Originally Posted by arealwingdinger
... I suppose that the internet allows us to say things we would never have the balls to say in "real life" ...
But we aren't in "real life" here, are we? This isn't a physical place so fear of physical reprisal is nonexistent. You imply we should bemoan that fact?
When you show up for a pick up game of hoops at the Y, do you tell the fellas after your team got crushed what a good squash player you are? Or about the litigation you argued and won during the week. The sale you closed? Do you ask the guy who was posting you up mercilessly if he wants to step outside and put on the gloves? Or maybe go bowling instead?
No? I mean, WTF! Then why would you suggest what someone would write under a pseudonym on the internet should have any correlation to what they might speak under entirely different circumstances?