Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How many Nazis did we invite in only to find out that they were mass murdering camp guards of the like. Difference is that those guys were trying to hide and not kill us.
Umm... pretty sure there were a few. Most probably went down south to Brasil and Argentina.
Geez... obviously JD. Dude.. this is totally different battle we're fighting here from WWII or any of the fucking wars we have had... This isn't a war per say.
I dunno what the hell this is.. there's never been such a concerted mass killing done in the past without borders and with no real central location to hit.
People have a hard time understanding this is an ideology we are fighting. There are established groups fighting to exterminate non-muslims especially the westerners and muslims they don't like... then there are people who become radicalized (AKA the fucked up in the head people like the maniac Christians going on shooting sprees) and then there are the people who go to ISIS and get trained and come back as combatant jihadists. There has not been a precedence for this...
War has always been waged on the battlefield and at least recently has been frowned upon when waged in civilian areas. Usually combat is between the trained fighters and there is acknowledgement who are the fighters. Obviously in the barbaric times, anything and everything goes... no decency at all.
Now (or again) the distinction is lost where the battlefields are and who can be attacked.
Japanese brought the U.S. into the war in a fucking sneaky way... though why the US didn't see it coming is a bit of a mystery to me. But it did and pissed us off royally.
What is happening now is 100 x's worse. Fuckers are killing noncombatants/civilians left and right like it is their god given right to do so.
IF nobody is fucking pissed about that, what the hell are we then?
Geez. We're playing with ruthless people. And we are assuming that nothing can go wrong when we know nothing of the people coming in.
Am I the only one who thinks that the guys running the show don't know who the enemy is? IT feels like we don't know what we're doing and just acting like everything is normal and we can continue playing by the rules when there are no rules. NOw I Ask again... HOW DO WE TELL WHO IS WHAt? When there is no real distinction and there is a LARGE number of jihadists.. hundreds of thousands. That be a lot.
Everybody think things got better in the last couple of years? All the movements happening in America really getting this country to a better place?
I dunno... I feel like it is way more fucked up than it should be. America is becoming the land of the ridiculous.
May be I should stop staying current with the news since it is all soo depressing.