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Old 09-22-2015, 06:52 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
Awww Bass baby.....don't rule out us "old chicks" just yet.....there are some of us "old chiocks" at VERY reasonable rates who offer experiences that will curl ALL your toes & blow your mind,body,and soul!!
I agree Dallas and Monica13 in St. Louis is one such lady, and still waiting on the day when the stars align so you can curl my toes!!
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:53 PM   #32
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I've been reading all the comments that this thread has received, some good, some not so good, but we are all entitled to our opinions. Now, I do have to add my own view on men seeking the services of the younger girls on BP. For those who don't think that us older providers are worth your time or money just remember one thing. Those young 20 something BP girls may have youth on their side but they don't have the presence, charm, knowledge or experience that a more established provider has. Let's face it, anyone can spread their legs, it's that extra attention to detail, that experience that only comes with age that makes the time spent together more memorable. On a different note, I really do hope the hobby picks up for the lovely ladies on eccie, myself included. I am thankful that I have a RL job that helps bridge the gap but I really do enjoy being a provider as well. Like JAG said, if things continue to decline for us established providers we will be forced to take our services elsewhere, a place where we will be appreciated perhaps. I'm grateful for the gentlemen who continue to grace me with their visits and have made some great friends to boot.
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Old 09-22-2015, 09:29 PM   #33
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Eloquently said, naughtyangel.
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Old 09-23-2015, 09:54 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by naughtyangel4u View Post
I've been reading all the comments that this thread has received, some good, some not so good, but we are all entitled to our opinions. Now, I do have to add my own view on men seeking the services of the younger girls on BP. For those who don't think that us older providers are worth your time or money just remember one thing. Those young 20 something BP girls may have youth on their side but they don't have the presence, charm, knowledge or experience that a more established provider has. Let's face it, anyone can spread their legs, it's that extra attention to detail, that experience that only comes with age that makes the time spent together more memorable. On a different note, I really do hope the hobby picks up for the lovely ladies on eccie, myself included. I am thankful that I have a RL job that helps bridge the gap but I really do enjoy being a provider as well. Like JAG said, if things continue to decline for us established providers we will be forced to take our services elsewhere, a place where we will be appreciated perhaps. I'm grateful for the gentlemen who continue to grace me with their visits and have made some great friends to boot.
I don't post on here often but thought I'd put my 2 cents in. I only review memorable experiences ,good or bad. Most of my good memorable experiences have been with providers over 40 yrs old. They are seasoned, kind of know what we want and will take very good care of you. To me, it isn't about getting off. It's about the experience as a whole. With the younger (especially BP ladies) I feel that all they want is to get me off and out. I have always felt ripped off when I leave these girls. Pay for an hr and try to get out the door in 15 minutes. I try to schedule multiple hrs with these older providers because I don't like to feel like I need to be in a hurry. Some of these ladies have to take time off their real job to fit into my schedule. I've been with several ECCIE girls and have reviewed a couple. Some don't want to be reviewed. I have never had a bad experience with a provider from here. If they were getting rich these ladies would not have a real job as most of them do. I live in the middle of nowhere, a couple hrs from any major honeyhole for providers. I have to schedule ahead of time to see these ladies. I have not had one on here not try to work with me yet. I've had a good many BP girls and most were bad experiences or not memorable in a good way at all. These older ladies here will take care of you if you treat them right. So ladies , until I completely peter out , I will be spending my time and money with you. As with the military, I APPRECIATE YOUR SERVICE. This is from a horny, kinky, DIRTY OLD MAN.
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Old 09-23-2015, 09:58 AM   #35
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As a mature provider that visits MS, THANK YOU spike52.
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Old 09-23-2015, 10:26 AM   #36
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Thank you Spike52 for being in our corner, well said! I remember when I was in my early 20's I didn't know alot about the sexual experience as a whole. That is definitely a wisdom that you aquire with maturity. It's so nice to know that there are still gentlemen, mature gentlemen at that, who want more out of a visit than just getting off.
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Old 09-23-2015, 10:30 AM   #37
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Thanks Nicolet for your sweet words as well! I just say what I feel, it's important for me to word my thoughts accordingly. :-)
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Old 09-23-2015, 09:28 PM   #38
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Spike---I cannot wait to play with ya baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 09-23-2015, 10:37 PM   #39
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Given a choice I would much rather spend my time and money with a sexy mature provider that gives a great overall experience rather than a quick bang and out the door with a young girl.Now I have had a few of the younger ladies that can and do provide a great overall session but nothing beats a sexy milf in my book!!
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Old 09-24-2015, 04:57 PM   #40
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Got milf?

Lets be fair, some of the younger ladies are "mature" and are fine.

I don't need drama, I need a departure from my daily grind.

As for the ladies on the coast, I can only hope my travels bring me back down to that area soon!
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Old 09-25-2015, 04:59 PM   #41
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Moderators complain that the board is slow and no one posting now everyone is talking EXCEPT the moderators. Hmmmm...
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Old 09-25-2015, 07:08 PM   #42
HELL's bell ringer!!
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well I will be 53 Oct 1...and nothing can stop me now!!!!!!!! lol
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Old 09-27-2015, 11:03 AM   #43
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Default I am glad we are having this conversation in regards to Mississippi and The Hobby

Thanks to JustGuy for starting this conversation. But it is a conversation worth having. Many of us on Eccie are serious hobbyist - if we weren't we wouldn't be on here.

But there are numerous issues affecting business - fake ads, bullshit artist looking to rip people off, bigots and last but not least rates.

I think some women get into the trade simply because they like the idea of making straight cash and that's o.k. - because it is work. I've seen some other hobbyist and I can only imagine some providers getting intimate with them - must be totally taxing mentally. So I think it is fair to acknowledge that part of the business.

But then there are those pesky rates. I think some providers look at the work aspect to set their rates and what they are willing to do at that rate. Without considering the local economy - such median income, cost of living, etc etc. I have seem some astronomical rates for providers in state and in Jackson and I have often said to myself, "Good grief, all they must see are wealthy gentlemen and live in New York City at the same time???" Because in Dallas and Houston - where there is a thriving economy - I've seen way better talent and very reasonable rates.

Now age and race is not a focus of mine when seeking a provider - but I do like a healthy woman - not skin and bones. Some days I am in the mood for a short lil petite lady and others I am in the mood for an ample woman with some curves. She can be 20 or 50 (hell I have a 60 year old I see from time to time and she's an energizer bunny) I just want a good smelling woman, that is not trying to break the bank.

I think for an hour visit $200 an hour is a really reasonable rate $250 is the max I like to go. I don't haggle with providers over their rate - because guess what - it's your rate and I am not going to argue with you for what you want, but just do not expect me to ever call you. Because just like a provider coming up with a rate - I have what I am willing to spend for services.

We have a fair number of providers who are bigots - plain and simple. Once again, that is your right - because it is your body. However, you shouldn't make 50 post a day seeking clients and then you note in your ad - "NO BLACK MEN - PERIOD!!!!!" So you are actively seeking clients - but cut off a portion of the market, that's not sound business.

Last but not least - there have been a lot of stings within the last year - from local law enforcement all the way to the FBI to cut down on trafficking. I agree with getting young girls out of this business. Any man that sleeps with a young girl that has not sexually matured - needs a serious ass whoopin' and needs to serve jail time. So I am grateful to see them attacking bastards trafficking young girls. But also - you have some dirty scheming women - who simply want to rob men and take advantage of the fact you will not call the cops - because you are dealing in illegal activities anyway. Law enforcement has stepped up to remove them as well.

All in all - all parties involved in this trade - need to evaluate the scene and take steps to improve it. Providers need to consider their rates and customers need to take better steps to send business to solid providers and keep a healthy environment.

Here's to better days in the trade.
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Old 09-27-2015, 12:21 PM   #44
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SW1906, you mentioned Texas as having a thriving economy, and they do. They are also SATURATED with ladies, the competition is fierce. The general going rate in Texas is 180 or less for an hour. Many more are even less than that, and fewer are higher. I can only imagine that with that thriving economy, it also brings with it a higher cost of living. I never lived in Texas, so I can't say with assurance how much it costs to live there. But it is logical to think that it isn't cheap. Lower rates mean that the ladies have to have more appointments to make ends meet. More visitors means more visibility, and unwanted attention to the activities at their location. Be it a hotel or private residence.
There are so many factors for the reasons why some providers do business the way they do. Some make perfect sense, others not so much.

Edited to add: I can not speak of some of the other topics you brought up, as they don't pertain to me, personally. From reading what you wrote, it sounds more like BP fakery and BS. The safer bet would be to see verified providers. Although there are verified providers that also use BP. Myself included. And yes, there are ladies here that have been less than honest about some things.
There are also many ladies here who do not discriminate. For me, if a gent contacts me with 'yo bae wassup' that doesn't do anything for me. If he approaches me in a gentlemanly manner, I don't care what he looks like. I see gentlemen of ALL colors and abilities. The key word is gentlemen. I say abilities, because I have met gentlemen who had some physical limitations, which covers a broad range of limitations.

Soapbox removed.
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Old 09-27-2015, 12:25 PM   #45
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Sirwonderful, Don't take it personal man, there are a fair amount of ladies that won't see us older guys either, especially the SA ladies. It's not really a business in the business sense.....it's a service.......and they have to look at us while performing that service.......and some of us, "yaw"..... "ain't too easy on the eyes".

As for me, I don't blame the ladies for their choices, I have my preferences too and if I am going to pay for it I am not going to stray from what i want.......I don't see the black ladies and I don't see the blue eyed blonds either.......it's just my thing.....but.....when it's free......that's a totally different thing ;-)
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