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Old 12-09-2015, 03:41 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by David-Louisiana View Post
The new inventory tax on tank farm inventories. Usage in Louisiana will be as minimal as possible. This will hurt the shipping industry. Ships, barges, and rail and everything which services them.
You're right. Forgot about that. Add that to the VAT-like processing tax our new elected idiot wants to implement and Louisiana is going to be much less competitive moving forward. I know a lot of people don't like Big Oil, but none of this really impacts Big Oil - it impacts families inside AND outside the industry, as Al has highlighted.
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Old 12-09-2015, 07:34 PM   #17
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Ohhh BOY!!!!!

1. Mom, Pop, Brother, Sister and so on don't go to the pump to buy google, money invested into companies like Google is just that....an Investment and not a necessity......disposable income is used to make those investments......people were having to choose between eating or Gasoline.......NOT A GOOD THING....... Gasoline is a necessity and alternatives had to be found......

3. and....p98397....Huffington Post....That's a good one (and an assumption!!!!) I had to look Huffing post up......nah....I wouldn't read that crap.....pure Liberal Garbage and Propaganda......still can't figure out what KOS is, plus I don't really care to look it up.....

and another thing p98397....Oil Derivatives, ETF's, Oil Futures and whatever else they go by....... are commodities even by the Strictest definition.....and Oil Companies, Commodity Traders and Government Taxing Authorities has priced Big Oil right out of Business!!! When someone makes you choose between Gas and Food.....they become the enemy!!!! and believe me........millions and millions of people around the world are looking for ways......to beat the pump!!!!!

One more thing p98397.....take some of your own advise.....you said...."you sound like an idiot.....I say you need to ....crack open some books and Learn "About Business".....

Personally, I don't think the Oil Industry will ever be what it was.....In my sixty plus years I've been through two of these "industry collapses"......and those industries are just memories. Look around and listen.....cars are smaller, they burn A LOT LESS FUEL and cars are rapidly going electric, the number of cars that Tesla has produced is shocking, I would have NEVER guessed it was that many.

Listen to the news.....Climate Change, Climate Change, Climate Change.....they are GOING to enact GLOBAL Agreements to reduce emissions, Transportation and "Fuel Burning Engines" are STILL a big culprit......a real easy target to hit.

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Old 12-09-2015, 07:54 PM   #18
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and why the earth is greener today than ever in our lifetimes.
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Old 12-09-2015, 08:18 PM   #19
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BTW, you wouldn't have computers but for the R&D and new products from petrochemical companies. They invented lots of manufacturing techniques to utilize chemicals they discovered they could make from oil/natural gas in the 1950's and 1960's.
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Old 12-09-2015, 09:16 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Kernelingus View Post

....oil is a necessity and should never been allowed to become a commodity!!!!
You are the one that claimed oil should not have been "allowed" to be a commodity. MANY things are commodities that are not necessary to sustain human life. Gold, silver, aluminum, wool, palm oil, etc. By your definition, since wool is a commodity, SHEEP ARE THE ENEMY!

If you want to debate the oil industry with someone, choose someone else-i have been in the industry a LONG time.

Current demand is projected to GROW for the next several years, regardless of advances in electric cars- oh and RESPONSIBLE oil companies are already emitting less net carbon than was called for recently in Paris.
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Old 12-10-2015, 08:55 AM   #21
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This is not a debate nor is this a debating forum....this is a forum for POV's.

As far as how long you have been in "The" business....that is pointless and silly to even say such a thing???? You really need to take some "General Business Courses"....just because you are in the Oil Business doesn't change how business works...The Oil business is only different because the production methods are different, the vernacular is different, the end product is different and so on and so on......just like in all other businesses and industries......Those differences don't change the dynamics of supply and demand, payroll's, expenses, debt and so on and so on.....profit has to be made.....bills have to be paid.

The Oil industry is in BIG TROUBLE......and this is not the first time it's happened to a "Big Industry".....Look at Steel......Once a Stalwart in American Industry and Might......no more!!!

Current Demand is Expected to Grow.....that is whistling in the dark......if they didn't see this crash coming a year ago.....how can they see demand growing in a "few years"????

and your commodity POV.....you need to stop, it's painfully obvious that you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.....all of your examples ....bad choices....Oil/Gasoline.....a necessity.....like food.....and when people are forced to make a choice between the two......one is going to lose to an alternative and I'm not aware of many alternatives to food!!!!

Finally......"RESPONSIBLE oil companies are already emitting less net carbon than was called for recently in Paris".....they might be......but.......The "Oil Companies Emissions" are not the probleml!!!

Any David.....Take a few trips out west......"It ain't green man".....and it's happening in many places around the world......when you go see it.....it will scare the crap out of you.....those people are SUFFERING.....no rain, no snow, dried up lakes, rivers and aquifers !!!! and it's getting worse for them. We never hear about it but they are "encourage" to flush their toilets only as a "necessity"....public service commercials are asking them to take buckets into their showers and to use the "used" shower and bath water to water their plants.....and that "dry spell" is slowly eking it's way east!!!!
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Old 12-10-2015, 10:11 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Kernelingus View Post

This is not a debate nor is this a debating forum....this is a forum for POV's.

As far as how long you have been in "The" business....that is pointless and silly to even say such a thing???? You really need to take some "General Business Courses"....just because you are in the Oil Business doesn't change how business works...The Oil business is only different because the production methods are different, the vernacular is different, the end product is different and so on and so on......just like in all other businesses and industries......Those differences don't change the dynamics of supply and demand, payroll's, expenses, debt and so on and so on.....profit has to be made.....bills have to be paid.

The Oil industry is in BIG TROUBLE......and this is not the first time it's happened to a "Big Industry".....Look at Steel......Once a Stalwart in American Industry and Might......no more!!!

Current Demand is Expected to Grow.....that is whistling in the dark......if they didn't see this crash coming a year ago.....how can they see demand growing in a "few years"????

and your commodity POV.....you need to stop, it's painfully obvious that you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.....all of your examples ....bad choices....Oil/Gasoline.....a necessity.....like food.....and when people are forced to make a choice between the two......one is going to lose to an alternative and I'm not aware of many alternatives to food!!!!

Finally......"RESPONSIBLE oil companies are already emitting less net carbon than was called for recently in Paris".....they might be......but.......The "Oil Companies Emissions" are not the probleml!!!

Any David.....Take a few trips out west......"It ain't green man".....and it's happening in many places around the world......when you go see it.....it will scare the crap out of you.....those people are SUFFERING.....no rain, no snow, dried up lakes, rivers and aquifers !!!! and it's getting worse for them. We never hear about it but they are "encourage" to flush their toilets only as a "necessity"....public service commercials are asking them to take buckets into their showers and to use the "used" shower and bath water to water their plants.....and that "dry spell" is slowly eking it's way east!!!!
Scientific FACT get over it, worldwide everything is greener. BTW, there is no terrestrial plant life without CO2 it is what plants exist on and that process is called photosynthesis. Greener in spite of the clear cutting of rain forests to plant palm plantations.

Yes, the use of hydrocarbons is a growth forecast, not nearly like any time in the 20th Century is percent but still growth by at least 1% per year is forecast for the next decade or two.
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Old 12-10-2015, 10:24 AM   #23
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It is even more apparent who doesn't actuality know much about commodities. Try looking up a list of what is defined as commodities that are actually publicly traded as such-you will see that the actual real world doesn't fit your perception.

As far as the current "crash," that has a LOT more to do with a supply glut created by industry response to >$100 oil paired with the financial crisis in China slowing demand GROWTH. Bear in mind, however, that demand IS still growing, just not at the rate that was predicted, as no industry or government entity could predict the depth of Chinese financial collapse. Make no mistake though, demand is growing and will continue to do so as developing countries (India, Indonesia, etc) continue to grow.

For you to compare the Oil industry to the steel industry is ridiculous. The steel industry is actually thriving, just not in the US-as we have unionized and regulated ourselves out of that market. Rest assured, the oil industry is NOT in big trouble, and won't be in big trouble during our grandkids' grandkids' lifetime.

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Old 12-10-2015, 05:26 PM   #24
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You boys just keep whistling in the dark. This thread started about opec overproducing.......THEY HAVE TOO!!!!

Opec is turning into a free for all.....they will all overproduce....they have to.....they all need x amount of dollars and the only way to get it is by selling barrels of oil.

The Saudi's have burned through their cash reserves....Iran hasn't started yet and when they do it's going to be new revenue for them. Mexico will start flooding an already flooded market and it's new revenue for them.

Just keep telling yourself how much better it's "going" to get.....oh it's going to get so much better....oh yea!!!! Meanwhile all of the oil companies have to stay afloat, service all that debt and still turn a profit, mmmm hmmmm it's going to great in the oil patch!!!

I smell lots of m&a's, some extreme downsizing and bankruptcy's.....lot's of bankruptcys .... more than has already been done!!!

It's going to get far, far worse before it gets one iota better.....if it ever gets better!
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Old 12-10-2015, 08:21 PM   #25
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"It's going to get far, far worse before it gets one iota better.....if it ever gets better!"

I guess I want to know the answer to this one question:

When will the $300+ pussy fall below $100 in Louisiana?

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Old 12-10-2015, 10:01 PM   #26
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You have my vote trainwreck....I don't have a clue as to why LA isn't like other parts in the country, I go to L.A. several times a year and $200 there will get you a smokin hottie with a damn good time!!!!
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Old 12-10-2015, 10:20 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by trainwreck+ View Post
"It's going to get far, far worse before it gets one iota better.....if it ever gets better!"

I guess I want to know the answer to this one question:

When will the $300+ pussy fall below $100 in Louisiana?

There are too many dawgs with disposable income for that. The issue right now is demand, so many industries worldwide are shrinking. Our USA is about to see the largest credit default ever when the fed raises interest rates. Next two years will brutal.
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Old 12-10-2015, 10:37 PM   #28
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Old 12-10-2015, 10:46 PM   #29
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Nutters have been saying that we would already have used up all the oil. We have more than ever with demand growing.
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