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Old 11-11-2015, 04:43 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by dodger View Post
geez ... whatever happened to waldt? i find venus to be quite hot ... http://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=307449 and gingerpie .. pics 10 and 11 in she showcase ... get my motor running ... http://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=295653

already said that jade rose's new avatar .. makes me want to climb on top of her. now ... i'll grant you that if you go back over my reviews .. no real bbws .. some thick/curvy ladies .. but nothing remarkable ... which is why i'm thinking .. maybe it's time to try something out.

btw ... this is not to say if think venusentertainment and gingerpie are bbws. have never been in their presence ... maybe something i need to correct. jade .. well .. jade is a bbw ... and i would not consider bcd with her punishment. i'm pretty sure she would take excellent care of me in the most hobby appropriate ways.
You have a GREAT attitude!
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Old 11-11-2015, 05:42 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by 1234NiceGuy View Post
Translation: Some would rather torture themselves with an impulsive-eating fat chick than enjoy sex with a normal looking lady. Some dudes get off on torturing themselves.
Why i decided to jump back into the middle of this trainwreck i'll never know. But i suspect your idea of a "normal looking lady" is nothing like mine. Here's mine, from a non-eccie source so nobody can say i'm stirring up trouble.


I wouldn't consider sex with her to be torture. She cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called a spinner, so many guys here wouldn't touch her. Is she a bbw? By many guys' standards she would be. I tend to think so. I'd choose her in a new york minute over this:


The point is, YOU don't get to decide what a "normal looking woman" is. It isn't so much that we like different things. It's that you have the arrogance to say that what you like is "normal" so if i like something different it must be abnormal. So i'll fuck ashley graham and you can fuck twiggy. There - everybody's happy. Only quit with the "normal looking woman" bullshit. It's offensive.

Oh, by the way, compulsive overeating is only one way to get fat. If you wanna go down that path, let's talk about how so many hobbyists got their beer bellies.
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Old 11-11-2015, 05:53 PM   #108
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You know, a few of the BBW'S put other ladies to shame in the activity department. It seems they put more effort into a session than the ladies in the spinner or beauty department however, they still all have ridiculous prices. Some get it and some don't.
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Old 11-11-2015, 10:13 PM   #109
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Why are you worried about what the price a BBW and a spinner is charging? Are you implying that a BBW can not provide good service because she is big?

It's all about preference... Some guys like their small and some men like their women with curves and soft hips to hold on to. Look for the type you want and get the fuck of profiles your not interested in.
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Old 11-11-2015, 10:18 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by mastermind238 View Post
Why i decided to jump back into the middle of this trainwreck i'll never know. But i suspect your idea of a "normal looking lady" is nothing like mine. Here's mine, from a non-eccie source so nobody can say i'm stirring up trouble.


I wouldn't consider sex with her to be torture. She cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called a spinner, so many guys here wouldn't touch her. Is she a bbw? By many guys' standards she would be. I tend to think so. I'd choose her in a new york minute over this:


The point is, YOU don't get to decide what a "normal looking woman" is. It isn't so much that we like different things. It's that you have the arrogance to say that what you like is "normal" so if i like something different it must be abnormal. So i'll fuck ashley graham and you can fuck twiggy. There - everybody's happy. Only quit with the "normal looking woman" bullshit. It's offensive.

Oh, by the way, compulsive overeating is only one way to get fat. If you wanna go down that path, let's talk about how so many hobbyists got their beer bellies.
Mastermind you just don't get it. The young lady in the video is HOT! If I could mount up and you were able to pull me off you'd be king of England. Why because she is proportioned and has a beautiful face with perfect make up. (Any one wonder what she might look like after a good shower and no make up? LOL) Has it occurred to you that if a provider weights in at 145 lbs. that in itself does NOT make her a BBW. But if you are 145 lbs. and only stand 4'10" tall and 85% of the weight is in your ass and thighs.... that a whole new ball game. Also if you are lets say 140-150 lbs. and all proportioned with nice tits but have a nose that looks like a penis head securing you the name "dick nose" you're just NOT going to be as desirable as those that don't have that feature. Unless of course you have a spectacular vocabulary and can speak over most everyone's head, then you can get away with it. It's pretty simple:

Weight + Height = Rating

Just for your reference here is my easy to follow Classification Schedule!

SL'S Provider Classification Schedule
Spinner: 100 Rule Petite: Under 5'2" Less than 110
Athletic-Average: 100-140 Curvy: 140-160
Voluptuous: 140-160 (Small Waist) Amazon: 160-250 (above 5'8")
Small BBW: 160-225 (under 5'4") WHOA: 225-300
BBW: 160-400 (over 5'4") WTF: 400-500
500+ Stay home and see if you can beat the record!
I will personally with try and frequent ladies like this:

You and guys that thinck like you are more than welcome to keep the others busy. Please....

Extra Credit...
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Old 11-11-2015, 10:20 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by AmberBamber View Post
Why are you worried about what the price a BBW and a spinner is charging? Are you implying that a BBW can not provide good service because she is big?

It's all about preference... Some guys like their small and some men like their women with curves and soft hips to hold on to. Look for the type you want and get the fuck of profiles your not interested in.
Sweetie, you're responding to a fucken pussy, don't even waste your time pondering
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Old 11-11-2015, 10:27 PM   #112
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Idk SL your a bbm why don't you feel like you have to pay the same price as the skinny dudes...

You answered your own question baby....

Xoxoxo your friend/foe
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Old 11-11-2015, 10:32 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
Idk SL you're a bbm why don't you feel like you have to pay the same price as the skinny dudes...

You answered your own question baby....

Xoxoxo your friend/foe
Saw your Coed AD. I was wondering how long it would take....Huh? Feel free to explain. Sounds like you might know something...?
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Old 11-11-2015, 11:02 PM   #114
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weather it is a thick girl, bbw, or skinny we all do the same work. Actually I find that the bbws and thick girls have it harder here and work harder to please and keep a good standing... NOT saying spinners don't but.....

You don't really ever hear of a bbw with bad attitude, stuck up, no reviews, ncns, and so on...
They work harder to make sure you leave with a smile and they give you something to remember them about because they do get a certain wrap here.

But I do hear and see allot of complaining about these new young Lil spinners who think there shit don't stink and that you should be happy they are seeing you when In all actuality we as providers are here to serve you, if it wasn't for the men here rents wouldn't be paid, car notes, good holidays, manicures and pedicures, all these luxuries we have are because guys picked us... I think bbws and thick girls alike are aware of that and appreciate it, and we show it in our work.

Get it, got it, good!!!
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Old 11-11-2015, 11:54 PM   #115
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Since this seems to be the topic of the hour..

First of all, aren't generalizations at the very base of ignorance? You really can't hold a "bbw" with "bad" or mediocre service to one with desirable or great service, can you? The same way with a "HWP" provider or what have you. Is that what we're talking about here... or the fact that IF you are a BBW; small bbw, ssbbw, GFE bbw, BBW pornstar, BBFS bbw, clock watching bbw, bsc bbw, dressed up bbw, plain bbw, Rainbow flavored bbw... no matter what other attributes you have... that you are indeed unpopular and not as successful, based on your larger frame ALONE? Do the other attributes not matter? Can someone answer this? I'm lost in a forest of contradiction. kthx.
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Old 11-12-2015, 12:10 AM   #116
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Doesn't matter what's right and wrong, here on the board is what matters and the few that just love spinners will talk shit about the bbw, thick, small bbw of anything else. What's funny is these guys are usually obese then selves and one piece of fried chicken away from a stroke... I figure it's because they have no control over there own physical well being they put there shame on to others to make them selves feel better. No matter how confidant they seem or say they are they obviously have an issue with them selves to down a girl because of there weight.

In my opinion I rather not see bones and shit in a female or male for that matter...
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Old 11-12-2015, 06:20 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
What's funny is these guys are usually obese then selves and one piece of fried chicken away from a stroke...

...No matter how confidant they seem or say they are they obviously have an issue with them selves to down a girl because of there weight.

In my opinion I rather not see bones and shit in a female or male for that matter...
Nice to see you are back in ATX and posting again in Coed. Life just got a little more interesting--Welcome Back.

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Old 11-12-2015, 07:46 AM   #118
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[QUOTE=Still Looking;1057434107][CENTER]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]Mastermind you just don't get it. The young lady in the video is HOT! If I could mount up and you were able to pull me off you'd be king of England. Why because she is proportioned and has a beautiful face with perfect make up.

You seem to change your opinions on a whim, to fit whatever situation you find yourself in.....

But carry on, just had a wonderful laugh about it.

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Old 11-12-2015, 08:28 AM   #119
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For me it's more about symmetry and muscle tone than weight. Some spinners can be extremely flabby. Some spinners lack womanly curves looking more like a 10 year old boy than anything sexy. Likewise some heavier women can be perfectly proportioned and fit.
Thin women bad mouth Kim Kardasian's looks all the time while I'm thinking they only wish they could look half as sexy.
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Old 11-12-2015, 09:13 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]Mastermind you just don't get it. The young lady in the video is HOT! If I could mount up and you were able to pull me off you'd be king of England. Why because she is proportioned and has a beautiful face with perfect make up.

You seem to change your opinions on a whim, to fit whatever situation you find yourself in.....

But carry on, just had a wonderful laugh about it.

I really enjoy lobster but I don't order it every day....
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