Originally Posted by Mokoa
Return Of the Jedi came out in May of 1983.
I stand corrected. I knew that a few minutes after I made that post but let it alone. I figured it would be important enough to someone and I would be busted, There are too many Star Wars historians to get away with such a misstatement.
I can cast no nerd stones that's for sure. Star wars isn't something I never put a lot of energy into. This may piss you off, but the first movie that came out in 77 or 78 is still the only one I have seen beginning to end in a single setting.
But that doesn't mean my comment about Leah in the collar and leash is inaccurate. That set me squirming in my seat what ever year it was. Didn't they add other Jaba scenes digitally after the fact years later? I think I saw that on a documentary somewhere.
You know if you want to set the eyes to rolling of all the other Star Wars fans and impress no one but me you out to check out Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a thousand faces". I haven't read it personally, but Joseph Campbell was interviewed by Bill Moyers at George Lucas Skywalker Ranch in 1988. The 6 hour conversation that came out of that is the best thing that has ever been on Television. Campbell's writing of mythological archetypes is where Lucas got his inspiration for the Star Wars Saga.
Regardless of where a culture forms on this planet the myth that is part of the foundation of that culture is common to the myth of other cultures across the world. Han Solo, Ulysses and hundreds of others are fundamentally the same.
I'm going to buy the collective works of Joseph Campbell in just a few minutes. Be my luck some archetypal Jungian will bust my chops for loose information about a book I haven't read.