My natural boobs were about your size but I got a boob job as soon as I could afford it because I just always wanted larger breasts personally.
From what I can see of your body my advice would be to wait until your natural breasts show more signs of sagging.
What you have right now naturally
can't occur outside of nature so don't sacrifice it until you see signs of mild sagging at least. Small breasts give a fresher, more innocent look that you can capitalize on for at least a few more years. Then when your naturals start to lose a bit of volume and show sag you should get the implants to firm everything back up and fill it out again.
Natural, small perky boobs are a helluva lot more rare in the escorting world than big fake tits and as a result they'll bring in more money. If it's just a money thing and you don't particularly want big boobs then wait as long as you can get away with before you get the surgery.
Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
Really it would honestly only be for the marketing purposes I wouldnt be doing it for myself