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Old 08-14-2015, 12:52 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
Republicans have more in common with China then they like to admit, China has shit all over the environment, Republicunts don't want any regulation of pollution. When Americans protested W's war they were glad to see them sprayed in the face with mace ad arrested, same kinda shit Chinas govt loves to do.
They lack the ability to see anything from a perspective other than their own. Christian evangelicals would love nothing more than to live in a country ruled by the laws of their religion. I tell them they don't have to wait, Iran or Saudi Arabia are waiting on them. They can live out their fantasy, a country ruled by religious laws. And they don't get it. It's like their feet are stuck in concrete and they're unable to move or see things from a different perspective at all.
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Old 08-14-2015, 06:35 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
You missed the point entirely, not suprising. My point is that both Capatilism and Socialism left to their own devices would collapse. Cuba can call itself whatever it wants. In practice, they do have elements of capitalism and they have been moving closer to that middle ground for decades now. The real world is not awach with only black and white, there are countless shades of gray. . . those who don't recognize nuance are only holding back discourse.
Although I'm not a fan of socialism and consider it inferior to capitalism, if you put good, honest, smart and hardworking people in such a system, it will work better than a capitalist system with a bunch of crooks and takers.

It depends on the humans - you need good people.
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Old 08-14-2015, 06:38 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
They lack the ability to see anything from a perspective other than their own. Christian evangelicals would love nothing more than to live in a country ruled by the laws of their religion. I tell them they don't have to wait, Iran or Saudi Arabia are waiting on them. They can live out their fantasy, a country ruled by religious laws. And they don't get it. It's like their feet are stuck in concrete and they're unable to move or see things from a different perspective at all.
How can you not see the flaw in your argument? You yourself said Christian evangelicals want nothing more to live in a country ruled by the laws of THEIR religion. Then, you say Saudi Arabia or Iran are waiting on them with a country ruled by religious laws. Problem is, it is the wrong religion!!!
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Old 08-14-2015, 08:03 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
How can you not see the flaw in your argument?
How can you not see the flaw in being a spineless fuk'n Welsher?
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Old 08-14-2015, 08:54 AM   #65
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JL, you need to STFU and just go away. You are the most dishonest, cheating, liar and welsher in the history of ECCIE.

You have no credibility and your xenophobic, homophobic, racist comments are neither interesting nor entertaining.

If this were your post, here's where an asshole like you would suggest suicide...
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Old 08-14-2015, 09:50 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
They lack the ability to see anything from a perspective other than their own. Christian evangelicals would love nothing more than to live in a country ruled by the laws of their religion. I tell them they don't have to wait, Iran or Saudi Arabia are waiting on them. They can live out their fantasy, a country ruled by religious laws. And they don't get it. It's like their feet are stuck in concrete and they're unable to move or see things from a different perspective at all.
They are blind to their own hypocrisy.
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Old 08-14-2015, 09:55 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Although I'm not a fan of socialism and consider it inferior to capitalism, if you put good, honest, smart and hardworking people in such a system, it will work better than a capitalist system with a bunch of crooks and takers.

It depends on the humans - you need good people.
I see ur point, I would just say that a successful system is one that finds a healthy balance of the two systems. . . and beware of those who live in world of black and white with no shades of gray.
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Old 08-14-2015, 01:28 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
I see ur point, I would just say that a successful system is one that finds a healthy balance of the two systems. . . and beware of those who live in world of black and white with no shades of gray.
We have had a healthy balance in the past, but we are teetering too far to the left. Admittedly, a matter of opinion.

Pure capitalism is great on paper but it gets hijacked by psychopathic crooks who take advantage of the decent folks - pretty much the same kind of people in socialism who hijack the government to do their dastardly bidding.
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Old 08-14-2015, 01:48 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
We have had a healthy balance in the past, but we are teetering too far to the left. Admittedly, a matter of opinion.

Pure capitalism is great on paper but it gets hijacked by psychopathic crooks who take advantage of the decent folks - pretty much the same kind of people in socialism who hijack the government to do their dastardly bidding.
I disagree for the most part of course, but ur making a thought out, logical point. . . so thanks for being one of the few right wing types to discuss like an adult.

There are some programs that go to far as far as "hand outs" I admit that but there are also programs that make complete sense to fund that republicnas look to cut every chance they get. . . Job training is a perfect example.
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Old 08-14-2015, 02:35 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
.... there are also programs that make complete sense to fund that republicnas look to cut every chance they get. . . Job training is a perfect example.
You picked a terrible example, suckclown. Job training is an area where there are dozens of government programs with a huge amount of duplication and waste. Whenever Republicans try to hold programs accountable and eliminate the ones that aren't working, you libtards falsely accuse them of being against doing anything. So we end up with the worst of both worlds - wasted tax dollars AND failed programs.
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Old 08-14-2015, 03:38 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
How can you not see the flaw in your argument? You yourself said Christian evangelicals want nothing more to live in a country ruled by the laws of THEIR religion. Then, you say Saudi Arabia or Iran are waiting on them with a country ruled by religious laws. Problem is, it is the wrong religion!!!
It is A religion, is the point. Muslims want nothing more than to live in a country ruled by the laws of THEIR religion. It's still a theocracy, which was my point.
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Old 08-14-2015, 03:43 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You picked a terrible example, suckclown. Job training is an area where there are dozens of government programs with a huge amount of duplication and waste. Whenever Republicans try to hold programs accountable and eliminate the ones that aren't working, you libtards falsely accuse them of being against doing anything. So we end up with the worst of both worlds - wasted tax dollars AND failed programs.
Can't even say they've failed, really, since most haven't even had a performance review in years. We don't know what they're doing, if anything.


Here's an austerity plan:

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Old 08-14-2015, 10:32 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
It is A religion, is the point. Muslims want nothing more than to live in a country ruled by the laws of THEIR religion. It's still a theocracy, which was my point.
It is false reductionism to equate all theocracies. If your point is Christians want a theocracy, and Muslims want a theocracy, you should hardly congratulate yourself. Christians don't want a Muslim theocracy, nor do the Muslims wish Christianity upon themselves.
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Old 08-14-2015, 10:35 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
I disagree for the most part of course, but ur making a thought out, logical point. . . so thanks for being one of the few right wing types to discuss like an adult.

There are some programs that go to far as far as "hand outs" I admit that but there are also programs that make complete sense to fund that republicnas look to cut every chance they get. . . Job training is a perfect example.
Job training is a great idea but it is difficult to avoid it becoming just another government handout program masquerading as progress. You can dress up the statistics but such things work better when industry organically develops training for current needs, and funds it themselves. In some ways it is just corporate welfare when tax credits are involved. However, if the government wants to pay me to train bakers, I will take the money.
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Old 08-15-2015, 12:28 AM   #75
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Try though you might, you're still the biggest lying, cheating, welshing, homophobic cocksucker who shines through your every handle.
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