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Old 06-25-2015, 02:58 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
He was stuck on 80 for awhile, guess he was afraid to talk about how much he loves jesus whilst banging a new whooooore. Good to see you haven't let that pesky religion slow you down and you're still putting your tongue up these whooooore's asses. My advice would be to let one of them get a finger up your ass when you blow a load. I think I blacked out the first time.
Well its good to know that not only did he give Pheonix fire a yes but she is highly recommended LOL. I don't think a finger up his ass would be a new or large enough experience
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Old 06-25-2015, 03:04 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Well its good to know that not only did he give Pheonix fire a yes but she is highly recommended LOL. I don't think a finger up his ass would be a new or large enough experience
He's a garden-variety troll. Who else would come on a hooker board with a shit ton of reviews and proclaim the love of jesus?
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Old 06-25-2015, 04:25 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Look here I been more than fair to you - I talked to one of my friends who is very good attorney and has given me some advice on internet threats and cyberstalkers.
. I know about stalkers, I have a couple that members that are cyberstalkers of me on this site. It is very ironic that my biggest one(COG) has posted on this thread and he should know how a stalker thinks/acts very well, "Obsessed people are not rational. You cannot reason with him." It is not pretty, the guys are fixated to the point where they are nuts, have agendas and need some serious personal counseling/therapy but there is very little you can do other than ignore them hoping that they will go away on here.

However, since this is RW that I am talking about,, there is an anti death threat law and the law on threats can be found in section 42.072 of the Texas penal code and is a 3rd degree felony so jail time could be in Dirty Dog's future if he does not leave me alone. Being nice and polite will not work as others have said because their(COG and Dirty Dog) elevator does not go all the way to the top, so I would threaten to turn them in, or better yet, just do it without their knowledge, but first I have to prove and provide evidence of their threats stalking ways ( I have document each incident, kept threatening pm's and posts ect.) so if I decide to take you and or COG to court I will have all bases covered. This is your FINAL warning to stop the hateful rhetoric.

WE, If you have some threatening PM's that were sent to you, hit the RTM on them and we'll take a look at them ...but if you need to see an attorney over some posts made in the Political Forum ...then maybe this place isn't for you.
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Old 06-25-2015, 04:38 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Look here I been more than fair to you - I talked to one of my friends who is very good attorney and has given me some advice on internet threats and cyberstalkers.

.....so if I decide to take you and or COG to court I will have all bases covered. This is your FINAL warning to stop the hateful rhetoric.
Do you mind posting the name of your "friend" ... "who is a very good attorney".... who is the expert on "internet threats and cyberstalkers" ....?

If I understand your posts (which is a challenge), you are threatening to file criminal charges in an effort to support a civil case involving your feelings.

Style of criminal case: The State of Texas vs. Dirty Dog.
Civil Case: wellendowed1911 vs. Dirty Dog, et al.

You're a liberal, aren't you?
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Old 06-25-2015, 04:43 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
You're a liberal, aren't you?
You're a democrat, aren't you?

At the very least, you said you were?
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Old 06-25-2015, 05:50 AM   #111
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Reasonable advice.

Originally Posted by JCM800 View Post
WE, If you have some threatening PM's that were sent to you, hit the RTM on them and we'll take a look at them ...but if you need to see an attorney over some posts made in the Political Forum ...then maybe this place isn't for you.
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Old 06-25-2015, 09:20 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Good lord. Get over yourself. WeeEndowed, the white God Fauxing Christian, no one here is stalking you. You post, we respond. That's the way this works. No one has threatened you with any physical harm. Show your imaginary "attorney friend" the posts, and where they come from. He will throw you out of his office for wasting his time. No one knows who you are, or where you live. And no one cares. But let's just say, hypothetically, that you got us into court. Guess what? Your entire posting history would be made public. Your pastor, church and family would know how phony you are. I have never threatened you, nor have I ever sent you a pm of any sort, let alone a threatening one. You make me laugh. This post was hysterical!

You are a liar, a phony, and a hypocrite. And a funny one at that. If you don't like it here, go somewhere else. You are not required to be here. If all we do is piss you off, why post here? This board is supposed to be fun. If it's not fun, find something to do that is. No one needs to volunteer to get pissed off.

Begone, before you threaten WPFs title of cunty bitch.
COG- I know you have an agenda against me and not too long ago you posted this thread: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1417443
and here's your quote: When we had guys like Cheaper To Buy It and that gang? The insults were creative and good natured. Intelligent comments were frequent. There was real discourse, and at the end of the day, most of us were friends, even if we disagreed. I had some tragedies, and even my opponents offered encouragement. Others had the same experience. Today, if someone received some bad news, they wouldn't dare mention it. Their opponents would rejoice and use it against them. There was a member here who got some very bad news and had to leave the board. Even though we argued vigorously, I was one of the few to offer encouragement and support. There was no genuine animosity. It always felt felt like a group of guys sitting in a bar, calling each other names and arguing, then leave laughing and come back the next night and do it again. It's not that way anymore.

You don't even live by your own words- you are like the biggest hypocrite on this site and constantly spew your vile and choose to have an agenda against me, Practice what you preach pal!!
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Old 06-25-2015, 09:23 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by JCM800 View Post
WE, If you have some threatening PM's that were sent to you, hit the RTM on them and we'll take a look at them ...but if you need to see an attorney over some posts made in the Political Forum ...then maybe this place isn't for you.
Thank you Mr. MOD for your advice- I try to do the Christian thing- you know Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek- but both sides of my cheeks are bruised and I can't keep turning my cheeks forever. As I mentioned before in these forums you have to have a rifle in one hand and an olive branch in your other hand- I have tried my best to hold on to the olive branch as a sign of peace, but it looks like I might have to drop the olive breach and fire back with my rifle(figuratively speaking). Perhaps I should resort back to the mosaic laws of an eye for an eye.- sad but I think some of these guys here don't want an extension of peace or to disagree peacefully and respectively they rather engage in verbal warfare and continue their attacks- they have already started their political attacks on Hiliary Clinton- if these guys will attack a woman with vile and hate- I know they have no regards for me. I am going to pray for these guys and stand up for my faith and my liberal values.
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Old 06-25-2015, 09:33 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Thank you Mr. MOD for your advice- I try to do the Christian thing- you know Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek- but both sides of my cheeks are bruised and I can't keep turning my cheeks forever. As I mentioned before in these forums you have to have a rifle in one hand and an olive branch in your other hand- I have tried my best to hold on to the olive branch as a sign of peace, but it looks like I might have to drop the olive breach and fire back with my rifle(figuratively speaking). Perhaps I should resort back to the mosaic laws of an eye for an eye.
Good Lord! You go on and on about how all these people have been threatening you, and now you talk about coming in here and shooting them with a rifle? You say "figuratively speaking," but who the fuck knows? You seem to be just as emotionally unstable as you are insecure about the size of your dick.

Making terroristic threats is a serious crime, you know. I suggest that you hire a good criminal defense attorney forthwith!
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Old 06-25-2015, 09:42 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by Ex-CEO View Post
Good Lord! You go on and on about how all these people have been threatening you, and now you talk about coming in here and shooting them with a rifle? You say "figuratively speaking," but who the fuck knows? You seem to be just as emotionally unstable as you are insecure about the size of your dick.

Making terroristic threats is a serious crime, you know. I suggest that you hire a good criminal defense attorney forthwith!
Sir, please- I don't even know who you are yet you have an agenda against me- why did you began your sentence with "Good Lord"? Is this another attack on my faith?
I made it clear that the rifle analogy is just "symbolic" and not to be taken literally. It basically means I can walk into these forums fighting fire with fire and take an aggressive approach(hence- rifle analogy) or I can agree to disagree and leave in peace- hence an olive branch- which has been a symbol of peace. You like others want me to drop the olive branch and have an all out political war.
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Old 06-25-2015, 10:14 AM   #116
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A pure genius troll or a brain dead moron......I can't really tell.
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Old 06-25-2015, 10:26 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
....they have already started their political attacks on Hiliary Clinton- if these guys will attack a woman with vile and hate- I know they have no regards for me.
OMG.... let's ban everyone who attacks the Hildabeast, politically or otherwise! Criticizing her in a political forum is way over the line! She's a woman so she enjoys immunity and automatically gets a pass no matter what libtard stupidity comes out of her mouth! And that goes double if she gets elected! Now leave the poor bitch alone!

And let's also appoint WE as the eccie Censorship Czar! You know we need one. Henceforth WE will define and enforce the strictures of libtard dogma and Political Correctness on this board. Within 2 weeks, 95% of us will be gone....

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Old 06-25-2015, 10:41 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Whirlaway it takes a special kind of scum bag to exploit the deaths of 9 people who haven't even been buried yet to make some kind of political agenda..... You are beyond filth and scum and COG you just spit on the graves of the 9 people who were massacred by this racial terrorist. Do any of you have any honor?
Yes, whirlyway - this thread is almost as bad as that other one where somebody who calls himself Wellendowed was trying to exploit these deaths to pursue a political agenda against FOX news. That guy had to STFU and disappear fast after having his ass handed to him.
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Old 06-25-2015, 01:52 PM   #119
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See what I mean? This guy is FUNNY! Classic meltdown!
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Old 06-25-2015, 02:45 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
OMG.... let's ban everyone who attacks the Hildabeast, politically or otherwise! Criticizing her in a political forum is way over the line! She's a woman so she enjoys immunity and automatically gets a pass no matter what libtard stupidity comes out of her mouth! And that goes double if she gets elected! Now leave the poor bitch alone!

And let's also appoint WE as the eccie Censorship Czar! You know we need one. Henceforth WE will define and enforce the strictures of libtard dogma and Political Correctness on this board. Within 2 weeks, 95% of us will be gone....

Have you gone brain dead ? Do you remember lipstick on a pig remark and all your conservatives wanted Obama to apologize to Palin? You guys gave Palin a pass that no other politician ever had - for goodness sake she quit when she was a governor and by far had to be the most unqualified and dumbest politician in the last 50 years.
I wonder how you guys treat your wives and sisters if you have no trouble attacking a woman
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