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07-19-2015, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by WTF
So you are for sex-ed in schools?
Are you for free condoms for the poor?
Of course I am, I am also for free needles for junkies. Your trying to pin my position on some sort of religious choice. While I do believe in god, I don't base my positions on religion. In the case of abortion, I believe it is wrong, and I disagree with it, but I would never protest against it. I don't sit in judgement against those who choose to have it done, that is not my place. I am also a supporter of PP as I have stated in previous posts. I just think that they have gone to far in this case.
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07-20-2015, 03:35 AM
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Originally Posted by WTF
What are you rambling about?
Are you wanting to suck a harvested dick?
You are one (of several on here) who seem to bring up dick sucking.
On your mind lately?
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07-20-2015, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are one (of several on here) who seem to bring up dick sucking.
On your mind lately?
He must be missing woomby down at Talleywackers.
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07-20-2015, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are one (of several on here) who seem to bring up dick sucking.
On your mind lately?
Your mother must have harvested the common sense part of your brain.
Do you care to discuss the lie JD started the thread off with or is your objective to perpetuate it?
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07-20-2015, 08:22 AM
Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
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Originally Posted by dirty dog
Of course I am, I am also for free needles for junkies. Your trying to pin my position on some sort of religious choice. While I do believe in god, I don't base my positions on religion. In the case of abortion, I believe it is wrong, and I disagree with it, but I would never protest against it. I don't sit in judgement against those who choose to have it done, that is not my place. I am also a supporter of PP as I have stated in previous posts. I just think that they have gone to far in this case.
I respect your position DDildo, but I wonder if you realize that this story is basically a dishonest concoction whipped up bY anti-choice anti-woman, anti-health RWWipes and sold as "investigative reporting" to people who want to be had...
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07-20-2015, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I respect your position DDildo, but I wonder if you realize that this story is basically a dishonest concoction whipped up bY anti-choice RWWipes and sold as "investigative reporting" to people who want to be had...
But, as The Sin City Siren reports, Flores faced some serious repercussions for her honesty about her own experience with sex education, pregnancy, and abortion. The right-wing media jumped on her quoted testimony, with headlines proclaiming “Democratic Legislator: I Don’t Regret Killing My Baby in Abortion.” That coverage may have inspired some people to reach out to Flores, because local television producer tweeted on Thursday that the state lawmaker cancelled her appearance on a political news show after receiving death threats from people who had heard about her abortion story:
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07-20-2015, 09:03 AM
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This fear and smear hysteria is no different. JDrunk and his band of medieval miscreants will say and do anything to make themselves feel better about their perverse, extremist views.
I think they believe they can justify death threats, terror and other crimes in the name of their religious views. Now they'll come back with "it's not about religion." That one cracks me up.
This debate is tired. RWWs need to find something else to squeal about. like the Confederate flag!
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07-20-2015, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This fear and smear hysteria is no different. JDrunk and his band of medieval miscreants will say and do anything to make themselves feel better about their perverse, extremist views.
I think they believe they can justify death threats, terror and other crimes in the name of their religious views. Now they'll come back with "it's not about religion." That one cracks me up.
This debate is tired. RWWs need to find something else to squeal about. like the Confederate flag!
They are not selling baby body parts but that is what they want folks to believe because they have lost the abortion fight. This is their backdoor way of trying to win it.
If they just said , "Hey women are giving their permission to PP to donate, at cost , the aborted fetus to research centers for the hope for future cures." nobody would give a flying fuck but the folks who already think abortion is wrong.
That actual fact would not create the headlines that JD lied about....or was lied to about and did no research on and continues to spread that lie.
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07-20-2015, 09:37 AM
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The operable word here is LIE.
JDrunk constantly posts lies, misstates others' positions and requests photos of other guys' JUNK.
He should be afforded the credibility of any other common liar.
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07-20-2015, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The operable word here is LIE.
JDrunk constantly posts lies, misstates others' positions and requests photos of other guys' JUNK.
He should be afforded the credibility of any other common liar.
They are no different than folks who want to completely shut down prostitution who lie about the number of trafficked women and a forbidden topic.
Their goal is not the truth but to shut down all forms of prostitution.
JD and others on here are just like that with the abortion issue.
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07-20-2015, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since you bring the Bible into it...who created life? I guess you have to say God created life. So every life belongs to God the creator. So to destroy a life is to be acting against God. Now the old testament talks about self defense and war so I guess there are times when life can be taken but under Saul it was at the behest of God. God told Saul to slay everyone in the kingdom including the animals. Saul disobeyed and God turned his back on Saul. Saul's enemy also escaped and many years later that enemy threatened Israel in Babylon (see the story of Ester). So....I guess babies can be killed but only at the command of God and no other time.
Now that we have the religious argument out of the way. Environmentalist are famous for defending the rain forest (and anything else) by saying that maybe the cure for cancer is in there waiting to be found and if we cut down the forest then we lose the cure. Okay, the person who discovers the cure for cancer may be out there right now in the womb of some poor, unmarried woman. If we kill the unborn then maybe we're killing (or have already killed) the person who discovers the cure.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is something in sales called a "loss leader". You don't make much profit and sometimes you make no profit on a "loss leader". The profit is in all the other things that are usually purchased to go with the "loss leader". Selling baby parts is like a loss leader. They claim to make no profit (if we take them at their word) but they do create a market for other things where they do make a profit, like abortions themselves. PP is selling the bodies of murdered babies. Whether or not they made a profit is irrelevant.
Your two post have no relevance to this thread so I will not respond to them just so you can have more jerking off material.
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07-20-2015, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by LexusLover
EVERY "tape" you see on the news or posted on line is ...SPLICED.
I believe you have made "the point" ... YOU donate your organs.
Baby's don't.
Just as YOU impose your values on your kids, maybe the MOM imposed her believe of organ donation. This thread is just sour grapes over the abortion bill loss.
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07-20-2015, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by slingblade
Your two posts have no relevance to this thread so I will not respond to them just so you can have more jerking off material.
Lemme get this straight - you're telling another poster you won't respond because his comments are not relevant. Yet you quote said comments and respond.
You're an idiot!
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07-20-2015, 01:30 PM
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84% of All Americans Want to See Late-Term Abortions Banned....
....84% is overwhelming! You can't get 84% of Americans to agree on anything, yet the polls consistently show that percentage oppose late-term abortions, including over 2/3 of people who consider themselves to be "pro-choice"!
So why the fuck are we even having this conversation? If our laws reflected what most of us favor, abortions would be limited to the first trimester of pregnancy and organ harvesting wouldn't be happening.
P.S. The DNC platform endorses late-term abortions in order to appease PP, radical feminists and the left-wing wackos who control the party. Democrats are way out of touch with the rest the country on this issue, which is why it makes them so uncomfortable. (It's not a moral issue to them since they have no morals, just a voting concern.)
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07-20-2015, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by lustylad
....84% is overwhelming! You can't get 84% of Americans to agree on anything, yet the polls consistently show that percentage oppose late-term abortions, including over 2/3 of people who consider themselves to be "pro-choice"!
So why the fuck are we even having this conversation? If our laws reflected what most of us favor, abortions would be limited to the first trimester of pregnancy and organ harvesting wouldn't be happening.
P.S. The DNC platform endorses late-term abortions. Democrats are way out of touch with the rest the country on this issue, which is why it makes them so uncomfortable. (It's not a moral issue to them since they have no morals, just a voting concern.)
OK dick lips , I can play that game.
PS...Republicans are way out of touch with gun violence in schools. They do not care about school children getting shot.
See how that works?
The survey of 1,000 American adults found that 78 percent favor more thorough background checks for those buying guns, including in-depth psychological evaluations, and 80 percent support closing what is known as the “gun show loophole,” which allows individuals to purchase guns without the same background checks used in other types of sales, said Associate Prof. Joshua Dyck, co-director of the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
Republicans expressing far greater concern over gang violence than gun-related crimes or school shootings,” said Makayle Washington, a political science major from Cheshire, Conn.
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