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Old 06-25-2016, 07:18 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
My post has nothing to do with democrats or republicans and/or who started the KKK. I was merely sharing information on the board for discussion. As usual, you make it into a war between democrats and republicans.
go wipe your libtard ass with double strength charmin. your ass stinks so bad even assup the pig is complaining from it's clarksville pig sty.

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Old 06-25-2016, 07:20 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
so is Sassysue, woomby as a transgender now
transgender octopussy

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Old 06-25-2016, 07:29 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
You would think as a civilized society we would have risen above this kind of prejudice and hate. Look how active the KKK is in these cities today:

Article from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a Dim shill organization.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I'm waiting with baited breath for the list of Black Panthers, Occupy, and Black Lives Matter list. Oh yes, lets not forget the Nation of Islam. I'm waiting....

Nathan Bedford Forrest-Confederate General, Slave owner, Democrat, First Grand Wizard of the KKK
Don't forget the Al Sharpton's National Action Network, another Democratic Shakedown organization.

Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
My post has nothing to do with democrats or republicans and/or who started the KKK. I was merely sharing information on the board for discussion. As usual, you make it into a war between democrats and republicans.
Sure it does, it just doesn't fit into your narrative. The KKK is dead or, at best, barely functional. Like your brain.

Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
so is Sassysue, woomby as a transgender now
If this is wombatraper, I'm surprised he doesn't already have 1000 posts. Maybe MilfDebbie?
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Old 06-25-2016, 07:41 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
You would think as a civilized society we would have risen above this kind of prejudice and hate. Look how active the KKK is in these cities today:

Thank you for pointing out what a non-existent problem the KKK is.

They have only 5000-8000 members in the entire country? That is a fraction of the size of Latin prison crime gangs.

And their tiny numbers show. When was the last time they committed an act of terror. All you get now are a dozen or so members having a protest march on MLK day while they are surrounded by 3 times a many protestors.

You are making a mountain out of a molehill. But for progressives, it's always white, Christian males that are the problem, right?

It's never a member of a minority group or any of those exotic foreigners you love to bring into the country is it? Even when you are being blown up by one of them.
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Old 06-25-2016, 08:18 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
My post has nothing to do with democrats or republicans and/or who started the KKK. I was merely sharing information on the board for discussion. As usual, you make it into a war between democrats and republicans.
Excuse me???
Uh, you don't go posting KKKrap like you posted in a POLITICAL forum and not expect it to get a POLITICAL response.

Fuckin' idiot!

We just thought you might like a little 'historical perspective' on a group you seem to be so interested in. So tell us.. What exactly motivated you to want a "discussion" on this particular segment of the DEMOCRAT party?
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Old 06-25-2016, 09:46 PM   #21
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
so is Sassysue, woomby as a transgender now
No, if it was Wombraider it would be"SissySue", lol.

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Old 06-25-2016, 10:52 PM   #22
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Please define "active".

My guess is 75% of these are just four to six morons meeting monthly at the community room of the Golden Corral to talk about the "good old days".

If "active" meant they've had a cross-burning in the past year, I'm guessing there are less than three or four of them in the whole USA.
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Old 06-26-2016, 02:48 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
I was merely sharing information on the board for discussion.
Was your "mere" information "sharing" to inform or incite?

If it was the former, what is it about you that "assumes" you need to "inform" members on the board of commonly known facts? If it was the latter, then you were successful, because ... see the "former"!

The following statement is to inform YOU!

If one can type on a keyboard or speak to a phonetic "keyboard," one is aware that the KKK is "alive and well," although severely neutered.

Since they and the Muslims you defend both hate Jews and Gays, your loyalty and support for the Muslims may create some conflict for you in the very near future .... once someone is voted in the White House who has some balls and calls a Muslim Terrorist what he or she REALLY IS!

If I may address your fundamental ignorance for a moment ... there are historically known towns that are not on the "list" you so proudly post, although old, and those places are HISTORICALLY KNOWN as being KKK tolerant.

It's too bad you don't expend your energy researching the cities and metro-areas in this country that are known for tolerating Muslim Terrorists, since they seem to be doing the most damage lately, except for Chicago of course, to the civilian population in this country, and the Muslim communities are not being very cooperative in isolating them and pointing them out to the White House and other Federal agencies. In other words: Since you're not doing tricks, at least do some Muslim terrorist hunting and make yourself useful!
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Old 06-26-2016, 08:36 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Was your "mere" information "sharing" to inform or incite?

If it was the former, what is it about you that "assumes" you need to "inform" members on the board of commonly known facts? If it was the latter, then you were successful, because ... see the "former"!

The following statement is to inform YOU!

If one can type on a keyboard or speak to a phonetic "keyboard," one is aware that the KKK is "alive and well," although severely neutered.

Since they and the Muslims you defend both hate Jews and Gays, your loyalty and support for the Muslims may create some conflict for you in the very near future .... once someone is voted in the White House who has some balls and calls a Muslim Terrorist what he or she REALLY IS!

If I may address your fundamental ignorance for a moment ... there are historically known towns that are not on the "list" you so proudly post, although old, and those places are HISTORICALLY KNOWN as being KKK tolerant.

It's too bad you don't expend your energy researching the cities and metro-areas in this country that are known for tolerating Muslim Terrorists, since they seem to be doing the most damage lately, except for Chicago of course, to the civilian population in this country, and the Muslim communities are not being very cooperative in isolating them and pointing them out to the White House and other Federal agencies. In other words: Since you're not doing tricks, at least do some Muslim terrorist hunting and make yourself useful!
It's too bad you and others like you on this board are not open to real facts and information going on right now in America. You are so caught up in your own little world and your own little opinions that you cannot possibly consider another point of view. You defend your own self righteousness by cyber bullying others if they do not agree with you. I really don't care and it's none of my business what you or others on this board think of me. I post this information because it's a national board and other people may not be aware of this information, including women who read the board.

The average American today is sick and tired of how the extreme right wing GOP has refused to compromise with democrats in the White House about any kind of change to help the working class. They only want to help lower taxes for the super rich and multi-national corporations. They only want to continue to cut taxes on capital gains, cut back and/or eliminate social security entirely, and/or privatize social security (which would eliminate it for the working poor), keep the wars going on and increase the already massive budget for national security and defense unnecessarily (so companies like Boeing, Brown & Root, Lockheed Martin, and other industrial war complexes can make gravy money). This is the main reason we have the deficit in America today. The deficit has actually gone down some since Obama took office. When Bush stepped in after Clinton, that's when we created a huge deficit, due to the Bush tax cuts for the super rich and the corporate tax cuts, as well as the unnecessary wars such as Iraq. He spent way too much on defense and military spending. He cut back on things for social welfare, like social security, education, and infrastructure. He made sure his constituents were taken care of, not the American people. Most Americans know for a fact that we were in the green and did not have a deficit when President Clinton was in office. After Bush stepped in, everything went downhill quickly. That is a fact. Trump is the one making it very easy for Mrs. Clinton to win the election. I actually wanted Sanders for President, and I like Elizabeth Warren better than Hillary Clinton. I think Sanders would have been more for the people and less for his constituents. However, Clinton is obviously much more qualified to be President of the United States than Trump and anyone can see that. Anyone with a sane mind that is.
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Old 06-26-2016, 08:48 AM   #25
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Let me see, the KKK is bad because they believe in a superior race but do not advocate for the genocide off all other races.
Muslims are good because they do advocate for the genocide off all that are not of their faith.

It is a good thing that as a nation we believe that all people regardless of their race, or religion are entitled to believe as they choose without the interference from the government.

Seems we have a conundrum here. Even the ACLU which so many of you hate has actually defended the KKK.

My my whatever shall we do.
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Old 06-26-2016, 09:15 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
It's too bad you and others like you on this board are not open to real facts and information going on right now in America.
And you are?

Old lady the "facts and information" that seem to congest your thought processes have little to do with current events .... you simply dredge up some old turds from the sewer and announce you have discovered fertilizer!

But that's what all you withering liberals are doing these days as the dusk of the impending night that is about to engulf you looms just ahead. There are those of US who love this country as it has been and will be. Too bad you and yours don't! Please step aside with you bile and let some light caurterize the infections you and yours have allowed to fester in this country in your lameass attempt to create what you perceive to be your "utopia"!

When people like you keep looking back you end up running into a wall full speed ahead or launching yourself off into a bottomless chasm. An experienced and successful sailor feels and smells the potential risks ahead before he or she ever lays eyes on what is over the horizon. Your lack of experience and knowledge reveals the depths of your ignorance.

You failed miserably, and so do your ilk. You are miserable so you spread misery.

Your grand experiment is almost over. It didn't work. Move on.
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Old 06-26-2016, 09:27 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And you are?

Old lady the "facts and information" that seem to congest your thought processes have little to do with current events .... you simply dredge up some old turds from the sewer and announce you have discovered fertilizer!

But that's what all you withering liberals are doing these days as the dusk of the impending night that is about to engulf you looms just ahead.

When people like you keep looking back you end up running into a wall full speed ahead or launching yourself off into a bottomless chasm. An experienced and successful sailor feels and smells the potential risks ahead before he or she ever lays eyes on what is over the horizon. Your lack of experience and knowledge reveals the depths of your ignorance.

You failed miserably, and so do your ilk. You are miserable so you spread misery.

Your grand experiment is almost over. It didn't work. Move on.
No way, Jose, I am here to stay. It's too much fun debating the issues. By the way, there are those that agree with me, whether you like it or not! What you think of me is none of my business (think I already mentioned that). I am free to make as many posts as I want. I am free to post whatever I want, and I do not cyber bully the way you and your friends tend to. By the way, "old lady" is a term that definitely does not define me.
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Old 06-26-2016, 09:32 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Even the ACLU which so many of you hate has actually defended the KKK.

My my whatever shall we do.
A close, long time friend, who is white BTW, marched with MLK in Mississippi, and was attacked by the police with gasoline pump hoses wrapped with barbed wire, and was left in the ditch along the road by the marchers who were able to get away from the beatings. He was found by some Klansmen in a pick up and taken to a local hospital to be sewn and patched up. 20-30 years later his back still looked like it had been set on fire with skin swirling and knotted. He was not angry with the police or the marchers, and certainly not at the Klansmen. He was better for it....scars and all.

“If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t.”
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Old 06-26-2016, 09:36 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
You are "building" nothing. You are regurgitating the past.
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Old 06-26-2016, 09:41 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And you are?

Old lady the "facts and information" that seem to congest your thought processes have little to do with current events .... you simply dredge up some old turds from the sewer and announce you have discovered fertilizer!

But that's what all you withering liberals are doing these days as the dusk of the impending night that is about to engulf you looms just ahead. There are those of US who love this country as it has been and will be. Too bad you and yours don't! Please step aside with you bile and let some light caurterize the infections you and yours have allowed to fester in this country in your lameass attempt to create what you perceive to be your "utopia"!

When people like you keep looking back you end up running into a wall full speed ahead or launching yourself off into a bottomless chasm. An experienced and successful sailor feels and smells the potential risks ahead before he or she ever lays eyes on what is over the horizon. Your lack of experience and knowledge reveals the depths of your ignorance.

You failed miserably, and so do your ilk. You are miserable so you spread misery.

Your grand experiment is almost over. It didn't work. Move on.
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