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Old 07-23-2015, 07:41 AM   #31
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
For all we know some sweet German aborted the next Hitler thirty years ago and saved us all from WWIII.

or the next Mozart or Einstein
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Old 07-23-2015, 07:52 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
According to the law, that $40 plus whatever the woman paid you is reportable income. Failure to report it is tax evasion. You did no one a favor, you made $40+ . You truly are an idiot, WPF
COGay, I hit the RTM button on you changing my handle. My recollection is that you can not do that. If you now can , I am going to have a field day. I want a clarification is all and without hitting the RTM I'm not wasn't sure how do get one, just so you know.

Next , in the video, there was no talk of tax evasion, there was in fact talk of a signed contract. Next , the law clearly states that PPH can not make money off this transaction. So your dumbass is trying to mix apples with oranges. Have you never owned a business? If it cost you a 100 dollars to say clean your neighbors yard and you charge him 50 bucks, you did him a favor and/or you're an idiot business wise.
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Old 07-23-2015, 08:04 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
or the next Mozart or Einstein
Yes...we will never know. We do know however that the less educated you are the more kids you have and we know the poorer among us have less developed brains*. Is that your goal for this country? We have a vicious cycle. We can not keep having kids and not educating them in regards to sex. We can not abandon them to them to have more kids and to fill up our jails and maternity wards. That is what has happened in this country. In my view we should double, triple sex-ed courses, we should hand out free contraceptives and the morning after pill should be free. I live in reality , not some Bible thumper world where what sounds good on paper is not working. You do understand that some folks think the morning after pill is murder.

* http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/0...r-test-scores/
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Old 07-23-2015, 08:09 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
for fiscal year 2011 planned parenthood claims in their annual report to have performed(?) 333,964 abortions

lets say they average 2 tissue recoveries (they speak in euphemisms, its organ harvestings) per abortion at $100 dollars each

that's $66,792,800 per year- that buys a few lamborghini's

its a revenue growth profit area, and bonus opportunities for the employees
Let's get the facts straight....they do very few of these recoveries and the average is no where near 100 dollars. Why can't you fuckers argue facts instead of made up shit?

Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
its a revenue growth profit area, and bonus opportunities for the employees
Maybe that would be true if it were legal.

Next the obvious question that you boneheads can't seem to answer.

Would you be ok with abortion is this harvesting for medical research were discontinued? The obvious answer to that question is no, so why should PPH give in to you slippery slope argument?
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Old 07-23-2015, 08:12 AM   #35
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
for fiscal year 2011 planned parenthood claims in their annual report to have performed(?) 333,964 abortions

lets say they average 2 tissue recoveries (they speak in euphemisms, its organ harvestings) per abortion at $100 dollars each

that's $66,792,800 per year- that buys a few lamborghini's

its a revenue growth profit area, and bonus opportunities for the employees
Plus they charged about $500 per abortion and collected $530 million from the US taxpayer.
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Old 07-23-2015, 08:18 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
As usual, you are side-stepping the question. I know how my mother would answer it. Too bad you're not sure about your mother's response. It must have been very hard to grow up wondering if your own mother valued you more highly than a chicken or an acorn or a caterpillar.
We all know how that whore of a mother of yours would have answered...now keep projecting, I can play that game with the best of'em.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Lamest pro-abortion argument ever! If we really want to make sure we won't see another Hitler, let's kill all the little German boys that weren't aborted, too!
It was a lame answer in response to a lame question.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Oh, I get it all right... to you libtards, abortion is no worse than roasting an acorn or plucking a chicken. Others find it morally corrosive to the society we live in. I don't cling to any illusions about banning all abortions, but if nobody draws the line somewhere you libtards will let the moral corrosion grow and grow unchecked. You're already so numb you can blithely talk about the price of an embryo liver over a glass of cabernet.
If you find is morally corrosive, then do not have the procedure done! I thought you were a true conservative....is that how true conservatives believe? That their beliefs should be written into law for all to follow? Many find prostitution morally corrosive to the society we live in, you have fallen into the same category as folks wanting to end a women's choice to fuck for money! Congrats.

Jesus Christ, you think that were we video tape conversations at a morgue we wouldn't be repulsed by their cavalier attitude? My God, it is their job, you think folks are always serious? If so you are a fucking fool.
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Old 07-23-2015, 08:27 AM   #37
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes...we will never know. We do know however that the less educated you are the more kids you have and we know the poorer among us have less developed brains*. Is that your goal for this country? We have a vicious cycle. We can not keep having kids and not educating them in regards to sex. We can not abandon them to them to have more kids and to fill up our jails and maternity wards. That is what has happened in this country. In my view we should double, triple sex-ed courses, we should hand out free contraceptives and the morning after pill should be free. I live in reality , not some Bible thumper world where what sounds good on paper is not working. You do understand that some folks think the morning after pill is murder.

* http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/0...r-test-scores/
True, with the advent of the morning after pill, there is no reason for anyone to have an unwanted pregnancy.

It prevents conception, so it is not the same as abortion, where a human life has already begun forming.

Why isn't it an over the counter drug?
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Old 07-23-2015, 08:50 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
True, with the advent of the morning after pill, there is no reason for anyone to have an unwanted pregnancy.

It prevents conception, so it is not the same as abortion, where a human life has already begun forming.

Why isn't it an over the counter drug?
It should definitely be an OTC medication. However, what about the 15-year-old idiots who don't have the pill when they spend their summer nights fucking like minks in the back seat of daddy's car? Can you be certain that Hillbilly Daddy will be stocked with the morning after pill when he rapes Ellie Mae after a night of carousing following the weekly cross burning? Or the dipshits who are too messed up on (whatever) to even know they've been fucked?

Your point is well taken, but Mengele? Pub-leeze!

BTW -- the Morning after pill has been available since at least the early 70s.
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Old 07-23-2015, 09:12 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
True, with the advent of the morning after pill, there is no reason for anyone to have an unwanted pregnancy.
It is called uneducated. Many many folks are uneducated on these matters. That is why I am for funding of PPH. Until you educate the masses , PPH is a necessity in my book.

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
It prevents conception, so it is not the same as abortion, where a human life has already begun forming.
Not sure that is entirely true. Read this and see if some would not consider a fertilized egg, human.

It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Why isn't it an over the counter drug?
It is but that does not mean that the general population is educated on it and sex in general. That is the problem in this country....lack of sex education. Until that changes , I grudgingly support PPH.
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Old 07-23-2015, 09:13 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Let's get the facts straight....they do very few of these recoveries and the average is no where near 100 dollars. Why can't you fuckers argue facts instead of made up shit?

Maybe that would be true if it were legal.
the point I was making is this is a growth opportunity, a revenue enhancement, for them not that they currently do that-if she could only get more..the bonuses and therefore the Lamborghini is a possibility

and yeah but when did illegality ever hinder them?

theres already three laws the medical director admitted breaking in the video

they operate without regard to existing laws regarding statutory rape as it is
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Old 07-23-2015, 09:14 AM   #41
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
True, with the advent of the morning after pill, there is no reason for anyone to have an unwanted pregnancy.

It prevents conception, so it is not the same as abortion, where a human life has already begun forming.

Why isn't it an over the counter drug?
Is using a condom to prevent conception the same as abortion?
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Old 07-23-2015, 09:22 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Is using a condom to prevent conception the same as abortion?
I've never had an abortion, of course, but I would suspect ...

.......fucking with the condom feels better physically and emotionally ...
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Old 07-23-2015, 09:34 AM   #43
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You should have one, then provide some insight.
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Old 07-23-2015, 11:07 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
the point I was making is this is a growth opportunity, a revenue enhancement, for them not that they currently do that-if she could only get more..the bonuses and therefore the Lamborghini is a possibility
Anything is possible....what a stupid thing to throw out. It is highly improbable. Which is the point you are missing. Your next plane ride is a possible crash, is that possibility going to prevent you from taking it? Probably not with most sane people because the probability is so fucking low. Damn.

She is a terrible negotiator then as she starts out low and the undercover RWW zealots are the ones raising the price, even then she says she will have to check on the pricing at other facilities. And there is that pesky little contract she mentioned....hardly something one does who is breaking the law.
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Old 07-23-2015, 11:21 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
We all know how that whore of a mother of yours would have answered...now keep projecting, I can play that game with the best of'em.

The only game you know how to play is side-stepping the question. Again, it must have been sad growing up with a mother who told her little boy he was no more special than a clucking chicken!

It was a lame answer in response to a lame question.

It was a typical fagboy non-answer to a straightforward question... or are you trying to tell us your mother wished she had aborted you because you were a little Hitler?

If you find it morally corrosive, then do not have the procedure done! I thought you were a true conservative....is that how true conservatives believe? That their beliefs should be written into law for all to follow? Many find prostitution morally corrosive to the society we live in, you have fallen into the same category as folks wanting to end a women's choice to fuck for money! Congrats.

Not at all. Does prostitution between discreet consenting adults hurt anyone? If not, it is far less offensive or morally corrosive than terminating the life of an 8-month old fetus with a beating heart and the ability to feel pain.

Jesus Christ, you think that were we video tape conversations at a morgue we wouldn't be repulsed by their cavalier attitude? My God, it is their job, you think folks are always serious? If so you are a fucking fool.

Bodies at a morgue are already DOA. So you think crushing fetuses with a forceps is just a "job"? Would you want that on your resume?
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