Date: 2/10/2016 - present
Provider: Highwayman64
Phone: will provide 4 days after the fact
Email Address: pm
URL / Website:
City: Upset
State: New York
Address: Icky Alert Forum
Post 5
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No... Four fucking days late
Activities: promoting members form contributors to modtards, teasing poultry, quoting oneself, "d'oh'ing oneself", going on merrily and then getting bitch slapped 4 days after the fact
Session Length: ongoing and unresolved
Fee: 5 points
Hair Length and Color: n/a
Age: fucking old and humorless
Smoking Status: Fuckin smokin pissed as a volcano
Attitude: Mixed the fuck up......
Physical Description: Looks nothing like the avatard....
Recommendation: No. Of course not. If I want points... I want disrespect and/or insulting remarks points. Let fuckers like OCD collect lameass hijack points.... I want the fucking tasty points... points that are worthy of a sprinckle of krill and cuntiness....