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Old 06-28-2015, 12:32 AM   #1
Yssup Rider
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Default I Haven't Seen THIS much whining since...

America re-elected it's president.

You boys need to take a collective deep breath before you injure yourselves.

I have yet to see a single post explaining why SCOTUS should have ruled otherwise on same sex marriage. Just a bunch of crybabies rolling on the floor, kicking screaming, in the grocery store.

GROW THE FUCK UP and get over it. This is only a horrible thing because you want it to be.

Step up or step off, Idiot Jihadists!
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Old 06-28-2015, 12:50 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
America re-elected it's president.

You boys need to take a collective deep breath before you injure yourselves.

I have yet to see a single post explaining why SCOTUS should have ruled otherwise on same sex marriage. Just a bunch of crybabies rolling on the floor, kicking screaming, in the grocery store.

GROW THE FUCK UP and get over it. This is only a horrible thing because you want it to be.

Step up or step off, Idiot Jihadists!
If it had been 5-4 against it, they wouldn't be wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth in anger. Fucking morons. When was the last time a gay person knocked on your door and tried to tell you the good news of being gay? I'll tell you when; NEVER. How does this affect any of you shitstains? Just keep growing that fucking beer gut, continue to neglect your wives and keep banging these dirty whoooores. You're life won't change.

Nothing but a bunch of whiney-ass bitch babies.
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Old 06-28-2015, 10:13 AM   #3
dirty dog
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For the same reason that they are so against any kind of gun control. Its the old slippery slope, give them an inch belief, which I am not so sure that they are wrong especially when it comes to gun control. Just as in this case, as soon as this decision was read, those on the winning side start screaming about special protections and other laws, forgive me but didn't they at one point say "all we want is to be treated like everyone else" but that's not really the case now is it. For what reason do they need it, does anyone think people get fired for being gay these days, really, come on give me a break. The left is always asking why those who are against any kind of gun control believe like they do, its fear borne out of experience. Every gun owner knows that the goal of gun control groups is elimination of firearms. Every gun owner believes that if you allow one change that soon that will be followed up with more and then more. This was borne out to be true when the Brady bill was passed, no sooner than the law was signed than the Brady group was calling for the Brady Bill 2.

So back to the original point, whats next fat people rallying for protection, there are many studies that indicate that obesity is genetic and hormonal in nature. So they cant help who they are, so where does it stop.

Finally in a country that now finds itself pandering to the misfits and non conforming segments of society, what about the mainstream, when you expand the rights of one you take the rights of others, why wouldn't they be whining. Why do the rights of some out weigh the rights of others, just because someone says it does. Why does the right for someone to be gay supersede the right for a business owner to decide because of their personally held convictions that they do not wish to serve someone, I understand that in a corporate setting that you cant do that because corporations don't have convictions but a privately held company is an extension of the owner. And please don't start with the atheist stuff, just because you believe or don't believe in something does not change the fact the someone else might believe something different and in this country that is suppose to be how it is.
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Old 06-28-2015, 11:13 AM   #4
JD Barleycorn
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I haven't seen this much whining since....the SCOTUS approved of slavery....the SCOTUS approved of separate but equal....the SCOTUS approved of forceably sterlizing humans....the SCOTUS approved of mass deportations of Americans and immigrants....the SCOTUS approved of mass wire taps...(go ahead and chose the one you like).
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Old 06-28-2015, 12:18 PM   #5
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
If it had been 5-4 against it, they wouldn't be wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth in anger. Fucking morons. When was the last time a gay person knocked on your door and tried to tell you the good news of being gay? I'll tell you when; NEVER. How does this affect any of you shitstains? Just keep growing that fucking beer gut, continue to neglect your wives and keep banging these dirty whoooores. You're life won't change.

Nothing but a bunch of whiney-ass bitch babies.
Bet you've knocked on a LOT of doors to the men's bathroom stalls to advance your quest to show others the "joy" of being gay. And you and shammy will even let some of those trapped in the stalls hit your "back door" if they'll just listen to you for a few minutes.It must be hell to be you and be so starved for attention that you go looking for it at glory holes and men's bathroom stalls !! How goes the wedding planning for your and shimmy's nuptials ?
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Old 06-30-2015, 07:44 AM   #6
Yssup Rider
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I haven't seen this much whining since....the SCOTUS approved of slavery....the SCOTUS approved of separate but equal....the SCOTUS approved of forceably sterlizing humans....the SCOTUS approved of mass deportations of Americans and immigrants....the SCOTUS approved of mass wire taps...(go ahead and chose the one you like).
You remember those, you equivocating fraud?

How did people react to the slavery one? You must have been a student? did you march with IBIdiot and JL on that one?

When did SCOTUS approve of forcibly sterilizing humans? I must have been on vacation.

Your tiny pin head has been emoting like Mt. Vesuvius ever since this one.

If there's a silver lining in your cloud, JDIdiot, it's that we are all now able to see how utterly hysterical you are!

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Old 06-30-2015, 07:45 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
For the same reason that they are so against any kind of gun control. Its the old slippery slope, give them an inch belief, which I am not so sure that they are wrong especially when it comes to gun control. Just as in this case, as soon as this decision was read, those on the winning side start screaming about special protections and other laws, forgive me but didn't they at one point say "all we want is to be treated like everyone else" but that's not really the case now is it. For what reason do they need it, does anyone think people get fired for being gay these days, really, come on give me a break. The left is always asking why those who are against any kind of gun control believe like they do, its fear borne out of experience. Every gun owner knows that the goal of gun control groups is elimination of firearms. Every gun owner believes that if you allow one change that soon that will be followed up with more and then more. This was borne out to be true when the Brady bill was passed, no sooner than the law was signed than the Brady group was calling for the Brady Bill 2.

So back to the original point, whats next fat people rallying for protection, there are many studies that indicate that obesity is genetic and hormonal in nature. So they cant help who they are,r so where does it stop.

Finally in a country that now finds itself pandering to the misfits and non conforming segments of society, what about the mainstream, when you expand the rights of one you take the rights of others, why wouldn't they be whining. Why do the rights of some out weigh the rights of others, just because someone says it does. Why does the right for someone to be gay supersede the right for a business owner to decide because of their personally held convictions that they do not wish to serve someone, I understand that in a corporate setting that you cant do that because corporations don't have convictions but a privately held company is an extension of the owner. And please don't start with the atheist stuff, just because you believe or don't believe in something does not change the fact the someone else might believe something different and in this country that is suppose to be how it is.
I'm on the DDouchebag bandwagon now!

He is mAking a strong bid for inclusion in the All Star lineup!
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Old 06-30-2015, 01:10 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I'm on the DDouchebag bandwagon now!

He is mAking a strong bid for inclusion in the All Star lineup!
Wow look at this, intellect in action............
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Old 06-30-2015, 01:58 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I'm on the DDouchebag bandwagon now!
Tell us something we didn't already know!
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Old 06-30-2015, 02:10 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I'm on the DDouchebag bandwagon now!

What is eccie's most celebrated douchebag saying? Did he get breast implants? If you want to show them off, AssUp, how about posting a pic!
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Old 06-30-2015, 02:11 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Tell us something we didn't already know!
And assup, the THREE TIME (!!!) winner of the DSOTY award, spews more gibberish !
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Old 06-30-2015, 02:25 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
What is eccie's most celebrated douchebag saying? Did he get breast implants? If you want to show them off, AssUp, how about posting a pic!
here you go
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Old 06-30-2015, 02:32 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by cptjohnstone View Post
here you go

Whoa! Betcha them puppies turn heads down at Tallywackers! Now he has as many tata-toys as he does DOTY awards!
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Old 06-30-2015, 02:41 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
America re-elected it's president.

You boys need to take a collective deep breath before you injure yourselves.

I have yet to see a single post explaining why SCOTUS should have ruled otherwise on same sex marriage. Just a bunch of crybabies rolling on the floor, kicking screaming, in the grocery store.

GROW THE FUCK UP and get over it. This is only a horrible thing because you want it to be.

Step up or step off, Idiot Jihadists!

No doubt the libs on here will also vehemently defend anyone's right to deny them services based on their personal religious beliefs? Uh huh, yeah right. BS, won’t happen. So Yessir I’ll Rider, you no longer have the right to be choosy in the men’s room anymore, you’ll have to blow everybody.
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:59 PM   #15
dirty dog
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Tell us something we didn't already know!
He is making a funny about my name, for some reason he has a hardon for me now, oh well he can ogle me from a far and have his rainbow dreams in the privacy of his own mind.
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