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Old 09-13-2015, 10:44 PM   #406
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Ms Natalia

I might be one of the few on here whom you decided not to see for what ever that reason was and I agree to your requirements you ask on your advertisement. At the end of the day it is your choice to accept or decline the play date. I don't believe you are in any trouble from business stand of point you have great reviews on this site and many more sites.

I remember my early days in the hobby I went to go see my ATF and she asked to see my DL and I told her I don't think that's a good idea because obviously I don't have my hobby name on my DL and I offered my apologies and left half of the donation on the table and told her that is for your trouble. Then few months go buy and I get a message from her stating she is willing to see me if I am still interested and rest is history we have been seeing each other for 8years and always have a blast.

Do your thing girl you are sexy hot mammacita who wouldn't want to see you��������
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Old 09-13-2015, 10:57 PM   #407
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Originally Posted by NubianPrince View Post
Its easy screening for everybody..Full name=Hobby name...she doesnt have to change a damn thing on her showcase

A loser[who is neither the site owner nor a mod] with over 20k posts on a hooker message board just off one alias alone gets pussy on the regular??where??in the suburbs where you supposedly grew up?are you trying to convince me or

She does not have to change a thing on her Showcase...but she did start this thread wondering why folks think she wants to much personal information. When told why ...she you and a few other WK's lost your fucking mind. Started calling people names.

Next i am secure enough not to have to convince some poor trick that does a jig when some lippy chick will see him... how much pussy i have or haven't gotten. Let's just say i get enough not to have to defend this shit you are defending
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Old 09-14-2015, 12:25 AM   #408
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Originally Posted by black sunshine View Post
Yeah he gave me some too.
Guess she's been busy on her knees.
Like this mess has any post on topic.

I wouldn't give any provider the information she's asking for.
And I certainly wouldn't give it to a unstable provider such as her.
Too many instances of information obtained during screening being used to extort and blackmail people.
Only a fool would give it up.
If she's asking you for your real world name for screening, what kind of surprises you think await for you at her incall?
Cameras recording everything?
A pimp in the parking lot taking down your license plates?
I've never been interested in passing her screening.
Only a very niave guy would fall for this.
What's your screening process before meeting up? How do you screen the guys?
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Old 09-14-2015, 12:35 AM   #409
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Riki don't screen he loves the abuse..... Then he has something to complain about
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Old 09-14-2015, 12:40 AM   #410
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I dont know what she means by full name, dont care either. Im not doing anything other than providing refs, ever. She can see who she chooses, but I would not try because I just want to have drama free fun with a non-angry woman.

I think I have settled the matter. No charge.
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Old 09-14-2015, 12:58 AM   #411
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Originally Posted by Seeking ~P View Post
What's your screening process before meeting up? How do you screen the guys?
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Old 09-14-2015, 01:01 AM   #412
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Originally Posted by Sadsack View Post
I dont know what she means by full name,......
She doesn't either.
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Old 09-14-2015, 01:03 AM   #413
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While this has all been incredibly entertaining, I think everyone is just beating a dead horse at this point. It is evident by now that Natalia is not going to change her showcase and requirements, nor should she. You don't want to see her and she would never meet you so what seems to be the issue? If you all think you can get past her on P411, you are seriously underestimating her.

There are providers on here who ask for much, much more than she and I do. They openly ask for rw names and other rw information and they seem to do very well. Some even run background checks on you while you're none the wiser. You meet and then life goes on.

We frankly don't care enough to take the time to "blackmail" or "out" you and we certainly do not need the money that may result from blackmailing. She is being called hotheaded and reckless when she was simply defending herself after being verbally attacked many times. I don't think she will deny that she is strong willed and outspoken but I personally know she loves her work and would never do anything to jeopardize it.

Natalia and I have never had any serious issues during one of our dates. We have never had anyone short our donation, snatch it back, or be aggressive/violent and I believe it is because of our screening methods. We meet great men who are ok with our screening bc they do not have ill intentions and they are confident we don't either regarding their information.

Anywho just my final two cents. Wish Fancy was here to share her input!
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Old 09-14-2015, 08:13 AM   #414
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Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
While this has all been incredibly entertaining, I think everyone is just beating a DRAMA WHORE at this point.

Ms. Nichole, Natalia asked why people think why she asks for personal information. .. when pointed out why she starts acting like a spoiled brat and calling people names followed by a few guys who act as if her pussy is made of gold and that last one left on earth. The pussy whipped gents then tried to call folks bigots because i guess they think Natalia prefers black men over whites. When all the gents have done is pointed out what she asked for...You do recall her post asking why guys think she asks for to much personal information?

I can promise you Fancy would tell you to sit down and quit asking questions if you are not mature enough to handle the feedback like a lady and not some two bit backpage chick. Y'all are making the proper whores look bad imho.

Nubian Princes acts as if he'd suck her dick if she had one...he is so God Damn happy she'll see him!

Bottom line is she asked a question and did not like the answer. You defending that type of behavior just make you look bad.

Many of you are missing the point. Nobody made her start this thread and nobody made her say two conflicting things....we have just asked which is the lie ? Her Showcase or this thread? If she has a NWA policy, just say so. That sounds like that kinda might be the situation here. All the white guys wanting to see her have to give their RW info. All others just shake their Johnson in her general direction. That is what seems to be shaking out...

Have a good day.
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Old 09-14-2015, 10:02 AM   #415
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Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
While this has all been incredibly entertaining, I think everyone is just beating a dead horse at this point. It is evident by now that Natalia is not going to change her showcase and requirements, nor should she. You don't want to see her and she would never meet you so what seems to be the issue?

Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
If you all think you can get past her on P411, you are seriously underestimating her.
It's really not as hard as you seem to thinck. I had no trouble passing screening.

Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
There are providers on here who ask for much, much more than she and I do. They openly ask for rw names and other rw information and they seem to do very well. Some even run background checks on you while you're none the wiser. You meet and then life goes on.
The reason they get it, if they do is because they've built a level of trust that allows that to happen and they know they can quickly lose that trust. I'd never give up that much REAL info personally but I guess some do. You're never going to build any level of trust if you come off as hotheaded. Hotheaded to most fucktards = bat shit crazy. Now we like to fuck bat shit crazy but we ain't giving away our first and last names to bat shit crazy whores. There is too much potential of BSC getting guys in hot water and a few instances.

Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
We frankly don't care enough to take the time to "blackmail" or "out" you and we certainly do not need the money that may result from blackmailing.
Some girls will and do out guys and it has nothing to do with the potential money. It's usually because they get butthutt when they find out that little cooter doesn't have the power they thinck it has.

Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
She is being called hotheaded and reckless when she was simply defending herself after being verbally attacked many times. I don't think she will deny that she is strong willed and outspoken but I personally know she loves her work and would never do anything to jeopardize it.
She is hotheaded, anyone arguing that hasn't been reading her posts from prior to establishing her own persona.
Reckless? Well, that remains to be seen but lets just say she is closely following in the footsteps of several whores who have gone down the same path and ended up doing some reckless shit. With a new girl we have no history on her so the history of others who behaved like her gets projected onto her. Fair or not, it's what happens.
In some of the attacks of which you speak she has been responsible for the first strike when a simple, reasonable explanation would have caused much less if any retaliation. I offer my question about note keeping in her other thread. She made a stupid, reckless statement. One where she put her business out there for Tebow, LE and all to see. She could have acknowledged it as such and replied with something to diffuse the situation, like say, an explanation of how she kept her notes safe, or better yet that her notes were all in her head or even better, acknowledging it was a stupid comment and saying nothing else, What did she do she responded with an immediate personal attack and then doubled down on her stupid by continuing to talk about her business. It has continued to this threAD. If she had wanted a serious answer to the question she posed, considering her history, there were alternate avenues. If she couldn't anticipate this threAD blowing up in her face like it did, that is a true indication of her thought process and it ain't good.

Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
Natalia and I have never had any serious issues during one of our dates. We have never had anyone short our donation, snatch it back, or be aggressive/violent and I believe it is because of our screening methods. We meet great men who are ok with our screening bc they do not have ill intentions and they are confident we don't either regarding their information.

Anywho just my final two cents. Wish Fancy was here to share her input!
Fancy would likely tell you two to that you talk too much about your business out here on the open board.

But I'm not speaking for Fancy.
I'm going to stay on topic and talk about her business model and why it isn't working, and that is...
You two talk two much about your business out here on the open board. What you, NATALIA, and some other whores don't understand is this is not the place. Things are not equal here. Many of us fucktards come here for information and entertainment. We glean much of our information from the entertainment. We've really got little to lose. There will always be another whore who will take our money and chances are their pussy is better than yours just like your pussy is better than some other whore's pussy. That's all in the eye of the fucktard anyway and it's why we want descriptive reviews.
Anyway, chances are that if a fucktard makes a negative comment about you he has either decided he doesn't intend to see you or that he does intend to see you and most likely already has a alternate way of passing your screening. Putting a fucktard on a DNS list or ignore...It's like a challenge to some of us and we're way more experienced at doing it than you are at catching us. Either way you lose cuz you lost a client or your screening isn't working. Why put yourself through the hassle and doubt when you could just be a good whore and not stir things up knowing there are guys looking for you to do just that? If you don't start or perpetuate shit there won't be shit and more guys will be wanting to see you and you'll make more money...It's a win/win that way.

Anything you post represents you. There are a few whores on the boards who can engage fucktards in stimulating and entertaining conversations here without ever stirring the fucktards into a frenzy. Many of those are desirable to a larger group of fucktards because of their ability to do just that. Some of us like smart whores, just not smart mouthed whores. Here's a bit of info to take seriously if you are concerned about safety.
When you post something particularly smart mouthed, controversial, or reckless you should assume your entire potential client base is taking notice. Most of them will never say anything and move on the the next whore who isn't smart mouthed. That is what some mouthy whores don't seem to realize and they keep being mouthy until they burn themselves out defending their stupidity in between the ever growing downtime between fewer and fewer clients. Every time they do that they alienate, discourage or completely turn off a portion of their client base. It's especially stupid when you're a new whore to the board who, as a part of her business model, should be attracting clients not running them off.
There are a few fucktards WKing NATALIA and maybe a few more attacking her business model. A smart whore would ignore those who praise her for what they are and take notice of the criticisms, decide which are valid and do something to correct the perceived problems. Part of NATALIA's problem is she thincks in small numbers. She brags about the money she makes as if it is some windfall and she has no concept of the amount of fucktards she has turned off. Her world is in the guys she's seen not in the potential she has. I doubt she has a clue as to how many fucktards there are in Houston looking for Latina pussy. In the last few months she has probably turned half of them off. Some girls just shouldn't be independent. Considering the great diatribe she posted as an Agency girl it makes me wonder if she had a choice. My guess is she let her mouth overload her ass even then and the Agency wouldn't even have her.
What I'm trying to say is what fucktards do here they do for fun, whether it's fucking or fucking with a whore. It's not a business to us. What whores do here is business and every post is a representation of their business model. It ain't equal and it ain't fair. You can cry about it from the top of St.C's desk if you want and it's not going to change what it is.
If you thinck your pussy is all that, by all means post it in the ads sections where we can't respond but if you're going to post anything make damn sure you are consistent. If you are asking for a full name it's safe to assume that us paranoid fucktards are going to thinck the worst not interpret it as what you want us to.

That little twat between your legs is a powerful thing but it's not omnipotent as some of you seem to thinck it is. Get over that and you can be successful, don't and you'll be dealing with the same old fucktards over the same old shit while the majority of your client base watches from the sidelines for entertainment purposes only.
Unfortunately for NATALIA this will not go away now, no matter how much NATALIA tries to correct her behavior. Everytime she posts something it will be scrutinized and replied to in an attempt to draw her out. Don't believe me? Check out Jemma Martin's history. Hot as she is, that poor girl is a prime example of history repeating itself here right down to being an outspoken agency girl in the beginning She finally learned how and where to post for the most part although she still makes a few mistakes.

Ah, Jemma, A great source of entertainment at one time. I'd fuck her now though. I'd even be extra gentle with her nipples and bite her ass until she came if that's what it took. Butt, alas, I'm on her DNS list as well. I'm not losing any sleep over it though and damn sure ain't losing anything tangible because she wont see me. How much are you girls losing from the guys who won't see you now?

I eagerly await a stupid reply...

FTR...Full name to me means at least first and last legal name, not hobby name.
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Old 09-14-2015, 11:12 AM   #416
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I have met both of these beautiful ladies, Kylie and Natalia, by simply sending them a pm through P411 and then scheduling an appointment with them. There were no screening issues and turned out to be two fantastic ladies and I would highly recommend them to anyone.
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Old 09-14-2015, 11:30 AM   #417
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Originally Posted by Budlight_Mike View Post
I have met both of these beautiful ladies, Kylie and Natalia, by simply sending them a pm through P411 and then scheduling an appointment with them. There were no screening issues and turned out to be two fantastic ladies and I would highly recommend them to anyone.
Good for you but your post is indicative of the whole problem. She, NATALIA, is not being consistent with her screening or her screening requirements or both. That may be costing her business. Her reaction has definitely cost her business.

She seemed to be having some concern about it her screening and asked a question. Innocuous enough right? When she got answers that questioned her business model she got defensive over it. Then the insults began and shit went downhill.
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Old 09-14-2015, 11:40 AM   #418
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Can anyone tell me whether N responded why is she treating us differently... Based on race ??? Lol
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Old 09-14-2015, 11:52 AM   #419
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Oh she sounds like an "ATTITUDE" girl ... That's nasty lol
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Old 09-14-2015, 12:08 PM   #420
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Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole View Post
Wish Fancy was here to share her input!
Your wish is my command.............TravelingG entleman, care to give some input?
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