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Old 06-27-2015, 11:41 AM   #91
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by 12blue4u View Post
Oh no the sky is falling, the sky is falling.

Religion is nothing more than a fabrication made to control and intimidate the masses into doing what they are told. It is a form of psychopathy that is meant to control. "Do this or you will go to hell!" in spite of the fact that there is no proof whatsoever that hell actually exists except maybe Detroit.
Sin must exist in your mind as a proof of your ability and maturity to tell the difference from right and wrong. The Koch brothers actually believe that what they are doing (pollution from their refineries and coal plants) is good for everyone, but it is particularly good for themselves in terms of wealth. Bad for us from the health perspective, global warming, etc.
We are rational creatures who have learned long ago what is right and wrong as well as what is good and bad. If you really need a phantom in the sky to talk to, help yourself. However, if you tell people that he/she actually speaks to you, they may lock you up because that is psychotic.

So one of my gay friends recently told me the other day if it gets overturned, "Great, now I have no excuse when my mother asks my why I'm not married yet..."
Internet Al Gore, is that you ? GFY
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Old 06-27-2015, 11:46 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
I'm happy for ShamWow and Undercunt.
So they can FINALLY be legal. Bet they were screaming the loudest over at Talleywackers when the news came out. Wonder when they'll announce their wedding ? Prolly gonna have one hell of a bukakke party in lieu of a "reception" . Wonder what kind of "cream" frosting they demand form the cake baker ? White and runny or brown and " stiff " ?
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Old 06-27-2015, 12:01 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post

Jesus Taught That Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman
That's got to be the worst argument since ever.

The thing is, many people DO NOT share the same beliefs as you. They do not believe in Jesus and they do not believe in god. Forcing them to live under "your" gods law would be tyranny.

I actually believe that people who believe in religion (very often) turn out to be stupid. Not everyone, just most.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
So go get butt-fucked, shamman, and while you're at it, take one in the mouth, you lying cock-sucker.
You don't want it no mo'? You can imagine though, right?
That would be the worst thing for chickens since KFC first opened up.
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Old 06-27-2015, 12:19 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post

You don't want it no mo'? You can imagine though, right?
That would be the worst thing for chickens since KFC first opened up.
It's quite revealing that your mind goes to such topics without any prompting, shamman; meanwhile, you're on record for sucking down Odumbo's LBGT agenda.
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:09 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I have NEVER supported GAY marriage- I have always been conservative on that issue from day 1. There are issues I side with conservatives: Gay marriage, abortion and gun control for the most part. This is MY belief and again many conservatives share this belief:
God never created a ‘gay’ baby. Since homosexuality is a sin, it would be contradictory to God’s nature to cause someone to be born with that sexual orientation (cf. Jas. 1:13). The Bible describes homosexuality as being “contrary to nature” (Rom. 1:26-27; ESV). Indeed, no one is born a homosexual.
That does not mean that people cannot be conditioned to feel homosexual urges. There are people who legitimately wrestle with such feelings, and I sympathize and feel compassion for those people. Yet, people experience homosexual feelings because of sin (cf. Rom. 1:24-27), either because of their own sin or the sin of others. Perhaps they were abused as children. Perhaps they had a dad who did not demonstrate fatherly affection. Perhaps they grew up in a one-parent home, or a homosexual home. Perhaps they were made to think they were homosexual because of peer pressure at school. Or maybe they made a conscious decision to experiment with homosexuality.

Jesus Taught That Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman

One sometimes hears the objection, “Jesus never talked about homosexuality.” Actually, He did when He defined a God-approved marriage as being between a man and a woman. Consider His words,
[Jesus] answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matt. 19:4-6, ESV)

God’s Law Trumps Man’s Law

. The practice of homosexuality is an abomination. It will always be “vile affection.”
Man can legalize any sin he wants it doesn't make it right. Yet just because some forms of murder (abortion), drug use, drinking, and homosexuality are legal does not make them right. Undoubtedly, “we must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

It seems like nowadays everyone's approach is yeah I believe in the Bible and I believe in God, but we are living in 2015 we need to be open-minded and we don't need to follow the Christians values anymore- and that's why society is so fucked up now.

Again, if you believe in the Constitution- our founding fathers may have not all been bible thumping preachers, but they drafted the constitution bases on Christian values and the belief in God- and I assure you they (founding fathers) would have NEVER supported GAY marriage.
Why do you support "God's Law" when it comes to homosexuality, but openly defy "God's Law" when it comes to fornication and adultery? Shouldn't gays have the same rights as you to pick which of "God's Laws" are convenient for them to follow as you do? You don't behave as if you believe the Bible, why should they? Shouldn't they follow your example?

Oh, and btw, have you turned over those threatening emails yet?
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:17 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
You do realize that most states the legal age to marry is 18 years old without parental consent right? So should they pass a law and allow a 50 year old man to marry a xx year old without parental consent if the two are in love? I know you are going to say it's different because she's under age and doesn't know any better blah blah blah. This ruling is going to open up a can of worms you watch.
WE ... we are not supposed to talk about "underage" persons aka children on here ... and since you are so trigger happy about people getting banned ...

it would be too much "karma" FOR ONE WEEK to see you deleted from Eccie!!!!

Again ... try to look at it from the bright side ... if being gay is genetically based, at least they won't be making new Little Gay people ... since last I heard butt fucking and sucking each other's dicks or licking each other's pussies won't make them pregnant.
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:20 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
...but openly defy "God's Law" when it comes to fornication and adultery?
fornication is ok as long as you ain't fucking your neighbor's wife ....

... his sister, girlfriend, mother, and/or daughter ...

... that's ok ... as long as they are "of age" to be fucked.
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:28 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Why do you support "God's Law" when it comes to homosexuality, but openly defy "God's Law" when it comes to fornication and adultery? Shouldn't gays have the same rights as you to pick which of "God's Laws" are convenient for them to follow as you do? You don't behave as if you believe the Bible, why should they? Shouldn't they follow your example?

Oh, and btw, have you turned over those threatening emails yet?
COG just to clarify with you I am not married so I have not committed adultery and to be totally just and jolly every time I have hobbied I have been single - again not justifying my actions but even when I have a girlfriend and have con sensual sex it's still a sin in God's eye and I am aware of that fact. However, the big difference is I am not writing my Congress man to get prostitution legal nor am I playing the victim game- so your argument is moot. COG so were you wrong when you saw these escorts? Yes or No- did you commit some kind of error whether religious or moral?
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:32 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
That's got to be the worst argument since ever.

The thing is, many people DO NOT share the same beliefs as you. They do not believe in Jesus and they do not believe in god. Forcing them to live under "your" gods law would be tyranny.

I actually believe that people who believe in religion (very often) turn out to be stupid. Not everyone, just most.

You don't want it no mo'? You can imagine though, right?
That would be the worst thing for chickens since KFC first opened up.
You might want to reword that to some people don't share the same beliefs. Although in your social circle it might be true that most of the people don't share that belief, as a whole your statement is not correct.
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:36 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
That's got to be the worst argument since ever.

The thing is, many people DO NOT share the same beliefs as you. They do not believe in Jesus and they do not believe in god. Forcing them to live under "your" gods law would be tyranny.

I actually believe that people who believe in religion (very often) turn out to be stupid. Not everyone, just most.

You don't want it no mo'? You can imagine though, right?
That would be the worst thing for chickens since KFC first opened up.
So let's disregard the constitution either we are founded by Christian principles or not - which is it ? Countries with true theocracies like Iran or Saudi Arabia have laws based on their faith if you happen to be of a different sect or faith that's your bad luck.
By your own statement Shamn lets tear up the constitution and have a do as the fuck you want doctrine to govern us - hell let's let Muslims in this county establish Shariah law in their communities - lets make it perfectly legal for a man to have multiple wives
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:39 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
You might want to reword that to some people don't share the same beliefs. Although in your social circle it might be true that most of the people don't share that belief, as a whole your statement is not correct.
I said "many people". I think atheists and agnostics exist in numbers that would qualify as "many".
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:40 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
..Although in your social circle it might be true that most of the people don't share that belief, .......
Little snotty nosed children are generally self-centered and the perceive "the world" to be swirling around them, but you already knew that didn't you?

I wasn't giving Shameless an excuse or defending him, it is sometime just not apparent how truly ignorant he is about the "real world" ....

For example:

Post 168 on 4/15/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to SHANM aka Shameless:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:44 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
So let's disregard the constitution either we are founded by Christian principles or not - which is it ? Countries with true theocracies like Iran or Saudi Arabia have laws based on their faith if you happen to be of a different sect or faith that's your bad luck.
By your own statement Shamn lets tear up the constitution and have a do as the fuck you want doctrine to govern us - hell let's let Muslims in this county establish Shariah law in their communities - lets make it perfectly legal for a man to have multiple wives
The constitution laid in place one thing that most certainly was the biggest factor in making this country the greatest place on earth, and that was the separation of church and state.

So the constitution isn't built on christianity, WE, not even close.

If a man wants to have multiple wives, and if the wives are okay with it too, then I don't see why that is a problem. I don't give a flying fuck what other people do with their personal lives and you shouldn't either.
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:46 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Little snotty nosed children are generally self-centered and the perceive "the world" to be swirling around them, but you already knew that didn't you?

I wasn't giving Shameless an excuse or defending him, it is sometime just not apparent how truly ignorant he is about the "real world" ....

For example:

Post 168 on 4/15/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to SHANM aka Shameless:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... [SIZE="4"]better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."

Do you really wanna go there LLDunderhead?

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
can we leave in the part during which Scott gets control of the taser and shoots the Officer 2x's with taser darts one of which is still "wired" to the taser gun?

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
he shot him in the back"! Speaking of "plain and simple" ...

. has anyone ever seen someone FLEEING by ....

..... running backwards FACING THE POLICE OFFICER?.
Now cut and run like a little bitch. Better yet, go smack a hooker and feel better about yourself you pathetic POS.
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Old 06-27-2015, 01:59 PM   #105
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Now, it's not only the minorities trying to get free shit, it's gays too right?

You and your Uncle Goober analysis....what a joke. It would be amusing if you weren't so fucking scarey with your dismissive attitude for people's rights. Since when do you have any idea what gays think or feel? And, how do you know most gays don't want to have a partner for life and even if that is true, what the fuck does that have to do with treating people like human beings and equal under the law?

And, plenty of heterosexuals marry and don't procreate you jackass.

And, now marriage is a "benefits package"? This is what you are so against gay people having it? You're a nut.

Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I agree with most of your analysis.

What is the point of marriage today though?

In the past it was a pact between a man and woman to raise children. Now its more like a benefits package with none of the cost (raising children).

I don't consider denying gays marriage treating them "unequally." They cannot "equally" have children. Most gays really don't want children. Most gays don't want to have a partner for life either.

Most gays just want health insurance and some of the legal and tax niceties with none of the inconveniences.

They don't really want to be married. If they did, they'd be procreating, but they don't...because their gay.

And a lot of hetero people today don't want traditional marriage. Some coworker put on his FB page put a picture of himself , his wife and two kids against overlayed with a gay pride logo celebrating the SC decision. He's not even married.

Most marriages don't last and the kids are split up long before they reach college age. Many women will pop a kid or two out for you gratis.

The institution is in trouble and the children suffer. I don't see how the SC decision helps marriage. IMO the SC would have done society a favor by not recognizing marriage as a govt sanctioned, govt funded social contract.
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