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Old 01-23-2016, 12:55 PM   #16
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I think it's a combo of things. Sitting behind a keyboard gives some people courage to judge, call out, be disrespectful and mean towards other people. I also think because they are paying for a providers time gives them every right to rip her a new asshole for whatever reason he deems fit. Others are just lowlifes with no self respect for themselves so why respect anyone else, especially a "hoe".

Luckily I don't fit into any of these categories. I'm no angel, but I was raised to respect women and other people in general, and that has never departed from me.
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Old 01-23-2016, 12:59 PM   #17
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I learned from a true gentleman. Thanks OTR!!
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Old 01-23-2016, 01:05 PM   #18
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As far as Savannah, don't let anyone here bring you down, you look just fine. I've had disappointments, bad luck, and very mediocre experiences in this hobby, and you certainly wasn't one of them. You're nice, fun, and good company.
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Old 01-23-2016, 01:14 PM   #19
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My parents always told me if you don't have anything nice to say keep it to yourself. Treat the ladies with respect and you will be rewarded. Hell Yea be nice and have fun, that's what this hobby is about!

One of the reasons I am successful at work is because I treat my employees the way I want to be treated. With respect, making sure they have the tools to do their job, and listening to their concerns. I thank them every day when they go home.

I appreciate every single provider I have been with. Some were better then others, but that is the way it is.
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Old 01-23-2016, 01:16 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
I try to stay as drama free as I can....Being an older provider who may not be the "prettiest,skinniest,youngest, most desirable" gal here,I have to work even harder to maintain my reputation...so I have learned to "pick my battles wisely".......I believe it is much more fun when we all get along...after all,we are all here to make money & have fun,right???

quote--to the men who always treat us ladies with respect, you are phenomenal men and we truly value having you in the hobby.

BTW--Gemma I think you are sexy as hell!!!

Dallas your still saved in my favorites on p411 and in my heart you rock Babe !!!

The Winter weather makes everyone bitch alot Quit It !!!
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Old 01-23-2016, 01:27 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
I have had , since the very beginning, so called men criticize the the way I look
This is me
I am 5'1
I weigh 115 lbs
I have a solid body.
From these photos you certainly do have a fantastic body Savannah! Don't let the haters get to you ladies. Every one of you is beautiful in your own way!
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Old 01-23-2016, 02:08 PM   #22
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Some people are just dicks who want to stir the shit, like the guy who spammed coed.

Other people seem to forget they are talking to and about real people. Women advertise their services and guys write reviews about their experiences. I think there is a tendency to view women as commodities rather than as people.

That is what happened in the thread likes/dislikes/dealbreakers, IMO. I don't think the OP had ill intent when he posted it but he did forget he was talking about real people who have real feelings.

Everybody has likes/dislikes and dealbreakers. But we don't have to run around telling everybody about them.

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Old 01-23-2016, 02:51 PM   #23
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I think the way the woman are treated here is contributing to the declining numbers. Who in their right mind would want to put up with some of this shit?

If you don't like a woman, don't see her. Ya don't have to belittle someone with personal attacks. At least not until you put up your own damn showcase.

We're chasing away good providers, keeping new ones out, and leading to the decline of ECCIE as a resource if we continue to treat the ladies like crap.

Enough of my soapbox. Carry on.
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Old 01-23-2016, 03:05 PM   #24
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I'm sure these types either have zero self-esteem...or have a secret hidden in some closet...or feel powerful hiding behind a screen. Probably a combo of all. There will always be those that latch on to these types and encourage such deplorable behaviour, but 90% see right through it.
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Old 01-23-2016, 03:06 PM   #25
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And much like my package, my font is small lol
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Old 01-23-2016, 04:26 PM   #26
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Savannah Gemma Dallas although we have not had the pleasure in person I always enjoy your post on here and look forward to seeing you on. So many have come and left but this is a fun community, hobby aside, keep being you. A little bitchy is very attractive and part of being strong women.

The guys that disrespect are douchbags and can go fuck them selves. Just ignore them and keep being you.
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Old 01-23-2016, 05:45 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
I'm beginning to wonder if the men on this site have more issues than the women on here...
Don't wonder about it Gemma, some clients simply belong on a dns list. In addition to the reinforcing comments made by the other gals in this thread, I have heard comments from other gals about guys going on their dns lists for similar stuff. And before anyone gets excited over discretion issues, what I hear is: sorry but I may be in a mood cause I added someone to dns list yesterday...
And no it's not a rescheduling gimmick, cause gals on my dance card are long term friends.

I note that "wrong way driver" has a key comment to seriously consider:
Originally Posted by noleftturn View Post
I have encountered these types throughout my entire working life...
I will add, so have I. My point being that some clients are just that way, regardless of real world, hobby world, etc. And in the real world, professional businessmen/women also stop doing business with these types of folks. And yes, word of mouth is also commonly used in the real world. I sometimes use the acronym "PITA" when we write up a "close client account".
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Old 01-23-2016, 06:13 PM   #28
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Ha! I knew as soon as I posted this that you would say something The difference is, this is your business and you're expected to post a lot. Providers need to maintain a presence on this board as a form of advertising! A hobbyist who posts 100 times a day, many of which are nasty comments, may have other issues.

Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
lol Fish babe...

I have almost 50,000 posts....but I CAN say that out of all of them there are VERY few "drama or whine" posts!! And my life is Eccie..,,...that may sound "sad",but to me it is "fun" to be a part of this community..it is my way of spicing up my "otherwise normal" life!!.....lol!
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Old 01-23-2016, 06:58 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
I'm beginning to wonder if the men on this site have more issues than the women on here. Let me explain... It seems lately we have more men taking personal jabs at the ladies than we do bickering bitches. It makes me wonder how they treat their wives or daughters. Why are men calling providers fat?..ugly?..old?..stupid?.. Why are they trying to out ladies?? Why is this??..!
who, is callng you names?
and online personas are not like real life personas.
lots of reasons for that.

I'll tell you why. Because IMO those men treat the women in their RL like shit! We are no different to them. In fact I think most men that are this hateful towards women in a woman's professional environment, should be deemed dangerous. I can't imagine any man in my RL calling me fat or gross. But it's certainly acceptable here!!![/QUOTE]

sorry to hear that, but look at my sig
I get tons of crap, yet I rarely, if ever, call anyone names, etc it relates to what i said above
"professional environment"?
you mean this board?

Originally Posted by Gemma34;1057722864
Take whats been said to Jessika...and Shayla...Savannah...Myself and [I
many[/I] others. No man in RL would ever speak to a woman that way and not get back-handed! Oh but on eccie they can. Eccie gives these revolting fuckers more power and I'm fucking sick of it. Sure, I've been rude and poked jabs before and sometimes in fun...other times to be nasty. But I'm a bitch. I'm programmed that way (doesn't make it right but I am)... It's in our nature to be somewhat catty towards other females... Ok, maybe that last part isn't true for all ladies.... but I'm sure most can relate. !
I love how you causally mention physically striking a man like it's perfectly acceptable.
It's not. and why would you think it was?

but you mentioned a point,power"
on eccie/life, women have power..
look at where you are, men throwing weeks worth of pay to "spend time" with a lady and THEN SHE EXPECTS A TIp!
now that's power

Look other providers, kimmy delight comes to mnid, she gets top notch reviews, sets a high price and lets guys come to her, there is no reason for ladies to interact with guys as much as some do.

Originally Posted by Gemma34;1057722864
But seriously, what is going on?? My dns list is so damned long I can't even remember the names on it anymore...I have to physically check. And to the men who always treat us ladies with respect, you are phenomenal men and we truly value having you in the hobby. Is there a difference in how you gentlemen treat the ladies in your life (respect-[I
wise[/I])? Whether it be on a professional level or an intimate level or other... I think we need to discuss this topic and find some resolution... Sure we are all pretty thick-skinned in this hobby and can handle it, but does anybody know what that does to a lady?..To be called names based on how others see them?? To be publicly humiliated?? This job depends on our looks first and foremost, so when I get called fat and gross, it stays with me all day and has me down in the dumps,...as it does most ladies. Even the most confident will have those slicing words in the back of her mind all day... We are sensitive creatures, and we certainly don't deserve to be disrespected this way. !
you dont get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate

and again
its the internet
ignore the people and be confident with what you got, or change it...but you think being any hotter is going to make people not say mean things?
arent you confident about yourself? you have guys pay $ 300 to spend 60 mins with you? and then you get sad cause some guy calls you fat on the internet

but whining that "people are MEAN!" isnt going to do anything to change people being mean.
or do you think it will?
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Old 01-23-2016, 07:42 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker View Post
who, is callng you names?
and online personas are not like real life personas.
lots of reasons for that.

sorry to hear that, but look at my sig
I get tons of crap, yet I rarely, if ever, call anyone names, etc it relates to what i said above
"professional environment"?
you mean this board?

I love how you causally mention physically striking a man like it's perfectly acceptable.
It's not. and why would you think it was?

but you mentioned a point,power"
on eccie/life, women have power..
look at where you are, men throwing weeks worth of pay to "spend time" with a lady and THEN SHE EXPECTS A TIp!
now that's power

Look other providers, kimmy delight comes to mnid, she gets top notch reviews, sets a high price and lets guys come to her, there is no reason for ladies to interact with guys as much as some do.

you dont get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate

and again
its the internet
ignore the people and be confident with what you got, or change it...but you think being any hotter is going to make people not say mean things?
arent you confident about yourself? you have guys pay $ 300 to spend 60 mins with you? and then you get sad cause some guy calls you fat on the internet

but whining that "people are MEAN!" isnt going to do anything to change people being mean.
or do you think it will?
BP must be dead tonight or are you broke?
You should probably get that tunnel vision looked at...
I know a few Drs. That can get you in fairly quickly
HMU if you need the #'s
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