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Old 08-03-2015, 03:21 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
If someone spends themselves into the ground, that's one less person paying in. Multiply that by the millions who do it and it goddamn well does start affecting you.... Once the patient is bled out, there's no saving them. The key is to do something before it gets to that point.
Your ignorance is astounding. If someone habitually overspends and can't handle their debts in this country, they can file for personal bankruptcy. Then they keep working and "paying in" while their debts are discharged. After a few years if they manage their money better, their FICO scores improve and they regain access to credit. The process works even faster and more efficiently on the corporate side. If you weren't so utterly clueless about economics, you would understand how "the perennial gale of creative destruction" is capitalism's biggest strength, not its weakness.

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Old 08-03-2015, 07:50 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Look, dumbass, what you did was tell half the story. You're required to have health insurance in this country. That's government telling you how to spend your money and it's not included in your number.
This is what you point to as a defense. This law is strictly a democrat law. Many Americans disagree with it and believe the US supreme court blew it with their ruling. You want to now tell us that the government is already telling us how to spend our money and we are OK with that. No we're not. It's a horrible law that has not done anything close to what it was supposed to do. You and your ilk want more and more government. The bigger the better. The conservatives want smaller government and less intrusion into our lives. That doesn't mean zero government.

As for me being angry. Yeah it does piss me off to see people like you trying to destroy this country. You keep throwing out Denmark as this utopian form of government and a perfectly run country where everyone is happy. It's the size of El Paso and doesn't do shit in the worldwide scheme of things. Again, if it is so fucking great then move.
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Old 08-03-2015, 08:42 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Wall Street is a giant scam, but that's for another time. I'm actually reading a book called 'Hedge Hogs' right now. Quite interesting. My point about us not needing all this shit. It's all bullshit. The need is created. It's not real.
Painting with a bit of a broad brush there, aren't you?

That's like saying banks and insurance companies are scams. Like many Wall Street firms, some of them are involved in unethical practices, to be sure. The answer is reining in the destructive activity, like Brooksley Born tried to do with derivatives while at the CFTC.

Industries as a matter of course need to raise equity capital, and wouldn't be able to do so without Wall Street. And industries that are heavy consumers of various commodities and raw materials benefit from hedging risks with futures contracts and other instruments. The same goes for producers of said commodities, who can smooth out the adverse effects of cyclical pricing collapses and spikes.

Capitalism needs well functioning markets in order for a healthy, growing economy to prosper.

Oops! I typed a dirty word there, didn't I? OK, never mind ...
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Old 08-03-2015, 11:52 AM   #79
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You're beyond your depth. You're also very lost. That's not what I'm saying at all. You're beyond saving.
Typical of YOU to bitch about all my other posts by saying that they're all about your cumguzzling gloryhole activities and how I never comment on a thread without pointing them out and when I don't mention them, you do your typical childish lying liberal BS, name calling and insults. YOU are the lost cause woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker. Once again, anyone not in goose-step with the radical socialist party line of confiscatory taxes for some SOB lying liberal bureaucrat to redistribute to the losers like YOU gets the liberal "name calling" treatment since they can't effectively defend their position. GFY and go back to the 'holes, where you do your best work !
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Old 08-03-2015, 11:58 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
This is what you point to as a defense. This law is strictly a democrat law. Many Americans disagree with it and believe the US supreme court blew it with their ruling. You want to now tell us that the government is already telling us how to spend our money and we are OK with that. No we're not. It's a horrible law that has not done anything close to what it was supposed to do. You and your ilk want more and more government. The bigger the better. The conservatives want smaller government and less intrusion into our lives. That doesn't mean zero government.

As for me being angry. Yeah it does piss me off to see people like you trying to destroy this country. You keep throwing out Denmark as this utopian form of government and a perfectly run country where everyone is happy. It's the size of El Paso and doesn't do shit in the worldwide scheme of things. Again, if it is so fucking great then move.
So now it's about size? And what does doing shit in the scheme of things have to do with anything? What do we contribute? Fattest fucking country in the world? Jesus, that's great. I'm not trying to destroy this country. Look around. We're printing money like it's going out of style. We're doing well at destroying it all by ourselves. As for ACA, it's the law. Whether you like it or not doesn't matter. It's the government telling you how to spend your money. And kids ARE graduating college with 20 years of debt ahead of them. That's not right. Those were just two examples where I thought we could do better. I'm not saying we change everything overnight, but changes need to be made. We cannot sustain ourselves like this. I shouldn't have to move to live in the best country in the world. I thought I was already living there... at least that's what we're force fed every day of our lives.
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:02 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Typical of YOU to bitch about all my other posts by saying that they're all about your cumguzzling gloryhole activities and how I never comment on a thread without pointing them out and when I don't mention them, you do your typical childish lying liberal BS, name calling and insults. YOU are the lost cause woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker. Once again, anyone not in goose-step with the radical socialist party line of confiscatory taxes for some SOB lying liberal bureaucrat to redistribute to the losers like YOU gets the liberal "name calling" treatment since they can't effectively defend their position. GFY and go back to the 'holes, where you do your best work !
YOU hit the nail on the head. You cannot effectively defend your position. So why do you hold it? Why would you espouse a position that you cannot defend in the slightest? I don't want anyone in 'goose step', I want you to think for yourself and realize that you're a grown goddamn man who is going on like a fucking child about gloryholes and cumguzzlers. Once in a while, sure, but goddamn it's every post with you. It's embarrassing. Grow up. I'm not gay. I just like fucking with you idiots. Believe it or not, I really don't give a shit. I know you're homophobic and it tees you off, so I do it. Somewhere, deep down, I think you might be gay though. You're SO homophobic that it just might be true.
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:05 PM   #82
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Your ignorance is astounding. If someone habitually overspends and can't handle their debts in this country, they can file for personal bankruptcy. Then they keep working and "paying in" while their debts are discharged. After a few years if they manage their money better, their FICO scores improve and they regain access to credit. The process works even faster and more efficiently on the corporate side. If you weren't so utterly clueless about economics, you would understand how "the perennial gale of creative destruction" is capitalism's biggest strength, not its weakness.

woomby the self proclaimed economics genius must never have heard that Milton Hershey had 7 failed businesses before getting it right with the chocolate business. But if it's not a tome by Shrillary, Karl Marx, or the latest news of the cum guzzling swishy walker's world, woomby "the retired early and working as a freelance writer for travel guides " has no time for reading it. He's such a lying liberal !
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:13 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
YOU hit the nail on the head. You cannot effectively defend your position. So why do you hold it? Why would you espouse a position that you cannot defend in the slightest? I don't want anyone in 'goose step', I want you to think for yourself and realize that you're a grown goddamn man who is going on like a fucking child about gloryholes and cumguzzlers. Once in a while, sure, but goddamn it's every post with you. It's embarrassing. Grow up. I'm not gay. I just like fucking with you idiots. Believe it or not, I really don't give a shit. I know you're homophobic and it tees you off, so I do it. Somewhere, deep down, I think you might be gay though. You're SO homophobic that it just might be true.
More deflection and transference from you woomby the lying liberal. It's YOU libs that can't defend YOUR positions about why it's ok to confiscate money from the achievers and earners in our system and give it to the lay-about losers like YOU who 's idea of "community service" is to work at the 'holes. And YOU think that YOU are entitled to it ! Keep up the "community service" there at Talleywackers and yor franchises woomby. Maybe odummer or Shrillary will give you a "humanitarian" award for your "service" .
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:15 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post
Painting with a bit of a broad brush there, aren't you?

That's like saying banks and insurance companies are scams. Like many Wall Street firms, some of them are involved in unethical practices, to be sure. The answer is reining in the destructive activity, like Brooksley Born tried to do with derivatives while at the CFTC.

Industries as a matter of course need to raise equity capital, and wouldn't be able to do so without Wall Street. And industries that are heavy consumers of various commodities and raw materials benefit from hedging risks with futures contracts and other instruments. The same goes for producers of said commodities, who can smooth out the adverse effects of cyclical pricing collapses and spikes.

Capitalism needs well functioning markets in order for a healthy, growing economy to prosper.

Oops! I typed a dirty word there, didn't I? OK, never mind ...
It also needs cheap labor. When that labor is no longer cheap, it moves. I understand the purpose Wall St performs, but the lack of regulations has taken it beyond what is necessary IMO. Do companies need to mitigate risk? Yes. Do companies need access to capital? Yes and I understand that. But they have created this labyrinth of instruments and they create them faster than the regulators can get their head around them, so they aren't regulated properly. There's too much complexity, so much so that it has change the nature of risk. What about the fact that it's more like a game now than anything else. You used to could buy a 1000 shares here, sell 1000 over here and that's it. Now you buy 100 and suddenly the rest disappear and it's because the other guy had a faster internet connection. That's not business, that's a fucking game.
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:20 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Your ignorance is astounding. If someone habitually overspends and can't handle their debts in this country, they can file for personal bankruptcy. Then they keep working and "paying in" while their debts are discharged. After a few years if they manage their money better, their FICO scores improve and they regain access to credit. The process works even faster and more efficiently on the corporate side. If you weren't so utterly clueless about economics, you would understand how "the perennial gale of creative destruction" is capitalism's biggest strength, not its weakness.

When destruction is a strength, that's something that needs to be examined. Yes, just file bankruptcy and start all over. How about just getting it right the first time, you fucking failure. Maybe they lose their job, maybe shit doesn't go a to b to c, like in your neat little analogy. And of course it works faster on the corporate side, it's barely a hiccup and you're right back in business, forget that you just fucked something up bad enough to need bankruptcy to get out of it, let's get that dumbass right back in business. Do you listen to yourself or are your earholes full of cock? If you weren't so utterly clueless about life...
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:51 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
So now it's about size? And what does doing shit in the scheme of things have to do with anything? What do we contribute? Fattest fucking country in the world? Jesus, that's great. I'm not trying to destroy this country. Look around. We're printing money like it's going out of style. We're doing well at destroying it all by ourselves. As for ACA, it's the law. Whether you like it or not doesn't matter. It's the government telling you how to spend your money. And kids ARE graduating college with 20 years of debt ahead of them. That's not right. Those were just two examples where I thought we could do better. I'm not saying we change everything overnight, but changes need to be made. We cannot sustain ourselves like this. I shouldn't have to move to live in the best country in the world. I thought I was already living there... at least that's what we're force fed every day of our lives.
Hell yes size does matter you pencil dick mother fucker. So in your limited intellect you must believe that if you can have a commune with 20 people that runs smoothly then there should be no reason that the United fucking States and it's 300 + million people can't live the same way. Do we have problems here? You're goddamn right and the majority are caused by the lefts decades of social engineering. Yea the ACA is the law. It's more social engineering by your fucking side. Redistribution of wealth.

When there is a natural disaster anywhere in the world who sends help? Denmark? Yea right. You may not like it but we are the worlds police. From WWII on we have been the country most likely to come to the aid of others. Have we made some mistakes? Of course but we have done a shitload more good that harm and you want to model us after Denmark.

You're a fucking coward and an admitted hypocrite. What was your number for the max a CEO should be paid? Wasn't in the $200,000 dollar per year range? Now you want to preach about a living wage yet you refuse to tell us what that is. Fuck dude, try for one damn second to use a little bit of common sense.
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Old 08-03-2015, 01:09 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
When destruction is a strength, that's something that needs to be examined. Yes, just file bankruptcy and start all over. How about just getting it right the first time, you fucking failure. Maybe they lose their job, maybe shit doesn't go a to b to c, like in your neat little analogy. And of course it works faster on the corporate side, it's barely a hiccup and you're right back in business, forget that you just fucked something up bad enough to need bankruptcy to get out of it, let's get that dumbass right back in business. Do you listen to yourself or are your earholes full of cock? If you weren't so utterly clueless about life...
Oh my, look at that.... poor widdle woomby is afraid of life. All the other little boys scrape their knees and break their bones learning how to swim and play baseball and climb trees but poor widdle woomby stays in mommy's basement playing with his widdle dolls all day long. He won't come out until his mommy and his gubmint tell him the neighborhood is 100% guaranteed safe and he will never get hurt in life and never fall down or scrape a knee (and if he does, he will blame everything on the neighborhood bullies while crying for gubmint protection for him and all those other LGBT sissy boys who will grow up to be tort lawyers and libtarded bureaucrats churning out endless stifling indecipherable rules to kill off all private initiative).

Do you ever listen to yourself, widdle woomby? Cock an ear sometime (while eyeing your next cock) and this is what you will hear:


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Old 08-03-2015, 01:10 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
It also needs cheap labor. When that labor is no longer cheap, it moves. I understand the purpose Wall St performs, but the lack of regulations has taken it beyond what is necessary IMO. Do companies need to mitigate risk? Yes. Do companies need access to capital? Yes and I understand that. But they have created this labyrinth of instruments and they create them faster than the regulators can get their head around them, so they aren't regulated properly. There's too much complexity, so much so that it has change the nature of risk. What about the fact that it's more like a game now than anything else. You used to could buy a 1000 shares here, sell 1000 over here and that's it. Now you buy 100 and suddenly the rest disappear and it's because the other guy had a faster internet connection. That's not business, that's a fucking game.
Few people I know of are arguing that a lot of this stuff shouldn't be more intelligently and effectively regulated. I, for one, certainly am not.

But little of any beneficial nature gets done. Dodd-Frank is a jumbled mess that arguably does far more harm than good. Although Republicans are constantly lambasted for deregulation efforts over the years, Democrats are just as complicit. The failures are bipartisan.

Sure, many Democrats talk a good game, but at the end of the day don't even try to do much more than put on a show designed to appeal to voters and certain constituencies. Why is that? Well, just recall the hackneyed old expression "follow the money."
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Old 08-03-2015, 01:53 PM   #89
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Financial crisis: 25 people at the heart of the meltdown

Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, former US president

[Sizteen] years ago Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which had ... ringfenced banks' risky "casino banking" divisions from the more pedestrian high street banking departments. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's move, which came after fierce lobbying from bankers, heralded the birth of superbanks and primed the sub-prime pump.

He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. Around the same time Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator also beefed up President Carter's 1977 Community Reinvestment Act – forcing lenders to take a more sympathetic approach to poor borrowers trying to get on the housing ladder. (The Guardian)
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Old 08-03-2015, 04:25 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
Hell yes size does matter you pencil dick mother fucker. So in your limited intellect you must believe that if you can have a commune with 20 people that runs smoothly then there should be no reason that the United fucking States and it's 300 + million people can't live the same way. Do we have problems here? You're goddamn right and the majority are caused by the lefts decades of social engineering. Yea the ACA is the law. It's more social engineering by your fucking side. Redistribution of wealth.

When there is a natural disaster anywhere in the world who sends help? Denmark? Yea right. You may not like it but we are the worlds police. From WWII on we have been the country most likely to come to the aid of others. Have we made some mistakes? Of course but we have done a shitload more good that harm and you want to model us after Denmark.

You're a fucking coward and an admitted hypocrite. What was your number for the max a CEO should be paid? Wasn't in the $200,000 dollar per year range? Now you want to preach about a living wage yet you refuse to tell us what that is. Fuck dude, try for one damn second to use a little bit of common sense.
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