Answering this quickly - then off to study...
I am SO VERY GLAD I live in the woods w/ no neighbors nearby! er-ma-gerd!
I used to be shy and quiet but, over the past five years have discovered the sensual power of letting go when I orgasm.
It usually brings a smile to the face of the "chosen few" you get to experience that moment with me.

. There is one distinct thing that I do as my orgasm subsides… That will be the telltale sign of its "sincerity/ legitimacy thing that I do as my orgasm subsides… That will be the telltale sign of its "sincerity/legitimacy"
I was blown away last year when one gentleman sadly told me that he knew I was faking it because, "women don't make noise when they cum. Everybody knows that!" Let's just say that I set him straight and asked where he got such horrible misinformation -eek!
I prefer to go into my head as I'm getting closer but, I am getting past being shy when it comes to doing dirty talk for my partner(read:client).
It is very arousing and powerful to watch a man's face and hear him moan...
And to see how quickly the dirty talk pushes him closer to that edge!
Yummy topic, Sue!