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Old 08-31-2015, 11:23 PM   #1
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Default Explanations to the SO for shaving

OK, this is not a thread about whether its better to shave or not,or whether its preferred by the ladies or not. I'm more than prepared to accept that the ladies like the guys shaved as much as we do for them.

No, this is about how to explain this to the SO, that after 10, 20, 30+ years of being au natural you've decided to go bald. But I have a long-time FWB, that has asked me to shave below and has offered to help. Exciting but scary proposition.

As my limited little brain thinks about it there are 3 categories for ideas:
1 Do it and try and hide it from her, risk her noticing and asking about it (pro is that she might not find/see it up close for those few weeks until its growing back
2. Do it and and tell her before/early after. Share it with SO as well, but need a pre-event explanation.
3 . ???

So in any of these circumstances what are some good or best ideas about how to tell without raising red flags. I can see her reaction could be why did you do this? How did you even get the idea to do this? Who gave you the idea? Who gave you the idea/who are you sleeping with?

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Old 09-01-2015, 12:23 AM   #2
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I never have come up with a good excuse, even though I would have done it years ago if I could have thought up a reason.

Hiding it wouldn't work; I wander around naked too much, especially after a shower and getting ready for bed. Even if I could start changing in the closet, I know I'd forget and she'd say, what in the world happened to you.

Maybe something about going to the doctor in the real world and coming home and saying he wanted to have look at a spot on your testicle, and a male nurse did the honors in his office. It's so far-fetched I doubt I could pull it off. My wife isn't suspicious, but is very, very curious; plus she'd be concerned for my health.

One that's really, really mean and you'd have to be a real son of a bitch to even try, would be to come home from the doctor and say you had some kind of skin infection down there and the doctor had hinted it was sexually transmitted, and you know you haven't been out of the marriage and you're not accusing her blah blah blah, but she too needs to shave and put this cream on down there for 10 days etc. etc. etc. I don't hate her enough to do that. Plus, she'd want to see the evidence in any case.

I have had one provider comment negatively on the au natural look, but the best ones don't. Naw, I never have thought of a way to pull it off.
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Old 09-01-2015, 12:56 AM   #3
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Tell her it's the only sure fire way to get rid of crabs.

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Old 09-01-2015, 02:35 AM   #4
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Tell her you would like her to shave and go bald if she isn't. If she does, you do it too to show gratitude.if she resists, you do it to incentivise her. If she is already bald, do it to be the same as her. Either way, it is about her that you shaved, not you.
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Old 09-01-2015, 03:02 AM   #5
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you went for the checkup.
doc said you show signs for prostate cancer/ED/hernia etc. wants further tests.

you agreed and part of it required scans.
the medical assistant shaved you partially or told you too.

you did the rest to even it out and found you like it. didn't say anything out of embarrassment.
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Old 09-01-2015, 04:07 AM   #6
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Tell her "Cuz my favorite hooker asked me to"! After all women like and appreciated the truth.

For me I shaved for a lady but found out my workouts were more comfortable. So if you have any gym or sports activities just tell her you read it helps to be bald to avoid heat rash (<---not a complete lie either)
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Old 09-01-2015, 04:32 AM   #7
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Just tell her you read something online where it was more hygienic and could spice up the marriage/love life and that you are thinking about trying it... then get HER input/approval. After that, you're golden.
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Old 09-01-2015, 05:42 AM   #8
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I work outside for inspections and play tons of tennis. I used the "its cooler and more comfortable" line. no problems.
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Old 09-01-2015, 05:58 AM   #9
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Came down with a case of jock itch a couple years ago went to the doc in the box to get some ointment, told her doc told me keep the balls shaved less chance of bacteria growing down there she bought it.
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Old 09-01-2015, 06:31 AM   #10
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I.tell.it is.my junk and I can shave it if want....plus I have been shaving for years so.it will more of a shock if I had hair
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Old 09-01-2015, 06:34 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Tell her "Cuz my favorite hooker asked me to"! After all women like and appreciated the truth.

For me I shaved for a lady but found out my workouts were more comfortable. So if you have any gym or sports activities just tell her you read it helps to be bald to avoid heat rash (<---not a complete lie either)
Or prevent jock itch.
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Old 09-01-2015, 06:48 AM   #12
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1. Consider trimming close with clippers instead of razor shave.
2. Do it your self and immediately show it off to her with a proud "look what I did for us happy dance"
3. Initiate the foreplay sex routine and give it your all to seal the deal that "this" is a good thing.
4. Follow up is that you prefer the feeling and wish you had tried this years ago!

As for reasoning/excuses;
Play to natural male insecurities, you see it in porn and read in a men's magazine that it makes it look bigger.
Follow it up with playing to her insecurities by implying that maybe it will also help rekindle some of the lost fire in your relationship you've noticed lately...then say "besides its cheaper than counseling and worst case it will grow back"
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Old 09-01-2015, 07:57 AM   #13
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Trim it first, and then say to SO that "look honey, I have a new look for you". Then it is up to you to try any option. Say the same to FWB too!
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Old 09-01-2015, 09:49 AM   #14
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I told her I read on a men's grooming site that if you sit in a leather chair behind a desk all day, it can reduce perspiration and odor. Seemed to go over fine.
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Old 09-01-2015, 09:52 AM   #15
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I haven't pulled it off yet, but I run and lift. I tell her it's uncomfortable, and it feels funky, and I'm thinking about shaving it off. I've mentioned it enough in passing to have it come off as being unsure about wanting to make the big leap, and as it not being a surprise if I do execute on it.

I would not advise bringing it up afterwards, or only one time. That seems fishy.
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