OP's First sentence ~
I would like to take a moment and ask all the lovely ladies on this board, whom would like to share their SCREENING REQUIREMENTS and list them here.
As the OP pointed out in this threAD, asking for other ladies to chime in and I don't think I saw any ladies offering their screening info up.
My screening is...
(Best way) P411. If you have at least 3 ok's under your profile and provider me with your phone number. Then I'm good to go. I do check your ok's though. So, it does take time to make contact with another provider and then wait for a reply if needed.
(most common) Send me a PM with....
*Name (first name only is fine with me) I don't want to always refer you as "Hey you", "Sweetie" or "Babe"
*Age (DOB only if you are interested in my birthday specials.)
*Occupation (your job title only is fine with me....I don't ask for "Where do you work")
*Email address (Just another way to communicate in case I can't get you through here by PM)
*Phone number (Which is only used for confirming our first visit several hours prior to visit and so you can call me when you get close to my incall. As I and most ladies do not give full addresses where they are located)
*A description of yourself is great too. Which I have listed on my Screening form via website. This is useful for the ladies so we have a general description of you before visiting us. If for some reason you don't look another like your description, That to us is just like a "bait n switch". Which we all know, most of you gentlemen will turn around and not stay, along with it just being safe on our part.
*References Which I am Newbie Friendly, but do ask for references to those that have been on here for years that DO NOT offer up any reviews to check. Otherwise, when it comes to references....everyone will have a different experience. Some good, some not. So, I don't rely on references completely.
What I have seen that is a major issue, is where a gentlemen thinks a lady doesn't screen at all. Like really? ALWAYS assume before booking a visit that a lady is needing some kind of info from you before visiting her. Most guys expect it, won't see a lady if they don't screen. We all want to be safe for the obvious reasons.

along with possibly meeting a leo.