Providers and Civies. Yall both make up the most odd excuses to cancel.. name your story!
Well after doing this for over 20 years I have heard my fair share of crazy ass Provider excuses as to why they need to cancel. I thought this was only Providers but in the past few years I have come to determine that it is WOMEN.,, period. has nothing to do with their occupation or anything for that matter...
I was supposed to meet up with a 'friend' for just coffee on my way back to Austin from an out of town trip. She confirms multiple times then an hour and half before we are supposed to meet up she sends me this crazy ass detailed story/text I could never corroborate or frankly even believe. Look I could care less WHY YOU NEED TO CANCEL. Just simply say, " I cant make, I am sorry something came up I cannot get out of".. BOOM!! done!!
To me the more the details given the bigger the lie is...Men do not care about your details as to why, (at least the men I know)
I am just ranting for no reason really... just cant vent where I really want too.. oh well. back to my cave