage car is a valid comparison

If women were cars you'd hear about people's ex wives and girlfriends joining up together like in the Transformers to form a massive battle bot to destroy evil.

No. That is not reality Leah/Reya. Have you been drinking all night and drunk posting again s o early? Margaritas? or just straight Patron shots?

As for wear and tear on my vagina, the vagina does not get looser the more often you have sex. The vagina stretches and contracts as situations require up to a point and then goes right back to it's natural starting point. This is basic anatomy taught throughout the USA and you should really know it already.

No? But the types of sexual partners you choose (whores have little control), how rigorous sex is, weight gain and loss and the effects of yeas, use of artificial lubricants combine to have an affect on it.... as does the state of mind of a whore that detaches as much as SOME are reported as doing......

Further, if you are really trying to "log my miles" you should note that I've never had a baby and that I've taken very long and frequent breaks from the hobby (this last one was about four years long). So your argument here fails on all fronts.

I have a lot to do today so won't be able to reply to the ongoing misogyny festival you present here.

ahhh.. yeah..... Garage Sale or booth at the Swap Meet?

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Old 07-16-2016, 09:41 AM   #53
Leah Layada
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I chose to focus on you lying about my age rather than the fact you continue saying I lack charm because the age thing is easy to refute and the personality flaws you claim I have are subjective and as such hard to prove or disprove- which would prolong these attempts at communication with you.

As for my ads here being ignored, that's also easy to refute as anyone can look at the few ads I have written and you will notice that they have considerably more views than other ads written in their time frame. I imagine you will look this up and if you can find an instance or two where that wasn't the case you will present it here as your "eureka!" moment and if you can not find any instance of it you will say there were some sort of mitigating factors blah blah. God speed, fucktard!

Just to humor you, let's suppose what you say is true: that I am a fat, bitter, old, mean, humorless whore lacking in charm and intelligence. What's it to you? Why in the world would you concern yourself with someone who apparently got the shit end of the stick in every category of life (and now according to you) is fucking guys she doesn't want to fuck so she can barely survive on their pity dollars? Most sensible men that have something going for them in life would let a provider such as the one you describe go about her business and simply not honor her with their attention or patronage.

Then again, we're talking about the logic of a guy who allegedly got ripped off from a provider (not me) and responded by giving that same provider the chance to scam him again multiple times...then was shocked when she did! So very shocked that he brought her groceries! Oh and her drama was just too much...not too much to keep seeing her apparently but enough to complain about retroactively when you put her personal life on display here because she realized you are a whackadoodle and decided to keep her distance. Then throw a deranged fit about how bad her pussy smells...after you confirmed for sure that she definitely wasn't going to give you anymore of it.

I'm done going back and forth with you on here...at this point it's obvious you are just desperate for any female attention and will do and say anything to get it. Even if getting attention necessitates making an ass of yourself with easily disproven bullshit. Just get a job Toyz, save your money and pay to see providers like the other guys on here do. It's not complicated.

Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
Yah, I've been doing this for 5 years under the same handle & my threads get a few thousand or so views, so I think I'll ignore your advice like most mongers ignore your ads.

The only reason this one is getting any attention is because a few of us have verbally laughed at you which generates views. You get it yet? I think you do...

I also notice you didn't respond to it being more about your shit attitude than your hoogar middle age birth date? Why is that Auntie Leah/Rea? I want to understand how your simple mind works...consider it a science project.

But I'm guessing you might be getting a few suck ups for business because of you rambling on in every thread. Some seem to like fucking someone with no charm or true attraction (like you), and that's why you jump in every thread with your whining.

Its a sad little niche' you have chosen, but I guess when you are fat & long in the tooth in Hoogar Years you have to find something to keep the cash flow moving, eh?

Bye the way Auntie, are you going to make that bomb pea salad for next months family reunion?
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:50 AM   #54
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What exactly are you claiming I have done wrong Whispers? Why do you say "questionable past" alluding to...what exactly? Nothing. Just more bullshit trying to muddy the waters because I change my provider name more than you decree I should.

Speak now or forever hold your peace! What have I done wrong that you keep implying my (alleged) name change(s) are evidence of?
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:50 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
I am a fat, bitter, old, mean, humorless whore lacking in charm and intelligence. What's it to you? Why in the world would you concern yourself with someone who apparently got the shit end of the stick in every category of life (and now according to you) is fucking guys she doesn't want to fuck so she can barely survive on their pity dollars?

Hey!... That's some real self-reflection

Most sensible men that have something going for them in life would let a provider such as the one you describe go about her business and simply not honor her with their attention or patronage.

Most "sensible" whores post their ads, suck dick or sit on cocks and collect their money and move on..... YOU on the otherhand came on spoiling for a fight and found one..... or two.....

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Old 07-16-2016, 10:07 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
What exactly are you claiming I have done wrong Whispers? Why do you say "questionable past" alluding to...what exactly? Nothing. Just more bullshit trying to muddy the waters because I change my provider name more than you decree I should.
You know what we are talking about darlin.....So do others..... You might GET to change your name 5 or 6 or hundreds of times.... but the questions remain in place and the story eventually gets shared.....

Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Speak now or forever hold your peace! What have I done wrong that you keep implying my (alleged) name change(s) are evidence of?
How long you been around here Reya? err.. I mean Leah?.... Long enough to know I'm not "forever holding my peace" I'm sure.... That's a wedding reference? Is the bitterness over losing the llast guy that thought he could marry a whore still hanging on strong?
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Old 07-16-2016, 10:08 AM   #57
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Ok. So to confirm...the only thing I have done wrong is attempt to mingle in co-ed and participate on the forum. Providers are not welcome to speak here if they have any thoughts or information that could make you or your friends look foolish.

Literally, I posted a thread in the member suggestions area and it had to be moved to co-ed because you and the he man woman hater club can not just let a provider have a voice here unless it's echoing one of a few viewpoints you don't find uncomfortable.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

Most "sensible" whores post their ads, suck dick or sit on cocks and collect their money and move on..... YOU on the otherhand came on spoiling for a fight and found one..... or two.....

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Old 07-16-2016, 10:09 AM   #58
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I literally have no fucking clue what you are talking about!! If you have something to say then say it!

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
You know what we are talking about darlin.....So do others.....

How long you been around here Reya? err.. I mean Leah?.... Long enough to know I'm not "forever holding my peace" I'm sure.... That's a wedding reference? Is the bitterness over losing the llast guy that thought he could marry a whore still hanging on strong?
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Old 07-16-2016, 10:10 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

Most "sensible" whores post their ads, suck dick or sit on cocks and collect their money and move on..... YOU on the otherhand came on spoiling for a fight and found one..... or two.....

CLASSIC EJL post...starts playing around...then can't keep up...resorts to attacks and put downs...then when she finds out shes outgunned, plays the PITY card. Passive Agressive by definition.

When you wanna rent a high mileage Hoogar, ALWAYS remember to request the HOFAX!

Know the history the Ho history & nothing BUT the Ho history. Whats been put in it, whats been taken out of it... Are the miles city or highway? Has it had regular tune ups? Fluid exchanges? Body damage? Hail damage?


HOFAX is a trademarked division of TOYZINDUSTREEZ. Any use of this image can result in serious shit. Order a personalize HOFAX on any Hoogar for the introductory price of $37.50.

AS per normal, Operators are lying around waiting on your call...

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Old 07-16-2016, 10:18 AM   #60
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Hofax. Classic!
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