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Old 06-03-2015, 10:02 AM   #1
1 Robyn Rylie Sin RRS
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Default Regarding the unfortunate name dropping issue


For those of you that know me.... I am sure that you can feel me cringing at the site of this... I always deflect drama however, my name has been mentioned too many times in the before mentioned in http://m.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1401064
for me to turn a cold shoulder to the issue. My inbox was flooded with links to this as you may all have guessed and I have consolidated some key points that I feel are worth mentioning in public forum being that some of the concerns that were mentioned in the emails were from hobbyists that are still learning Robyn.

There is a certain degree of trust that is extended when servicing in call clients. It is the providers responsibility to use discretion when deciding on which hobbyists are the right fit and if they are or will extend the same amount of respect in return. When booking appointments I am mindful of whether the clients reputation reflects respect, professional communication, appointment etiquette and consideration of others.

The perspective that "X" amount pays for disrespect, humiliation, public degradation and brand bashing is ignorant and rather distasteful. In the emails you are stating that for future hobbyists interested in scheduling it would make it appear as if I do not check references. Before responding to this I will refer you back to paragraph one. This clearly indicates that references are in fact ONE of the things that I look for when booking appointments.

In this industry both parties have sensitivities and trust to extend especially in the most intimate of settings. Informed hobbyists typically consult with the providers previous clients and providers do the same before scheduling hobbyists through referencing. Upon completion, it is up to each individual to decide their comfort levels when approaching the decision.

Just Food for thought while we are at it:
-What is your brand (Hobbyists and Providers alike)?
- How do you carry yourself and how does that translate onto others?
- When you answer that question, are you satisfied with the answer?

Your next statement about needing the money is plain ridiculous ,,,,, I understand that you are simply stating the way you think hobbyists will perceive me moving forward. However, I feel that in retrospect any hobbyist that knows me and my brand would think differently. Hobbyists that do not know me, will form an opinion off of the reviews, profile and ads provided.

I feel confident that the brand I have provided depicts my brand in the way that it was intended to. I have placed a tremendous amount of effort into all of these areas of my brand and will continue to do everything and anything to protect the integrity of my clients and services.

I can not control nor can I predict the actions of any hobbyists that I have provided for. I can understand that their actions thereafter may affect my brand. Seasoned hobbyists are well aware of this and in turn, they will also support your brand given they had exceptional service.

Tasteful, respect, professional, intellectual, LIVE & LET LIVE, work hard play harder, flirty, funny, peaceful, sexy, ambitious, simply getting away from the "noise", witty banter and appreciation are all quick phrases to describe myself. These phrases are also typical of the clients that I have as you tend to attract what you put out. I have been called a "hippie" & "flower-child" and even been told I should have been born in a different era... We all bring a something to the world. The fact is that I believe in positive energy and so I deflect negativity.

I use my best judgement and follow all the details I enclosed above when providing services. There are times in life when you face disappointments. All you can do is make sure that you do not set yourself up for another proven disappointment.

On a side note: Now that you know I'm a hippie... LOL, I feel like all providers bring their own flavor to the table no one flavor is better than the next and even hobbyists would agree that they can appreciate an assortment of flavors. I refuse to think in a competitive manner as it would be mindless to do so. Instead, I think of it as being a hint of nice spice in the mix to (Insert your favorite dessert here) This is meant to be an exciting escape and adventure. So we all have our opportunity to represent our flavor in the mix when the time comes make it EXCITING, HAVE FUN, BE YOURSELF. The variety keeps things exciting and adventuresome. The drama doesn't
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Old 06-03-2015, 10:11 AM   #2
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From what I can parse, you're assuring us that you do in fact check references and that otherwise you're not inclined to choose sides in petty disputes on the board. That sound like a reasonable Readers Digest™ version of the text?

Also: obligatory

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Old 06-03-2015, 11:32 AM   #3
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Old 06-03-2015, 11:36 AM   #4
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Yeah, that guy was just tripping mentioning your name over and over WTF

Anyway, all anyone saw in that was, yeah it is obvious that Robyn is a very
in demand desirable provider, that is why he keeps using her name over
and over and over. Name dropping always just means, it's a name worth

Also, you would have been an excellent Warhol girl of the year.
Love your creative style. I have always had a fascination for
things Warhol myself, and that era. Fascinated by Edie Sedgwick
as well.

Very intelligent expression in your post also.

And the Velvet Underground rocked. (RIP Lou Reed)
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Old 06-03-2015, 11:54 AM   #5
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Great post Robyn!!!

At the end of the day everyone just needs to be respectful. This is supposed to be a fun hobby.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:09 PM   #6
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How is this even related to that other thread? Seems like some type of joint marketing ploy at this rate.
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:11 PM   #7
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A definite "Thread of the Year" candidate !!

Nice going !!
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:20 PM   #8
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"I promise to never see the fool again nor give references for him."

Wouldn't that have been so much quicker and easier to post?
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:30 PM   #9
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Not what she said.
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:42 PM   #10
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Bravo, Robyn !! !!! This is why you're my ATF babe!!
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:50 PM   #11
1 Robyn Rylie Sin RRS
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In fact, jdkees it is what I said, I would appreciate it if you allowed me to do the translating and if you did not gather that I do not see hobbyists that encourage drama from this message than consider this message my reinforcement of that statement. Have a nice day!

Tetas: One would think it would be simple to think that you could simply say that perhaps next time I will provide you with cliff notes or a picture book ;-)

Fun In DFW: I will also kindly ask you to refrain from your ill informed feedback. You do not know me and are simply stating what appears to be the truth from your end. However, I do all things for my brand single handedly so if there are what you call "a ploy marketing team for myself" I am surprised that my personal time is so limited because of all the work I do on my OWN. Please find another form of amusement
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Old 06-03-2015, 12:55 PM   #12
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You do realize that you didn't, in fact, state as much in your OP?

I'm not arguing with you. If that's what you meant to say then more power to you. I personally think it's a wise choice because the dude is a chode, and it's probably safer for you to avoid folks like him anyway.

But no need to be defensive. If I misunderstood I'm happy to be corrected. I don't need to be right all the time.
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Old 06-03-2015, 01:00 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Robyn Rylie Sin View Post
Tetas: One would think it would be simple to think that you could simply say that perhaps next time I will provide you with cliff notes or a picture book ;-)
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Old 06-03-2015, 01:03 PM   #14
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Who cares what she said, she's one of the hottest providers on eccie now.
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Old 06-03-2015, 01:05 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Htking View Post
Bravo, Robyn !! !!! This is why you're my ATF babe!!
Dude, how dense and clueless can you be?. See Tetas first comment for a simple translation of the OP's post.
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