Originally Posted by rg138
Hey everyone and thanks in advance if anyone can be of assistance, but I am currently involved in the early research of what I hope to turn into a novel. A large portion of the plot is focused on this area of life, and I would be doing my own more hands on research if I was closer  Anyways I am just looking for any perspectives anyone might have had. Thanks in Advance.
Originally Posted by hgritstoo
As an author, you are supposed to write what you know about. You want to do research? Pick a lady and go see her several times. Don't just sit on the bed asking questions......let her blow your mind with a BBBJ finished off by asian cowgirl.
Then go see a half dozen different ladies. See how different they all are. Maybe then you will understand what is going on here.
If you need help finding the right lady(s) to do this with, lots of us will help, and there are "how to" manuals scattered throughout the forums. Just ask.
And don't be misled by all the "dirty, abused, diseased, whore" stories the media feeds you. Yeah, that type is out there.....but most of the women here have other lives. They're soccer moms, dental hygienists, nurses, beauticians.....ladies from all walks of life looking to make a few extra bucks and having one hell of a time doing it. They're clean, safe professionals.
Experience it yourself. Any attempt to understand it through the postings here alone will be nothing more than mental masturbation.
As the lady said… write what you know, and don’t make up ridiculous stories unless your creating a work of science fiction with an alternate universe. Otherwise, put some realism in it, do your research. Have you traveled locally, cross country or overseas? Maybe use that as a setting, but do your research in case there have been changes since, maybe a new railroad has been built, a statue, an arena or a new highway that closed off other areas. Since you’re planning on writing erotica, try writing some sex scenes now, even before you write a story, the simple act of fucking can be pretty detailed and even monotonous, so keep it interesting.
Maybe you can earn the trust of a lady who will answer the questions you won't find. You can suspend realism here and there, but keep it fun and entertaining. If you're doing a novel, write each chapter as you would a book report with a good segue to the next chapter, and above all, respect the readers intelligence.