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Old 09-12-2015, 10:38 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The question remains...if we are a human trafficking/sex slave capital ......How come you rarely hear of arrests? I mean there are dope bust all the time. Are others aware of this problem like FoxyNC yet when confronted with it you just turn your back on it.I mean between all the whoremongers on this board , you'd think someone had seen it...after all we are the capital of it!

I used to know a chick who had an Asian spa....she said they worked a circuit. Kinda like offshore workers who may work two weeks on and two weeks off.

It seems the Cantina's had a problem with that some time back.

yes, how come we have never seen it. I've heard there is a hwy on the west side of town that is supposed to be the worst in Houston. I travel it almost daily, and I have been to some of the AMP's, but I have never seen anything that looks like trafficking.
I appall anything that is going on like that, but I have never run across it. Doesnt mean it's not out there, and if it is, those poor bastards better hope I'm not their Judge, Jury, and Executioner.
Let's play safe, and be on the up and up
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Old 09-12-2015, 10:54 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
It is all about freedom of choice.

You sound like you want the power of choice over what some women choose to do, not the women themselves.

If you choose to suck a dick instead of digging a ditch, I say good for you, I'd say the same thing if you choose to dig a ditch. Freedom to choose.

Do you think the hookers you see would rather be fucking you than making a million bucks say modeling swimsuits? They obviously do not have the option to model swimsuits for a million bucks so they choose to fuck you. With your logic, they should not have that choice.

The point is we are talking about two different things.
The women of Eccie and men for that matter have made a voluntary choice.
The OP brought up the question of slavery plain and simple.
As well asked where to find it !!!!???????
He later tried to counter with some propaganda that women forced into
This life are sort of happy blah blah BS and they are ambitious?
Pardon me if I was not clear but that is a ridiculous argument and
A attempt to deflect the fact of his original intention.

Warmest regards

R Duke
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Old 09-12-2015, 11:02 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by kinkyorca View Post
Go to any "subway" and ask for jared...
Jared who?

Is what they've been trained to say.

But while you're there, mention "Brooke Wilde" sent you.

....and report back.
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Old 09-13-2015, 07:42 AM   #49
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Old 09-13-2015, 08:37 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by rduke4923 View Post
The point is we are talking about two different things.
The women of Eccie and men for that matter have made a voluntary choice.
The OP brought up the question of slavery plain and simple.
As well asked where to find it !!!!???????
He later tried to counter with some propaganda that women forced into
This life are sort of happy blah blah BS and they are ambitious?
Pardon me if I was not clear but that is a ridiculous argument and
A attempt to deflect the fact of his original intention.

Warmest regards

R Duke
rduke , you seem to be having trouble wraping your head around the fact that on one hand they say Houston is a sex slave capital. .. but they can not produce hardly any evidence to back up that claim.

If you really understood the issue you'd know that this is a bunch of feminist that have teamed up with LE to try and shut down ALL prostitution in the name of something that rarely if ever happens. LE loves it because they are getting a ton of money to combat a bunch of helpless women instead of fighting more difficult crime.

That is the fact.
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Old 09-15-2015, 06:52 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Really...just how does that work? Does the Pimp come on the date with you? Did you turn them in? I'm asking did you go to the Police to report that there were trafficked women?

Pray do tell your tale.
I have a bad cold, so sorry for my tardiness.... ha.

The tale:

I worked at a club in Nashville Tenessee in the early 2000's, called Flash Dancers (next door was the sister club/same owners, Menages, a swingers club.) It was an Agency that had incalls & also did outcalls.

I went to work there with a bunch of other chicks, who I found out only after being there for a few days, EVERY single ONE of them had a PIMP except ME.

This is called a "Renegade" ho.

These girls had what are called Guerilla pimps.
They will do whatever it takes to keep other renegade ho's from taking their bread.
When the girls pulled me in the back & cornered me and told me, "You better CHOOSE UP and pick a daddy cause if not, that's your ass bitch."

I felt 10 shades of uncomfortable, called a local friend who had other escort friends, and he brought me a bag, with a 22 in it. I put it in my puppy-dog backpack, and walked out of the door that night to find 3 pimps standing around....

I don't need to prove that this happened.
What did I do? I ran, I never looked back.
I was not even drinking age then, and I was scared shitless, I won't lie.

Did I call the authorities?
I am going to plead the ignorance of youth, that I didn't know one could call the authorities over pimps.
(It took another offbeat lesson to learn that one... I woke up in another state after being drugged... that is even worse tale, but suffice to say, I got away, I survived.)
I regret it to this day that I did nothing except flee- and were I to do it over again, I may have done things differently, maybe not.
I do know this...
People's ignorance & denial that shit like this happens is what keeps people (society) in the dark, and to be of the opinion, like yours, that shit like this doesn't happen...
But I assure you, guerilla pimping and trafficking is alive and well, just people tend to keep their mouths shut-
The hookers who run in these circles, by choice or force, keep their mouth shut for fear of physical violence or worse, death threats are common when dealing with the darkest of the dark creatures....
If I ever encounter it again, I am sure I will go to the authorities, personal consequences be damned.

I didn't make it to 34 to not learn from the crazy shit that has happened in my life.
But for any of you who say it doesn't happen, it does.
Trafficking is real. It's another reason I avoid agencies.
Take your rose colored glasses off and you will see.

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Old 09-15-2015, 07:12 AM   #52
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So what do you guys think about the latin agencies and spa's in houston. Trafficked or not?
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Old 09-15-2015, 07:18 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Houstons View Post
So Houston is supposedly the capital of human trafficking for sex.

Where can I find this?

I know it may be taboo on here, so PM or email me if you have info.

What are your reasons for wanting this? Because if it's just to have a submissive girl, there are plenty of ladies here that offer Dom/Sub service. Or roleplay. I know at the end of the day people do what they want, but please, don't go and take advantage of these girls already down on their luck.
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Old 09-16-2015, 05:57 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by H.Hardhat View Post
There is much that's been violated. Common decency, common sense, right and wrong, basic morality. All have been violated...
How can you violate things that don't exist?
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Old 09-16-2015, 07:39 AM   #55
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They exist. They are just not "common"; they are subjective.... or at times, completely lacking.
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Old 09-16-2015, 09:19 AM   #56
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Thanks for proving my point about them not existing...:facepalm:
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Old 09-16-2015, 10:09 AM   #57
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Lol I'm not sure about trafficked girls but I definitely have seen few traveling girls all the time in htown like carinosa's girls from Columbia lol
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Old 09-16-2015, 10:39 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by FoxyNC View Post
People's ignorance & denial that shit like this happens is what keeps people (society) in the dark, and to be of the opinion, like yours, that shit like this doesn't happen...

But for any of you who say it doesn't happen, it does.
Trafficking is real. It's another reason I avoid agencies.
Take your rose colored glasses off and you will see.

Why do you have to lie to try and make your point....nobody has said it does not happen....what was said was that it is not common. That is why you can not find it like the authorities say you can.

The authorities think you are a product of trafficking. ..have you even once volunteer ed at one of these "rescue " organizations. Of course you haven't or you'd know wtf I'm talking about.
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Old 09-16-2015, 05:04 PM   #59
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How do you really know who is being trafficked and who is not at the spas we frequent? The girls for what ever reason could be just telling us what they're required to tell us to ease our conscious. I visited 7 once and provider told me if she goes outside, she will be fired?? Who is to say traveling girls and trafficked girls aren't the same? Seems to me if I'm trying to hide or disguise something, I would move it from place to place every 2 weeks????
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Old 09-16-2015, 06:11 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by jojodancer15 View Post
How do you really know who is being trafficked and who is not at the spas we frequent?
You don't. So what is your course of action?
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