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Old 04-30-2016, 10:02 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by D1G1T4L_PHUCK3R View Post
Yes thank you for all the input! Even Twiggy, thank you for helping make this topic of discussion so bright & colorful, it truly shows how well you are in bed

Jade, when you came back from being banned, you pm'd me, wanting my business, all I said is your rates have sky rocketed from the last time I've see you, almost a year ago now, & thought it would be nice to receive grandfather rates. The only two times I've seen you our meeting was the third option on your menu, however it was a hundred less than it is now. You actually granted my request, but I stil haven't seen you.

Since the time you granted me grandfathered rates you've sent me pms with your phone number asking me to text you, so we can "chat." I still haven't text you. Now as I said before I don't like drama, so I won't go into why, but considering how you know that I don't have the same number without asking me why or what happened. Let's just say, I know. You & your friends should just leave me alone, however you can tell Jen I still have love for her.

one would think that if I so rudely "low balled" you wouldn't be pm'ing me again & again trying to get me to see you after giving me the requested grandfather rates. That is all I have to say, please leave me alone & good luck to you, be safe & have fun.
Trying to get you to see me?! Dude, I saw your ISO looking for someone to do an hour of oral like we used to do and that you thought I'd retired, so I PMed you! Don't you think if it had been me just wanting your business I would have accepted your low offers? I was trying to do YOU a favor and still offered you slightly lower grandfathered rates, to which you still couldn't do, cool. Nothing personal man. Do what you want with your $ but don't try to lowball me for something you know GOOD AND WELL is worth what I asked. You pretty much got a steal before for the hr+ of rough facefucking that you like.

I sent you my # because I thought you'd wanna talk and catch up, we used to actually be cool. Minus when you used to beg me to be FWBs, which is pretty insulting and pathetic in itself. Misconstrue that however you'd like to.

As far as this drama bs that you're referring... I'm completely lost. I say what I want and am outspoken but I don't thrive off drama. Me and my friends? Jenn? I don't know what kind of drama YOU'VE got yourself into or what you're smoking but leave me out of it. It's pretty petty of you to fabricate utter nonsense about me because you're mad. Have you really become a troll?

Bottom line: I was simply willing to do your lowballing self a favor and you haven't appreciated it, some have and some haven't. It's taught me a lot about favoring people. I didn't mean for you to get so fired up and accuse me of weird false accusations, but that's your prerogative. I thought you had a little more sense than that.
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:20 AM   #32
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Ha! Ha! Ha! Jade, I'm not the one fired up. As I said I don't like drama, but I do like spending my money on what I want, talk all the shit you want, by now most of the board knows how ballistic you get. Your false accusations & comments won't insult me or hurt me. I'm still gonna spend my hard earned money on the lovely hard working women in this community, even if I ask "stupid" questions as I did with this thread. I have a better understanding as to why 150 is not the norm for hhr.

Again thank you ladies & gents for your input!
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:20 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by GingerLyn Harte View Post
So I could take away the option all together..or tax on a ...let's call it a convenience fee
convenience fee, I LOVE IT!!!
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:25 AM   #34
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For some of us, we give discounts for longer sessions because we don't have as much prep or clean up between sessions.
For example, when I'm at home I change my sheets after every client (even bngs). If I have 4 bngs, that's 4 sets of sheets. If I have 2 hh sessions, that's 2 sets.
Plus towels or washcloths to have clean and ready.
Add my own showering or bathing, brushing teeth, etc between appointments.
These are some legit, reasonable & non-argumentative reasons why some of us don't just double our rates as we increase time of sessions.
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Old 04-30-2016, 10:29 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by D1G1T4L_PHUCK3R View Post
Ha! Ha! Ha! Jade, I'm not the one fired up. As I said I don't like drama, but I do like spending my money on what I want, talk all the shit you want, by now most of the board knows how ballistic you get. Your false accusations & comments won't insult me or hurt me. I'm still gonna spend my hard earned money on the lovely hard working women in this community, even if I ask "stupid" questions as I did with this thread. I have a better understanding as to why 150 is not the norm for hhr.

Again thank you ladies & gents for your input!
... You're literally delusional. I should've taken more heed to the red flags. I'm sorry things ended up like this and had no intention of personally attacking you like you have me. It was simply hobby criticism. I'm sorry for whoever has been "bothering" you but I have absolutely no part in it.
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Old 05-01-2016, 03:00 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by D1G1T4L_PHUCK3R View Post
You know, if 300 is the norm for the hour, why isn't 150 the norm for half?

it makes sense, and we are only paying for the time, any extra activities that go on are between two consenting adults.

(this does not include extras such as greek or fetishes)
I think your argument sounds good on the surface but does not hold up to a deeper look.

The main reason 30 min is typically not half of 60 minutes is because there are costs that do not scale. Five minutes or 30 or 60, the transportation to either your place or to her incall is the same. The time to clean up, shower, dress, pick up the sitter, etc., is the same for 30 min or 60. Whether a half hour or an hour, it puts a whole on the afternoon (or evening). Especially if she gets a room because you are the first/only appointment, that cost is the same for 30 min or 60.

And if you look around, half the product is often more than half the cost:
--I typically pay ~$80 for a good 60 min massage. If I can find a good half hour one it will cost more than $40.
--Friday I had a wonderful crab cake dinner--two crab cakes for $30. They also had a one crab cake dinner, cost $23.
--Clothing is often by-one/second-half-off, not first-one-is-half-off

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Old 05-01-2016, 03:38 PM   #37
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Keeping it real with honest input, thanks Old-T!
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Old 05-01-2016, 05:31 PM   #38
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Ah usually axks 'bout half hour rates cuz mos' gals cain't stand ta look at mah ug-lee face fer a hole hour wifout pukin' thar guts up an' dammit, Ah'm payin' ta fukk, not ta holdt sum hoogar's hair outta her face whilst she's a-huggin' tha procelain commodore!
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Old 05-11-2016, 08:39 AM   #39
Grace Preston
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As a lady who primarily tours, I don't even offer half hour rates anymore. But if I were to, they would not be competitively priced.

When you tour, or when you utilize a hotel for incall purposes... incoming traffic should always be a personal concern. I steeply discount longer visits to encourage lower room traffic... thereby decreasing both the risk of exposure to myself, and the risk of exposure to my client, should someone report unusual traffic or shenanigans coming from my room.

When I did have a permanent location in Dallas-- I would sometimes offer half hour sessions as a courtesy to returning clients who were short on time for any given day. But, they were not at a half rate.. more of a 3/4 rate (Hour of 200-- Hhr of 150). Cost of doing business is the same for us whether it is 30 minutes or one hour.
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Old 05-11-2016, 12:04 PM   #40
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Something no one has yet mentioned is the psychology of pricing models. Humans do not behave rationally despite our thinking otherwise. There are ways to influence buying behavior simply by adjusting price points.

Say a business sells two sizes of beer, an 8oz and a 12oz. If they wish to sell more 12oz beers than the smaller size all they have to do is group the prices close together. For instance, $5 for a small and $6.50 for a large. It's called contextual pricing. Consumers will look at that and see that "for only $1.50 more" they get a significantly larger size. It seems like a relative bargain.

If they wish to sell more of the smaller size all they have to do is separate the prices more. For instance, $5 for the small and $7.50 for the large is a 50% increase which is in keeping with the 50% more beer you get going from the 8-12oz. The "bargain" is no longer present and they will now sell more small beers than with the former pricing model.

Contextual pricing. Look it up.

Providers do this too, both intuitively and because of the fixed/variable cost issues already spoken about.

The vast majority of providers I've ever come across really don't like half hour appointments for a myriad of reasons. If they charge $200 for a half hour and $300 for an hour the psychological effect of that is that they will sell more hour appointments than half hours...which is exactly what those providers want. From the client's perspective they get 100% more time for 50% extra cost. A bargain! Our brains love bargains!

Everyone thinks they are rational, but humans are far more irrational than we like to believe. Its the reason economics is more art than science
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Old 05-11-2016, 11:09 PM   #41
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At this rate it'll be more cost effective to learn how to seduce women and take them home from special events, supermarkets, the bars, etc.. rather than cater to these greedy harlots.

Of course many of the providers justifying their prices are the types that normally wouldn't get a second look and couldn't get a gent to buy them a cup of water at a bar.
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Old 05-12-2016, 08:40 AM   #42
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I have my algorithm to calculate how much bang you get for the buck:

Bang Index = Total thrusts during the session / total fees for the session

For example, you fucked the provider for 200 thrusts (mouth, pussy and asshole combined) and you paid her $200. Then your bang index for the session is 1.

Fellow hobbyists, next time count how many thrusts you can get out of a session. You may be surprised if you get a band index below 1 - meaning more than ONE dollar for each thrust
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Old 05-12-2016, 08:56 AM   #43
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Unless a room is secured for just one session, fixed costs are probably a very small percentage of the fee charged.

I suspect the answer is value. That tends to be a bigger consideration than cost in a market where products can be differentiated vs. one that is highly commoditized. I think it is accurate to say that 70%+of the "value" of a one hour session can be delivered in 30 minutes. As long as that holds up, a monger would typically be willing to pay 70% the hourly rate for the shorter session so that's what any rational provider would charge.
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Old 05-15-2016, 04:00 PM   #44
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Outcall vs Incall.

If she has to travel it makes perfect sense to hike the HH rate to justify the journey and hassle.

If she's just sitting around her incall waiting for the phone to ring $150 for a half hr is an opportunity to make a damn decent wage for a room already paid for. Ego and pride won't cover daycare.
Of course this excludes those independently wealthy providers who just want to get paid for having sex

Those most strongly defending their perceived pussy value on the boards clearly have lots of non BCD time on their hands. The other providers are too busy fucking and collecting donations to give a shit one way or the other.

Twiggy is clearly the most pussy Broke provider on the board. When you're sitting around here typing all day of course you'll claim everyone is broke. Why else wouldn't your phone be ringing?
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