Originally Posted by WTF
No talking about another's spouse or kid is not cool. You know that.
And I'm not sticking up for him, I'm sticking up for a minimum of civility. Asking around about people's personal information is what Hookers do all the fucking time. Are you now saying that is a no no?
TFF! And, this "minimum of civility" is coming from WTF ... who peeks into the areas restricted for women and who did the following:
So, now it comes around full circle. WTF contact NM for an appointment, but he does not comply with her screening requirements as he's trying to get appointments without "this three references bullshit."
NM refuses and WTF gets beligerent and abusive, cursing at her, calling her names trying to goad her into an appointment without references.
She puts an alert on Infoshare about his boorish, abuse behavior and since WTF has been peeking into the ladies room, he sees the alert. WTF goes on a rampage on the open Board seeking to damage her reputation by claiming that she's posting RL information and also claiming that her screening criteria include divulging RL info, both of which are patently false. He further tries to cover this by claiming that it wasn't his RL info in the alert, but some other hobbyists'. He then claims that she "blasted" the alert on multiple websites, but he refuses to identify the website(s) ... this is also patently false.
The end result is that WTF has to promise the Mods that he won't any longer "speculate" as to what is posted in Infoshare, he admitted that he lied and he can't support any of his "speculations"
Good luck with all those no-mind fucked three reference bullshit appointment offers that I'm sure are filling your inbox.
See Dude, you have no interest in helping NM ... you just don't want everyone to know exactly what you have done cause you know you'll never get another appointment again.