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Old 08-03-2015, 05:38 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
This likely contains more truth than some of you have ever ingested at one point in time. It will also prove prophetic because I know you will shit all over it. But then that's what it said you would do. It describes some of you in here to such a degree, it's eery.

A stupid, sarcastic article posted by an idiot.

We should shit all over it because of its falsehoods and half truths couched on selectively presented data.

Like this bit:
In reality, right-wing domestic terrorists and mass shooters are the number one threat to America’s safety and security since September 11, 2001.

Note the cutoff date. Because if we go back to anytime before 9-11, it just isn't true, right?

Also, note the grouping of two different populations - 1) right-wing domestic terrorists and 2) mass shooters in order to boost the numbers to make it look like RW terrorists are a big threat.

And what is a RW terrorist? I know the default assumption by progressives is that anyone that appears racist is a "right-winger". But that's bullshit.

But even assuming that was true, how many racist shootings can you actually think of beyond the shooter Dylan Root in the SC church?

The vast majority of mass shooters are simple psychopaths. The school shooter in Newtown and the Aurora movie theater shooter weren't racists. In fact, they were shooting other whites almost exclusively.

But if you group mass shooters (lot of victims) with racist shooters (very few victims), you can give the false appearance that racist shooters are much bigger problem than they actually are.

And then this bit of bullshit:
White men are approximately 31 percent of the United States population. And yet, white men are nearly 63 percent of those people who commit mass shootings. Such behavior, among any other group, would be considered pathological and a public health crisis.

Again, why the limitation to mass shootings? What about the much greater number of "regular shootings".

I think mass shootings generally require more than 4 dead. But mass shootings of that type are few and far between. And it generally excludes gang violence and woundings.

In NY this weekend, 3 were killed and 19 wounded in multiple shootings including, NINE people who were shot in Brooklyn at a barbeque party.


Needless to say the perps were black gang members.

But none of that counts in your mass shootings does it? But which type of violence is the greater threat to everyone in society, including blacks?

Black-on-white violence greatly exceeds white-on-black violence, both in absolute numbers and on a per capita basis. Some reports indicate a white person is 25 times more likely to be attacked by a black person than vice versa.

And yet progressive outfits like Salon publish tripe like this to spread propaganda that white violence is somehow a big problem.

And this bit of stupidity:
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The killing and abuse of women by men in the United States — the vast majority of it committed within the same “racial” group — is so common that it is rarely deemed to be newsworthy by the mainstream news media. This is a disgusting national embarrassment.
Note the switch away from race-based violence to domestic violence - without regard to race but still trying to make it seem like a white problem.

But what does that have to do with white masculinity? Doesn't abuse of women also apply to black masculinity and Latino masculinity?

In fact, isn't the rate of domestic violence higher in both the black and hispanic communities than it is in the white community?
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Old 08-03-2015, 06:29 PM   #32
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
There's reality and then his reality. They are entirely two different things. The best way to describe this delusional fucker WR is through this video, lol.


That video sure does describe woomby the eunuch to a tee ! And that girl in the video rejected the guy just like woomby has happen to him ! That girl doesn't look like a $ 150 backpage cetacean like woomby likes, so it's no wonder the guy got rejected ! Wonder if that guy is a glory holer like woomby ? Trying to make up for his lack of testosterone and for being born a lying liberal eunuch just like woomby ?
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Old 08-03-2015, 06:29 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Well with all of the parading around that you peter puffers do and the lying liberal media pushing your agenda as "heroic" , like the Caitlyn Jenner show and all the other shows, only someone as brain dead as you would not see how you swishy walkers operate and where your play areas are ? No thy enemy woomby ! Ever heard of that ? Probably not something you would hear down on your knees at the 'holes.
I've heard 'know they enemy'. I mean goddamn. How do you fuck up 'no' and 'know'. You're the brain dead one, motherhumper.
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Old 08-03-2015, 06:31 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Hahah, what a dumb shit you are. If Blacks and Hispanics have a problem it's up to them to solve it. You can't blame the white race for your issues. The white race has done everything it can to bring about equality for minorities in this country. I don't think minorities are even interested in equality what they really want is total dominance and that isn't a happening thing.

You do realize that at the current rate, whites will be the minority in this country within 25 years, yes? The revolution is coming and it won't be televised.

BTW, nearly pissed myself laughing at the highlighted portion.
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Old 08-03-2015, 06:35 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
A stupid, sarcastic article posted by an idiot.

We should shit all over it because of its falsehoods and half truths couched on selectively presented data.

Like this bit:
In reality, right-wing domestic terrorists and mass shooters are the number one threat to America’s safety and security since September 11, 2001.

Note the cutoff date. Because if we go back to anytime before 9-11, it just isn't true, right?

Also, note the grouping of two different populations - 1) right-wing domestic terrorists and 2) mass shooters in order to boost the numbers to make it look like RW terrorists are a big threat.

And what is a RW terrorist? I know the default assumption by progressives is that anyone that appears racist is a "right-winger". But that's bullshit.

But even assuming that was true, how many racist shootings can you actually think of beyond the shooter Dylan Root in the SC church?

The vast majority of mass shooters are simple psychopaths. The school shooter in Newtown and the Aurora movie theater shooter weren't racists. In fact, they were shooting other whites almost exclusively.

But if you group mass shooters (lot of victims) with racist shooters (very few victims), you can give the false appearance that racist shooters are much bigger problem than they actually are.

And then this bit of bullshit:
White men are approximately 31 percent of the United States population. And yet, white men are nearly 63 percent of those people who commit mass shootings. Such behavior, among any other group, would be considered pathological and a public health crisis.

Again, why the limitation to mass shootings? What about the much greater number of "regular shootings".

I think mass shootings generally require more than 4 dead. But mass shootings of that type are few and far between. And it generally excludes gang violence and woundings.

In NY this weekend, 3 were killed and 19 wounded in multiple shootings including, NINE people who were shot in Brooklyn at a barbeque party.


Needless to say the perps were black gang members.

But none of that counts in your mass shootings does it? But which type of violence is the greater threat to everyone in society, including blacks?

Black-on-white violence greatly exceeds white-on-black violence, both in absolute numbers and on a per capita basis. Some reports indicate a white person is 25 times more likely to be attacked by a black person than vice versa.

And yet progressive outfits like Salon publish tripe like this to spread propaganda that white violence is somehow a big problem.

And this bit of stupidity:
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The killing and abuse of women by men in the United States — the vast majority of it committed within the same “racial” group — is so common that it is rarely deemed to be newsworthy by the mainstream news media. This is a disgusting national embarrassment.
Note the switch away from race-based violence to domestic violence - without regard to race but still trying to make it seem like a white problem.

But what does that have to do with white masculinity? Doesn't abuse of women also apply to black masculinity and Latino masculinity?

In fact, isn't the rate of domestic violence higher in both the black and hispanic communities than it is in the white community?
Swishy walk on down to your local PP and get your SB taken care of, you feckless turd. All the things you didn't like, were clearly pointed out. It didn't go back before 9/11 because that's when we became terrorist crazy, get it? And that's what it is juxtaposing it against. And it mentions domestic violence because there are more whites than anything else in this country... for now
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Old 08-03-2015, 07:16 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
A stupid, sarcastic article posted by an idiot.

But even assuming that was true, how many racist shootings can you actually think of beyond the shooter Dylan Root in the SC church

Black-on-white violence greatly exceeds white-on-black violence, both in absolute numbers and on a per capita basis. Some reports indicate a white person is 25 times more likely to be attacked by a black person than vice versa.

And this bit of stupidity:
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The killing and abuse of women by men in the United States — the vast majority of it committed within the same “racial” group — is so common that it is rarely deemed to be newsworthy by the mainstream news media. This is a disgusting national embarrassment.
Note the switch away from race-based violence to domestic violence - without regard to race but still trying to make it seem like a white problem.

But what does that have to do with white masculinity? Doesn't abuse of women also apply to black masculinity and Latino masculinity?

In fact, isn't the rate of domestic violence higher in both the black and hispanic communities than it is in the white community?
Off the top of my head I can think of racists shootings beyond Dylan Root - what about the two black guys shooting people while laying in the trunk of their car? There are others but I'll leave it there

It's more like 40 times more likely for black on white crime, not 25 times

As far as abuse of women? According to fbi stats, as of 2014, the last full set of data was through 2008, but for the six years 2003 through 2008, there were exactly zero reported rapes or sexual assaults of black women by whites, while there were over 138,000 reported rapes and sexual assaults of white women by blacks. And since whites are maybe 7 times the black population, that's some difference
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Old 08-03-2015, 07:44 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
At least I can spell. How does it feel to be inferior to a brown man?
Caitlyn, if this is the best you have then you really are a silly little faggot. I could care less about my spelling on a hooker board. The fact that you do, just displays another of your gay traits.
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Old 08-03-2015, 07:50 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Lack of attention to detail can be evidence of lack of attention to detail in other areas of life. If you can't be bothered to speak and write correctly, what else do you not give a shit about? If I make a mistake, point it out. I'll learn from it, instead of getting upset and pissing myself.
Ah excuse me, not sure who is upset and pissing themselves, but it certainly is not me. Do you really think I give one iota of concern about what you think. Shit man I just want you to cut my grass.
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Old 08-03-2015, 07:53 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
I've heard 'know they enemy'. I mean goddamn. How do you fuck up 'no' and 'know'. You're the brain dead one, motherhumper.
Its "thy" not "they" dumb fuck how do you fuck that up, you're one brain dead panzy humper.
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Old 08-03-2015, 07:58 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You do realize that at the current rate, whites will be the minority in this country within 25 years, yes? The revolution is coming and it won't be televised.

BTW, nearly pissed myself laughing at the highlighted portion.
You're over estimating the population density of Blacks and Hispanics. No matter what you've read blacks and Hispanics will never out live or out number the white race. The only accuracy your claim has is in prison populations where blacks and Hispanics out number whites at least 2to1, The article below illustrates the misconceptions on population of the races.


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Old 08-03-2015, 07:59 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Caitlyn, if this is the best you have then you really are a silly little faggot. I could care less about my spelling on a hooker board. The fact that you do, just displays another of your gay traits.
So... being intelligent is somehow construed as being gay? Ok...
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Old 08-03-2015, 08:06 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
So... being intelligent is somehow construed as being gay? Ok...
Well we are talking about you so its just being gay that's a concern. Have a great day at work, isn't it time to get your tonsils punched.
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Old 08-03-2015, 08:07 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Swishy walk on down to your local PP and get your SB taken care of, you feckless turd.
WTF does that mean? More gibberish from a pseudo-intellect. You are every bit as stupid now as you were when you went by Zanzibar.

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
All the things you didn't like, were clearly pointed out.
No, falsehoods were presented by a propagandist. You didn't rebut a single point I made, did you, Zanzi?

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
It didn't go back before 9/11 because that's when we became terrorist crazy, get it?
No, actually I don't. I'm pretty certain we didn't like terrorists before 9-11. In fact, 9-11 wasn't even the first attack on the Twin Towers. The author chose post 9-11 because he was cherry picking data. In fact, if you just select the whole world, rather than just the US, the world's biggest problem are probably Muslim masculinity followed by black masculinity, followed by Latino masculinity.

If you know how to count, that is.

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
And it mentions domestic violence because there are more whites than anything else in this country... for now
But white men are the least likely to engage in domestic violence. So what was the point, shit-for-brains?

Once again, you didn't address a SINGLE POINT that I made. Not able to?
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Old 08-03-2015, 08:07 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
You're over estimating the population density of Blacks and Hispanics. No matter what you've read blacks and Hispanics will never out live or out number the white race. The only accuracy your claim has is in prison populations where blacks and Hispanics out number whites at least 2to1, The article below illustrates the misconceptions on population of the races.


No... you've got it wrong. Whites will be LESS than 50 percent of the population at some point in the near future. And I'm pretty sure you don't know what population 'density' means, by the way you're using it. Density, in the case of humans, is the measure of population per unit area. It's not generally used to break down race, but people per unit area.



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Old 08-03-2015, 08:12 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
WTF does that mean? More gibberish from a pseudo-intellect. You are every bit as stupid now as you were when you went by Zanzibar.

No, falsehoods were presented by a propagandist. You didn't rebut a single point I made, did you, Zanzi?

No, actually I don't. I'm pretty certain we didn't like terrorists before 9-11. In fact, 9-11 wasn't even the first attack on the Twin Towers. The author chose post 9-11 because he was cherry picking data. In fact, if you just select the whole world, rather than just the US, the world's biggest problem are probably Muslim masculinity followed by black masculinity, followed by Latino masculinity.

If you know how to count, that is.

But white men are the least likely to engage in domestic violence. So what was the point, shit-for-brains?
It's not cherry-picking. You have to have a beginning and ending point or should we just go back 14 billion years up until yesterday? And if you're contending that we cared as much about terrorists before 9/11 as we do after it, you're just being disingenuous. I guess that's why Clinton had Bin Laden, but didn't take him, right? Look at how muslim-crazy people in the US have become since 9/11. Yes, if he chose the whole world, you're probably right, but the article was specifically talking about the US, so kind of stupid to use the whole world when that isn't what the article was addressing. I don't know who zanzibar is, but he sounds cool.
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