What's with black or mixed black? I was taught you are not mixed in the head so you are not mixed you a black. I know what's in me but I am a black woman.
Now this not seeing black woman due the risk of them being ghetto I ask would you say I don't see caucasian women due to risk of her being excuse me here trailer broad or trash? Why is it that this is the most common thing you hear across boards? Think about that for a minute.
When gentlemen callers say "you're different" "I see not all of you people act the same"

etc I reply you pick the wrong women that's your fault. I mean come on you call the girl & if she is speaking slang don't see her. Above all don't judge from sight alone.
As far as conversation goes most were shocked to see my nails, my hair colors {I love changing my looks as far as hair} I spoke as they call it proper English. Others thought I was the boys but in reality it's their ignorance. I will not lie & say I don't see color because I'm not blind. I've had interactions with many races that were good/bad. I've met guys that had those braid things in their hair, saggy pants etc & nothing yet a dude in a suit robbed me. I give no pass due to color black, white, brown I'm equally cautious. I'm not going to relax because this guy is white & be on defense because he's black. I'm going to be on guard for all. This not wanting to see black women is your choice but to hid it behind not wanting drama{heard this too many times} is insulting/lie. Drama has no color, trouble has no color, ghetto/trashy has no color, thief has no color, ignorance has no color. One just chooses to use ghetto to describe black women & trashy trailer you know what to describe caucasian women. Both not a good idea for a pleasurable encounter.