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Old 09-11-2015, 03:49 PM   #316
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Off making money them big dollars, undoubtedly...

Apparently the girl can get busy but damn, I'd hate to be guy #2, 3 or 4

And she's proud of that?


Oh you're back to the playground pussy ??

Are you really this slow and mentally challenged or you live in nonsense and incoherent-land like the rest of the Trolls???

Just because I said I made 1k in less than 4hrs doesn't mean I saw 4 guys. It also doesn't mean I saw my clients back to back you idiot.
Let me teach you a little something you Unemployed BROKE ASS- Eccie THUGS
Who be on this shit 24/7 don't know...

Professional, successful GENTLEMEN can afford to book multiple hour sessions and they also TIP (your broke ass is prob not familiar with this word, Google it) and you know why they do ??? Because:


Here's a little exercise for you to see if you understood what I just explained to you, yesterday while all of you no-life suckers were on this shit going on, and on like cunty mitches, I made $1350 and saw 3 clients, also keep in mind the my outcall rates are higher than my incall rates... Anywho I hope this doesn't burn your brain too much, I wouldn't want a cute pussy like you to get a headache.

And to answer your question: YES I am VERY PROUD to be SUCCESSFUL and make more money than what suckers like you will ever make. Must suck to have a life with NO SIGNIFICANCE WHATSOEVER, and have nothing better to do than try to bully a Woman You have NEVER met.

I got a 1.5 coming up at 4pm, peace out.
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Old 09-11-2015, 04:02 PM   #317
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Default jumping the shark...

and there it is... almost predictable.
Where the pretty whore turns and lashes out at her clientele. While it is directed at one member, there it is for the world to see, her opinion of her potential customers.

Sometimes silence speaks louder than screaming.
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Old 09-11-2015, 04:13 PM   #318
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You armatures ran her ass off.
I brought her back...
Glean bitches glean.
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Old 09-11-2015, 04:16 PM   #319
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The whore is with one of her suckers right now........the show restarts at 6pm.......giving the whore 30min to clean out her pussy.
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Old 09-11-2015, 04:32 PM   #320
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What's so funny is she's knocking down, what a couple hundred k a year, if she's a really busy whore, and she's acting like she's making more than anybody on this here SHMB.

Darlin' some of the successful, professional fucktards on here made more on the phone in the time it took you to write that cunty little post than you'll make all month. This is Houston, ya know...

A reality check might be in order as to what real money is. Hint, it aint $1350 a day. You seen the price of consulting fees lately?

Oh, and the pussy really isn't all that great...ijs
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Old 09-11-2015, 05:30 PM   #321
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Wow, Natalia stepped out for popcorn and you are still in here hammering away trying to force her to change the way she handles her business.
And black sunshine you been here all of 2 months and you have three times the posts I have? You do know that there's pussy in them there hills dontcha? Push away from the keyboard sunny.
You think is peachy-keen and ducky keeping this your rant alive by surfing in this here thread by ruling supreme on a monger site. Meanwhile she's banking. I can see from hers perspective she's not doing too much wrong. I get the feeling you have an "O" every time she responds as any troll would. Which is as close as you'll every get as she chumped you off 10 pages ago but some how you are going to sway her by gaining an ocassional like as if this was a democracy. When its just business... Her business.

This site exists to benefit its members, provide an excellent product and you too should benefit. I don't get why you persist. You clearly want to affect her business in an adverse way. But I guess bad attention is better than no attention at all. You should start your own thread and see how long it lives.
So feel free to rail on me and await your next rant opportunity. Like I give a rats arse what anyone thinks of me in an internet monger site.
I got a life and a lot of shit to do.

have a great weekend all!

( yeah... I'm a wordsmith... it's a gift.)

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Old 09-11-2015, 05:31 PM   #322
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
As Dave Chappell used to say to women who were offended they were mistaken fo Ho's. You got the uniform of a Ho on.

Quit posting like a WK and folks might not confuse you for one!

Nubian you best quit kissing her ass and start aiming for her nookie if you ain't fucked her yet!
Try harder troll...for an eccie lifer with 20k+ posts that's all u got?

This is what I don't get though...u and your minions have been calling her names throughout this entire thread and somehow u want her to listen to your suggestions lol
Who the fuck are u???and why should she?
Why are you worried about what's in her showcase?you are not here for providers so why do u care?if she is going to lose business over the Hobby name misunderstanding,shouldn't u be celebrating doing the jig or whatever dance u troll bigots do??
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Old 09-11-2015, 06:04 PM   #323
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I'm rubber...

You're glue...


(I made my bones long before BT... I just enjoy sport f*king,every now and again and the ocassional poker event to see my old pals. But sunshine! Son you live here. How sad are you? This is just a hobby a past time. Take it easy life is too short. Yet you have the physical need to respond to all who are not in agreement with you. Just something to think about.)
I'm just saying...
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Old 09-11-2015, 06:05 PM   #324
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Idk. I tried and never got a response back, moved on to other girls and no 1 has a problem with me so. oh wells
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Old 09-11-2015, 06:33 PM   #325
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Originally Posted by Natalia Mori View Post
Oh you're back to the playground pussy ??

Are you really this slow and mentally challenged or you live in nonsense and incoherent-land like the rest of the Trolls???

Just because I said I made 1k in less than 4hrs doesn't mean I saw 4 guys. It also doesn't mean I saw my clients back to back you idiot.
Let me teach you a little something you Unemployed BROKE ASS- Eccie THUGS
Who be on this shit 24/7 don't know...

Professional, successful GENTLEMEN can afford to book multiple hour sessions and they also TIP (your broke ass is prob not familiar with this word, Google it) and you know why they do ??? Because:


Here's a little exercise for you to see if you understood what I just explained to you, yesterday while all of you no-life suckers were on this shit going on, and on like cunty mitches, I made $1350 and saw 3 clients, also keep in mind the my outcall rates are higher than my incall rates... Anywho I hope this doesn't burn your brain too much, I wouldn't want a cute pussy like you to get a headache.

And to answer your question: YES I am VERY PROUD to be SUCCESSFUL and make more money than what suckers like you will ever make. Must suck to have a life with NO SIGNIFICANCE WHATSOEVER, and have nothing better to do than try to bully a Woman You have NEVER met.

I got a 1.5 coming up at 4pm, peace out.
Self destruct lol. You call being a whore SUCCESSFUL ? What a accomplishment ! News flash you ain't the first hooker or the last ajajajajaja.... Ok airhead if so show your face in your pics, better yet tell your momi ,daddy & family you suck random dicks for money and at one time you was being pimped by a agency...Why don't you let them know what you really do ? You wont !!! I mean SUCCESSFUL people don't have shame in there game..why do you ? Disgrace ?

You wk's ain't helping her either.. well you kinda are by making her look more ridiculous !
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Old 09-11-2015, 06:43 PM   #326
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Originally Posted by black sunshine View Post
Pyro you would think Eccie's the only game around.
I wrote a review Wed night, where's yours? you know pussy in the hills and all.

I'm not going to sway shit about this bitch....
She'll do that all on her own.

Nubian Princess, no one wants this chick to listen to us....
More like fools that would submit to her nonsense...
Get your shit straight boy.
Really BS, WTF and Glade 55 does being this unnecessarily mean spirited make you feel good. I some how believe it just can't. Why not step away from your keyboard of hate and go outside and get some Vit D from the sun. Then go read a book, go fishing, to the beach or visit family. Do something that makes you happy instead wanting to spread hatred and cruelty. Try and be a better person, make that change and don't worry about others. I highly recommend volunteering, I do at the Houston Food Bank. Wonderful place to help the community.

WTF, you know using juvenile derogatory name calling really makes any point you are trying to make ineffective. When you have to use insults it shows you can't articulate and the insults come from your insecurities.

Last thing, does picking on a woman make you feel like more of a man? Because where I come from a man the picks on or hurts women is a weak and spineless individual. Let's get rid of your hate filled hearts and you know what "Be Nice"
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Old 09-11-2015, 06:51 PM   #327
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Originally Posted by NubianPrince View Post
Try harder troll...for an eccie lifer with 20k+ posts that's all u got?

This is what I don't get though...u and your minions have been calling her names throughout this entire thread and somehow u want her to listen to your suggestions lol
Who the fuck are u???and why should she?
She started this stupid thread. She says one thing in her thread and another in her Showcase. All I did was ask why the two different directions? Is she lying in this thread or on her Showcase? How about she take out the asking for full name in her Showcase or not start a thread wondering why people do not want to give up that personal information....people assume she means wtf she asks for in her Showcase.

If she had a NBA in her Showcase wouldn't you wonder about her reasoning if she started a thread stating she see's black clients, you might question her reasoning too.

Originally Posted by NubianPrince View Post
doing the jig or whatever dance u troll bigots do??
Now you say I'm doing a jig

Awww the ole race card. A Black man calling a white man a troll/ bigot for asking a Mexican woman who no longer will see new Indian clients to clarify two opposing positions she has taken between a thread she started and what she has posted on her Showcase!

Am I a bigot for calling you her White Knight?

Is this more to your liking?
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Old 09-11-2015, 06:58 PM   #328
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Originally Posted by bon69 View Post

Last thing, does picking on a woman make you feel like more of a man? Because where I come from a man the picks on or hurts women is a weak and spineless individual. Let's get rid of your hate filled hearts and you know what "Be Nice"
Do you think this woman is weak/ignorant? Is that your point? Kinda insulting to the lady if you ask me.

My question has nothing to do with the sex of either party. It has to do with why she is saying two different things. One in her Showcase and another in this thread. All she has to do is change her Showcase or not start a thread that says the opposite of her Showcase. Damn man, has pussy done eliminated your common sense?
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Old 09-11-2015, 07:11 PM   #329
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Her ignore list must be long as fuck lol...but u twerps still typing essays

I have reached my unnecessary back and forth quota for September

You eccie lifers have at it
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Old 09-11-2015, 07:14 PM   #330
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Originally Posted by NubianPrince View Post
Her ignore list must be long as fuck lol...but u twerps still typing essays

I have reached my unnecessary back and forth quota for September

You eccie lifers have at it
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