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Old 04-30-2016, 06:32 PM   #1
JD Barleycorn
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Default Here comes equality...

Women have wanting "equal" rights for years but they refuse to accept equal responsiblity. We now have a woman who has passed Ranger training and the word is that she is to be given a billet as an infantry commander. If she earned this by passing all the tests then good for her. I think there will be problems but she did it the right way. Given that, the House Armed Services Committee has passed out of committee a bill that require all women to register for the draft when they reach the age of 18 years. Though there is no draft, this is ground breaking and breaks over 160 years of precedence.
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Old 04-30-2016, 06:41 PM   #2
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Old 04-30-2016, 07:35 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Women have wanting "equal" rights for years but they refuse to accept equal responsiblity. We now have a woman who has passed Ranger training and the word is that she is to be given a billet as an infantry commander. If she earned this by passing all the tests then good for her. I think there will be problems but she did it the right way. Given that, the House Armed Services Committee has passed out of committee a bill that require all women to register for the draft when they reach the age of 18 years. Though there is no draft, this is ground breaking and breaks over 160 years of precedence.
It is a truly fucked up country that wants its women to do their fighting.
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Old 04-30-2016, 11:31 PM   #4
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Women demanded the "right" to fight. If they can meet the physical requirements, more power to them. But I hope they aren't adjusting the requirements so they can fight. But I don't trust the government to put safety and quality before political correctness.
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Old 05-01-2016, 07:01 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Women demanded the "right" to fight. If they can meet the physical requirements, more power to them. But I hope they aren't adjusting the requirements so they can fight. But I don't trust the government to put safety and quality before political correctness.
Trusting our government in contraindicated on many levels.
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Old 05-01-2016, 07:32 AM   #6
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Women demanded the "right" to fight. If they can meet the physical requirements, more power to them. But I hope they aren't adjusting the requirements so they can fight. But I don't trust the government to put safety and quality before political correctness.
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Old 05-01-2016, 08:10 AM   #7
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What would the founding fathers have to say about this JDrunk?
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Old 05-01-2016, 08:14 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
It is a truly fucked up country that wants its women to do their fighting.
You are the face of American failure, JL. Another grumpy old man waving his fist at kids who walk over his grass. You can't stand America but can't survive in another country. You talk big but can't follow through.

No wonder you're a drooling Trumpite.

And, again, you will lose.

The world is changing. Maybe you should change ... Your diaper!

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Old 05-01-2016, 10:47 AM   #9
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The face of American failure is liberalism.
Just look at what liberalism has done around this nation. It is not difficult to see.
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Old 05-01-2016, 10:49 AM   #10
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"equality" is one of those liberal ideals where failure is no worse than success.
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Old 05-01-2016, 12:15 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You are the face of American failure, JL. Another grumpy old man waving his fist at kids who walk over his grass. You can't stand America but can't survive in another country. You talk big but can't follow through.

No wonder you're a drooling Trumpite.

And, again, you will lose.

The world is changing. Maybe you should change ... Your diaper!

Name calling does not support your arguement. The Army is known for altering standards to ensure higher female graduation rates. I am a former special operator so I speak from some experience. I completed Airborne school in the late 90s and after graduation spoke w my grandmother's brother, who parachuted into Normandy on d-day. He told me airborne school was the hardest thing he ever did (he was raised on a farm during the depression and understood hard work) and asked about how tough it was when i went thru. It was difficult to tell him what a joke it is was. The standards were dropped slowly over the years but the bottom fell out when women were allowed into the school.
I'm out now but I still have friends in the special operations community. They continue to say female Ranger trainees receive special treatment to increase their chances of graduation. Saying this openly to the media would have a negative impact on their careers. I wasn't there but i trust the sources i have. Ask yourself, what does the Y chromosome do? Clearly it makes most men better at picking up and carrying heavy shit. If special operators (and war fighters in general) do nothing else, they will always carry heavy shit around (water, bullets, batteries, weapons, armor, everything we use is heavy).
Yes the world is changing, but change is not always a good thing. Do I think we need women in the military? Absolutely. Men sometimes have a tendency to see only limited solutions to a problem. Women may see options less obvious to a male soldier. Also female officers may be better equipped at dealing w some problems that arise in integrated units, the biggest one being that females in the military eventually realize how many options they have. Many realize they can fuck anyone (everyone) in sight. See the link to the vehicle crash into a parked fighter jet. There are several of these incidents on the Web if you care to look for them. All involved a male driver and a female passenger assigned to guard the flightline. I wonder what they were doing tat was so distracting they didn't see the $100 million aircraft.


More reading if you'd like.



I also personally know some officers and enlisted that fully support women in special operations. Some people will say or do anything to advance their careers.
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Old 05-01-2016, 01:19 PM   #12
JD Barleycorn
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My experience is similar. I went to Naval Nuclear Power School in the late 70s at Orlando, FL. I was in the last class with no women. We heard at the end of our time about a couple of women having some serious troubles with the work load but you only get one shot at this. I injured myself (ruptured disks if you're interested) and was forced to drop out the last three weeks. Okay, fast forward about five years. I'm in New London, CT working on nuclear submarines. I have made rate (that means advanced or promoted) the first time, everytime. So I'm a E6 and then a female nuke arrived over at the NR-1 research sub. She was an E-7. They had a big write up about her and chronicled her naval career. Problem was the timeline, she had a missing six months after her basic school. Six months is how long phase one of nuclear power school is. Long story short, she was allowed to repeat phase one in order to get her to pass the cirriculum. So the navy bent the rules (and in doing so cost some guy his billet and advanced her which also cost some guy a promotion) in order to get this woman to complete the school.

All of this comes at a cost. If you put a person (man or woman) in charge of a company then someone else didn't get that job, didn't get that experience, and didn't get that leg up on their next promotion.
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