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Old 03-05-2016, 10:41 PM   #1
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Default Maybe every provider should consider giving a discount for the 1st meeting, things are just too weird/awkward the 1st time

Complete strangers meeting for the 1st time and having sex within the first couple of seconds/minutes of encounter really makes for many times unforeseen hiccups. It's hard to iron out the wrinkles beforehand because most providers and clients are not comfortable detailing all the explicit things they do or would like to do during an appt. So a client is left with "winging it" with any info gained from reviews and commentary which often leaves a lot out. There's a lot of things both parties might have different preferences on; and even though the client is paying he might not have final say plus he wants to acquiesce to the provider's preference because she's providing the service and it's good for her to be as comfortable as possible. Both parties might be somewhat nervous even subconsciously and this really effects giving your best sexual performance, you're not as carefree and comfortable because it's unfamiliar territory. Then if u have different preferences like room temperature, too hot/too cold, music on/off, TV on/off, lights on/off, one party doesn't like their face touched, neck touched, hair touched, no smiling, no laughing, no pleasurable sex noises, no talking, unknown rigid sex controls/demands, time constraints, etc. those kinds things really effect the experience and expectations. Lots of potential for not getting the best bang if you prefer something different to the other party. This is more so a problem when the client is paying a sky high top end full rate/donation. There's not a lot of incentive to book again after naturally a first meeting has to have the kinks worked out.
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Old 03-05-2016, 11:01 PM   #2
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Charging regulars the highest rate sounds like a heck of a business plan.
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Old 03-05-2016, 11:22 PM   #3
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Wtf!!! A discount because you cant do your own research and your acting like a scared kid? If your scared or weirded out your in the wrong hobby, you need to take your ass to a dating site. Almost every provider has pics, reviews that are either good or bad and they state services. I dont know many ladies who wouldnt answer service questions and take any type of appoimtment requests if you have provided screening and thats been passed. If it's to cold or to hot.. your a big boy say something.. do we need to hold your hand. Tv should never be on, quiet music is ok.. never have heard someone pissed about that.. it can easily be turned off, as well as lights all you have to do is ask. Its a ladies right to chose what she charges, what she allows service wise and how her incall is. If you want the lighting perfect, tv on/off, a/c/heat on, music on/off then book an outcall and you can control your own space. If you dont want to pay a higher rate move on. Tons of other ladies to see.. if not maybe catch her if she offers a special. You want a carefree, comfortable session and her to put on a great sexual performance.. ha thats fucked the moment you tried to ask her to discount her rates just so your comfortable. As always when the door opens and if not interested you can walk away, you dont have a gun to your head!
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Old 03-05-2016, 11:55 PM   #4
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No no, I'm not talking about stuff u cant easily research, im talking stuff that falls through the cracks. Plus some chicks don't have many reviews or clients that have seen them. Nobody tried to discount anything and no one is scared. You're sounding really crazy right now Brittany_love, waay to many assumptions there dear. And a lot of ladies do discount new 1st time clients because they know stuff like that could happen.
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Old 03-06-2016, 12:17 AM   #5
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Im crazy? I have been on the boards since way back on ASPD with a stellar reputation. Im one of the nicest girl you would ever meet but will speak up when someone posts something like you have. I have great reviews, never have had a alert posted about me and have never ncns or cancelled on a client. You sir are the one whose crazy! You post crazy threads, have stalked a local provider, whoI know well and talk to whose had to block you because of it and then come here bitching and crying about it. You shouldnt have a problem with you above topic because im sure you have already been added to most providers DNS lists because of your stalkerish and unstable nature. You said nobody tired to discount anybody? Thats the tittle of your post! A lot of ladies discount first time clients? Please tell me who these ladies are because I dont see any well reviewed, reputable eccie ladies doing this. Most providers here will offer discounts to their good regular client who they have seen and enjoy spending time with. Why would a provider want to discount a new client who for the most part dont repeat and if they do almost always expect that same discount every time they meet. A discount is typical of a new lady trying to establish herself by offering a review special thats her choice.
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Old 03-06-2016, 12:32 AM   #6
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Yeah, I'm stalkerish. That's laughable. Guess that's why I'm constantly seeing providers that have 0 problem with me and I'm literally spending thousands of dollars every few weeks hobbying smh lol. I'm happy to be on the DNS list of any crazy person like u. $$$ saved.
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Old 03-06-2016, 01:13 AM   #7
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Your constantly spending thousands of dollars weekly but you post a thread about discounts thats makes a lot of sense. These providers you spends your thousands on dont get reviews? You only do so to the ones you stalk, which is present in everyone of these posts:








If thats not stalking I dont know what is!

Btw dear, you were on my DNS list long ago but you wanted to put me on your list to see me!

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Old 03-06-2016, 01:14 AM   #8
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Most of the money is made from the one and done. The regulars get the bills paid and become the white knights.

Either man up and ask for a discount or pay the full price to see if you pass the "look" test of a true trick. You know someone the provider would usually fuck for free but has tricked you into paying.
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Old 03-06-2016, 01:28 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Britttany_love View Post
Your constantly spending thousands of dollars weekly but you post a thread about discounts thats makes a lot of sense. These providers you spends your thousands on dont get reviews? You only do so to the ones you stalk, which is present in everyone of these posts:








If thats not stalking I dont know what is!

Btw dear, you were on my DNS list long ago but you wanted to put me on your list to see me!

Too many links I didn't open any of them. Since my first couple, I don't write reviews anymore of anybody I see. Only serves the psychos on Austin board who think if u write more than one review on one provider or you like a particular skill set about a provider and looking for others who can do the same u must be obsessed or stalking them. Strangely though only some people on the Austin board think crazy shit like this. No other cities in Texas do or have the crazy negative shit or psychos that Austin board does. Every other city board just has fun hobbying and looking for new thrills. I guess Austin really is weird lol.
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Old 03-06-2016, 05:28 AM   #10
Iron Butterfly
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Just open the door and fuck her brains out, who cares about all that other BS, thats what the hobby is, not dating. I have a good sence of how to make a session good regardless of the unknown, get some skills bro!

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Old 03-06-2016, 07:16 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly View Post
Just open the door and fuck her brains out, who cares about all that other BS, thats what the hobby is, not dating. I have a good sence of how to make a session good regardless of the unknown, get some skills bro!

That's what I'm saying, you might not be able to that and what your throught you were going to do by whatever margin because of preferences, but it's too late you already paid donation at the highest rate possible, so you probably won't see the provider again and give it a second go even though a second, third, and times after that would potentially be way way better, so it's a lose/lose for both parties.
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Old 03-06-2016, 07:20 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by galaxon00 View Post
That's what I'm saying, you might not be able to that and what your throught you were going to do by whatever margin because of preferences, but it's too late you already paid donation at the highest rate possible, so you probably won't see the provider again and give it a second go even though a second, third, and times after that would potentially be way way better, so it's a lose/lose for both parties.

Like I said...get some skills bro!

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Old 03-06-2016, 07:22 AM   #13
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This is a horrible idea. Awkward or not, we don't get to see pics of you first, and more than likely, we will still let you put your dick in one of our orafices. I'm all for just the opposite: upcharge for the awkwardness!

Edit: on second thought, I would just upcharge YOU. The rest of my first-time friends get me at my regular rate
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Old 03-06-2016, 07:30 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly View Post
Like I said...get some skills bro!

I feel like it has nothing to do with skills though, if they're pretty rigid about personal preferences that you didn't know about and had no way of knowing about beforehand, there's nothing your "skills" can do to change that lol.
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Old 03-06-2016, 07:34 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post
This is a horrible idea. Awkward or not, we don't get to see pics of you first, and more than likely, we will still let you put your dick in one of our orafices. I'm all for just the opposite: upcharge for the awkwardness!

Edit: on second thought, I would just upcharge YOU. The rest of my first-time friends get me at my regular rate
That's too bad because you look like a nice fiery latina and you do doubles with some of the most bad ass Houston ladies!
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