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Old 11-25-2015, 04:33 PM   #31
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Wow! That was not my intention at all.

When something really pushes your buttons, it's because of something you have not dealt with in your past. If you don't like what I have to say, block me.

Gemma, you know me and I didn't become this way magically.

Savannah, you seem very bitter. I'm sorry that you feel that way on the holiday.

I don't know everything and I don't claim to. One thing I do know is that if ladies don't think guys are judging your personality by what you post on the board, you are sadly mistaken. Many have a list and I have many clients who have chosen to see me because of my positivity and care for others.

Ya know, it amazes me how some people get on here and lash all there shit put on kind hearted people who have something to offer. Save that shit for your personal life.
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Old 11-25-2015, 05:30 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
Well I think it's a nice thing what bcpl is trying to do but I don't feel sorry for the hooker at all. I feel sorry for her kid, but it's not my problem. In fact, it's nobodies problem on here. We can't save every hooker that cries she's got a hungry kid. If she can't learn to utilize the resources out there then fuck it. Someone call the state. Perhaps the kid will be be better suited in a foster home.

I'm sick and tired of kids being brought into this hobby.
Sometimes it's a fine line between being compassionate and being an enabler. Gemma explained it perfectly.
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Old 11-25-2015, 05:46 PM   #33
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It's been my experience, for the most part, when helping others eye ball to eye ball with people you don't really know that the helper (me) ALWAYS gets taken for a ride, that is taken advantage of, sort of like the OP, if not out and out scammed.

Don't have to get burned too many times to get an attitude of "if there ain't nothing in it for me, it ain't gonna happen" and I don't do promises. It is "only money" but it's my money! Cold as hell but that's where life has taken me. When I relate that story the come back is ALWAYS "but I'm not like that!" In the end they are exactly like that!!

For the record I did get in touch with the lady in question. I guess she didn't need help that much. Se la vi.

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Old 11-25-2015, 06:04 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by dumars View Post
It's been my experience, for the most part, when helping others eye ball to eye ball with people you don't really know that the helper (me) ALWAYS gets taken for a ride, that is taken advantage of, sort of like the OP, if not out and out scammed.

Don't have to get burned too many times to get an attitude of "if there ain't nothing in it for me, it ain't gonna happen" and I don't do promises. It is "only money" but it's my money! Cold as hell but that's where life has taken me. When I relate that story the come back is ALWAYS "but I'm not like that!" In the end they are exactly like that!!

For the record I did get in touch with the lady in question. I guess she didn't need help that much. Se la vi.

Truth. Business is a bitch. Every once in a while the sympathy card is played.. It's just a part of business. Whatever brings in the money. You summed it up well. C'est LA vie.

Side note, what's with the snappiness among the ladies? Good intentions don't need to be ridiculed. I don't care either way but I find it funny that this happens quite a bit.
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Old 11-25-2015, 06:10 PM   #35
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Because Ari...it is a scam... I'm not up for someone playing BS games to get my feelings in an uproar.
I care about people and how this is a promotional thread instead of a legitimate issue PISSES ME OFF... especially when there really are people out there struggling and suffering and I always pictured you smart enough to see through something like this it's not about being bitter .....it's about being pissed off because some dumb m************ trying to get brownie points
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Old 11-25-2015, 06:14 PM   #36
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I retread my post and don't think that I suggested anything like that.

I just had an offline convo with Gemma as we are friends. She said she knows how girls can be and she doesn't want to see guys taken advantage of, and I totally agree, it happens all of the time. My opinion is if you are seeing the girls on the bottom of the totem pole for cheap thrills, that's the chance you take. Sorry guys, you don't get a total package with her head on straight for that donation request period. And no one can argue with me about that. The girl is not asking for 40 when she could ask 250 because she has her shit together.

So in short, I told Gemma I don't give a fuck about what happens to guys who play at the bottom of the barrel....that's what your cheap add gets.
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Old 11-25-2015, 06:15 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by A2theb2thec View Post
Truth. Business is a bitch. Every once in a while the sympathy card is played.. It's just a part of business. Whatever brings in the money. You summed it up well. C'est LA vie.

Side note, what's with the snappiness among the ladies? Good intentions don't need to be ridiculed. I don't care either way but I find it funny that this happens quite a bit.
And you ..MR PDF.. Need to step back...
Surely we have to 18 year olds coming through don't we to keep you occupied
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Old 11-25-2015, 06:38 PM   #38
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Savannah, noted. I reread what I wrote and I don't think that I mentioned giving anyone anything but ideas of where to go for help. Then you didn't get involved and what they do with it is up to them.\

Gemma and I are friends and we just had an offline chat, but I will say in public what I said to her.

She said she wanted guys to know so they wouldn't get screwed around. My response, I don't give a shit about the guys who are seeing women at the bottom of the barrel. That's what you get for going after cheap thrills, a fucked up situation most of the time.

Think about it...why is someone who could charge 200, ask that donation? Because they are sketchy, they are in survival mode, and they are stuck in a cycle of trauma where they see no escape.

If you put yourself in that situation as a grown ass man with access to this site with lots of info...that's what you get. When you don't want shit to be sketchy 75% of the time, then up your standards. You get what you pay for.

And if you want a solution to get over your addiction to cheap sex and can't afford more, I suggest Sex Addicts Anonymous.

I'm still not sure how everyone took it as me saying play"captainsaveaho" if nothing else what I suggested will get someone to stop asking you for money because they already know what you are going to say. So there's a little nugget for ya.
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Old 11-25-2015, 07:06 PM   #39
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Here's a nugget to go with yours Ari
OP has little or zero respect for women
I would just almost guarantee he's not going to do anything unless something is involved as a perk for him and his approach in the title makes me want to invite him over for a free dom session...you with me here. LOL
He could have posted that up in the mens locker room it was it necessary for him to put this out there like he did for everybody he just likes to throw sand in people's faces whenever he gets the opportunity makes me want to puke in my mouth a little bit you can call it bitter if you want... can call it whatever you want!! I call it like I see it aka the world according to Savannah moon everyone have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving be safe please... even U OP you little spineless wuss
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Old 11-25-2015, 07:19 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
...makes me want to invite him over for a free dom session...
Ok, you've ruined another 100 pound punching bag? And need another target?

But yes, you and Gemma nailed it.
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Old 11-25-2015, 07:28 PM   #41
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Shirley ( no not her) she could start a go fund me page.
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Old 11-25-2015, 08:27 PM   #42
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So after speaking with everyone offline as us ladies can, at times, sound snarkier than we actually are in RL---- I'm understanding it better from all Pov's.

I would like to say, I am a very generous and helpful person--I just happen to be very cautious who I lend my helping hand to. I guess people have to give me a good vibe or give me the sense that they are trying to help themselves as well. I'm a work in progress, but I'm trying and am thankful for the friendships I have--they help keep me grounded.

Okay, I'm done being nice! Happy thanksgiving you fucktards and hooktards!
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Old 11-25-2015, 08:37 PM   #43
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[QUOTE=Savannah Moon;1057490037]Here's a nugget to go with yours Ari
OP has little or zero respect for women
I know that and I also know women scam. Lots of them. Additionally, Just because I don't talk in Ebonics and live in the hood, doesn't mean that I am not street smart...so don't assume I don't get it, Savannah. Actually most of the posters missed my objective which was to use this shitty thread to get info out.

My point being if you (as in OP and others) want something for nothing then don't be surprised when shit goes sideways.

That's what I'm tired of hearing. Guys who take risks for cheap thrills and then get online and bitch like little girls. You had it coming buddy. There is a reason that my donation is where it is and it isn't just looks or services, it's insurance.

It's so irritating when people who are much newer to the scene than I am think I don't know what I'm talking about and jump my ass for being positive. Perhaps that's why I am where I am and you are where you are.

Negativity will always draw negativity and put you on the best clients DNS list immediately. It's not attractive. I made some men's see lists and have already gotten requests based on what I have written in this thread.

Based on how you have presented yourself in this thread, I don't care to ever meet you, and don't even know who you are. You present yourself how you choose but you are the one with the wool over your eyes if you think guys aren't judging you based on your posts, they tell a lot more than photos or reviews.

I was told you were a Wichita girl and then it all made sense. So, don't assume I'm some soft, push over, you are sadly mistaken. I respect everyone until you give me a reason not to do so. The truth is, I'm the last girl you want to fuck with...and that's not a threat but an absolute promise.
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Old 11-25-2015, 08:45 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
Here's a nugget to go with yours Ari
OP has little or zero respect for women
I would just almost guarantee he's not going to do anything unless something is involved as a perk for him and his approach in the title makes me want to invite him over for a free dom session...you with me here. LOL
He could have posted that up in the mens locker room it was it necessary for him to put this out there like he did for everybody he just likes to throw sand in people's faces whenever he gets the opportunity makes me want to puke in my mouth a little bit you can call it bitter if you want... can call it whatever you want!! I call it like I see it aka the world according to Savannah moon everyone have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving be safe please... even U OP you little spineless wuss
Nailed it!

Dom session isn't good enough though. He needs to get pegged with a big one.
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Old 11-25-2015, 09:23 PM   #45
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Mods, I'm done here with the cat fight, I will take it offline if I have anything else to say.

It's amazing how I post something positive and it undoubtedly goes to shit by those who thrive on drama. I know better than to waste my time trying to share knowledge with people who don't want it.
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