Originally Posted by herfacechair
If a woman makes me live up to my username perfectly, it's going to be impossible for me to see a mommy tummy. 
I do not find this sexually stimulating. Maybe many of you men that do are wired like a woman.
The human sexual response cycle, sexual desire, activities, satisfaction, and physical and mental responses in men and women are different. Men usually feel sexual satisfaction during sexual activity and
are more prone to physical attraction, whereas women are more affected by the environment and emotions related to the sexual partner or sexual fantasy in terms of sexual satisfaction.
[1,2] Men generally respond to visual sexual stimuli, such as attractive nude or erotic pictures,
or erotic films. Women respond differently to the same sexual stimuli. Some women feel repulsed by muscular, erotic male photos, and some are sexually attracted by emotional or lingual stimulation.
[3] In other words, men are more sexually aroused by visual stimuli, but women are more sexually aroused by concrete, auditory, olfactory, touch and emotionally relevant sexual stimulation.
If I'm paying , I look for this...