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Old 02-19-2015, 03:46 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by gimme_that View Post
Questions (weird) potential companions asked my refs about me before booking session:

1. How big is his dick? "I just want to know to make sure I can accommodate him for the night.." who cares? A professional would have an assortment handy...large and reg, latex and latex free.. and FC or those who have boner issues with reg condoms.

2. Is he black? "More urban and "black black," or the bryant gumble type?"

3. Like how does he look, is he fuckable? Rent must not have been due if she asked that. lol. But seriously.. many of my best romps were with guys that one wouldnt think was fuckable on looks

4. Does he snore? its his dollar.. if he wants to snort, he can snore.

5. You think he will mind if I smoke these parsely flakes?
LOL!!! I had one just the other day TEXT me and ask for a reference and then asked if she thought he could bring some parsley flakes lol!! Im like... i dont need that shit to be able to fuck..

6. Does he tip? Who cares. Youre not a $7 an hour waitress. You make $200-300/hr He may tip me... but that doesnt mean he will tip you.

7. Is he clean shaven down below like a baby boy?
im not touching this....

8. "How often on the overnight did he want sex? Will I get much sleep?"
inform him ahead of time your requirements. I personally require 4 hours.. then i want headboard banging, body sweating ,hair pulling, squirt across the room, scream like a little girl when you cum, sex! Just like any job, youre paid to work.. with a lunch break. Not sleep the whole damn time. He can get that at home.

I usually keep some good refs. Some of these ladies who asked this stuff I got a headups on before I tried to see them and cancelled when they inquired about certain things.

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Old 02-20-2015, 03:12 AM   #17
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I was leaving Alabama had 20 minutes to pack get my ass to Florida. I was typing fast and trying to post my thoughts at the time.
I have made it very clear in the past typing is not my strong suit. Thamk goodness they do not pay me for my tevting / typing skill. That swype kills me all the time...LOL But glad you got the point. ATCOMEDY.....Lol And just being friendly...NOPE lol I am a very friendly person. How you doing sugar butt hope all is well on your end...
We all have our methods of how we keep safe. Some talk on the phone some do not.
Some meet in the hallway some do not
I am in no way telling one how they should screen
I am just saying...... If some one called me up right now and asked me what I had to eat for breakfast yesterday I would have to think real hard about it. LOL and I would hate for a real sweet guy not to get seen because my memory is bad

ANd BTW Upfront when she started asking me certain questions I said Honey I am not sure if you know what I do and Don't do I am not a full service girl so I can not answer some of these questions. LOL

ANd If yall actually knew how may dicks I have actually seen in a day it would throw you for a loop. And I do not mean in person DO you realize how man random DICK SHOTS I get in a day on my phone...
It's hard to remember which dick belongs to who..LOL was that a pic or did I see him.
IT is real funny to me how the men think that , THAT ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING FOR US LADIES THAT SEE DICK EVERY DAMN DAY..... unless that bad boy 13 inches long and 5 inches thick.. Then well I'm thinking thank goodness I am not full service...LOL
I told a man yesterday send a picture of just titties to a dj that has worked at a strip club for 14 yrs. see how he reacts. He sees titties all the damn time. Now maybe if another woman's mouth was on them titties,
Or cum was dripping from the nips then that pic might do something them...lol
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Old 02-20-2015, 06:29 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Devon Derriere View Post
1. I NEVER do reference checks via phone nor email. You CANT verify its who they say they are and not a nosey SO. Thats just me

2. That info should be received from the client. Sounds like a lazy provider. Mostly i just ask the guy age and a brief description. That lets me know a lot of answers... Im too damn old to remember what many look like, and i suck at guessing weight and height.
I agree. She should re-do her screening process, investing so much weight on the word of another is not quite the best technique in this business.
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Old 02-20-2015, 12:07 PM   #19
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One thing I neglected to clarify in my last post. I have to be able to go on one of the many boards and verify the provider is legit before I give out info, unless of course, I know who she is. If she has no posting history, or I can't find her name on the board she says she's from, then I will contact the gent. When I ask for a reference of someone I haven't contacted before, I always identify myself, where the gent contacted me from, and if both of us post of several boards, the boards I am a member, and what my member name is on there (some boards won't let me use Ruby Tuesday). I want them to feel as comfortable as possible getting a reference from me.

I've given and asked for several referrals through the boards PM feature too. I guess I should have mentioned that in my last post too.
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Old 02-20-2015, 02:25 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Majichands View Post
I am going to try to post this with out getting spanked by a mod or ruffle to many feathers how ever something happened in a phone conversation I can't help but to confront

I thought the point in a reference was just to make sure I had seen them and that I would see him again. Period means he did not arrest me disrespect me stiff me or hurt me.

Ok so let me try do do this the right way..
ring.. Hello this is DJ Hello DJ this is x have you seen xx on the board? where or when did I see him? uhh he did not tell me that but i'm guessing this xCity and x State he's a new member .
OH yes He is a sweet heart i wrote me a review and went under welcome and into in that City and I responded telling him I am glad he finally became a member I HAVE SEEN HIM SEVERAL TIMES.
To me that's should of been plenty but no the conversation continues even after she admitted to knowing all of the above.
Can you tell me what kind of man he is??????
HU????? what do you mean I just told you he was a sweet heart
No I mean how tall is he how old is he if you had to guess??? WTF??
So now Im shocked and trying to remember Whats his name Damn I forget
What is his nationality I think he has Italian shit I can't remember he's not AA I met him here at XXXX last time he's looking at getting a new car he has a hairy chest That is all I remember. REAL FREAKING TALK. I just happen to remember the car thing cause i'm looking to do a trade in we talked about the pros and cons.. But you know I have seen him more than once I understand you want to be safe dear heart and you normally don't see newbees but to ask a woman that has been in this business for 14 years to remember what a client looks like exactly after 4 months has passed hell i cant remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday. I posted in a public forum that I knew him told you where I saw him and when the last time that should of been good.

I TRAVEL all over my clients can not wait to get pleased until I finally make it to there city if I make it back. So I tell them all about Eccie and how to get updated and verified look at my stats I think I have refferred about 22 that is counted for on here I have actually reffered hundreds the just did not put my name but I refferer many. And when a girl contacts me on a references I do my best to send a response if they have reviewed me I normally remember them if they have not I at least need to know city State about time and where.
Lol, you sound like me, When I check references that's all I want to know, was he safe and would you see him again.

I've had girls ask questions like this when checking a reference and I always thought it was kinda weird too.
I've had a girl ask what kind of drink a guy likes, how tall & big he was, what his heritage was, what he likes sexually.
If I remember him, I probably know his heritage, but how big/tall he is, or what he likes to drink? No not gonna remember that. chances are we didn't have anything to drink. And I dont measure guys lol.
Some of these questions I just have to laugh at like;
Was he fuckable? wtf kinda question is that, are you in this for business or looking for a relationship?
Does he tip? That might depend on how the session went, I have a few regulars that always tip 100+ but I've had 1 of them tell me that I was the only girl he's ever tipped and that he believes I should raise my rates so he gives me what he thinks I should charge anyways.
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Old 03-18-2015, 07:53 AM   #21
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Default Guess it depends if youre high volume or not

Low volume girls tend to get to know their clients wants/needs/drink preferences...So knowing beforehand in a reference check is cool, the session goes better. Especially for a first time meeting where a gentleman can be nervous.

I dont think getting to know a clients needs is wrong, or "weird". P.4.1.1 lists favorite drink as a question on clients profiles for a reason lol

A high volume girl usually just cares about having as many safe dates as possible to pay her pimp at the end of the night. Not quality business. So of course she wouldn't remember any details about the one of many dudes she sees. Not quite the same business practice as an independent educated woman.

To each her own :-)

Originally Posted by passionatemichelle View Post
Lol, you sound like me, When I check references that's all I want to know, was he safe and would you see him again.

I've had girls ask questions like this when checking a reference and I always thought it was kinda weird too.
I've had a girl ask what kind of drink a guy likes, how tall & big he was, what his heritage was, what he likes sexually.
If I remember him, I probably know his heritage, but how big/tall he is, or what he likes to drink? No not gonna remember that. chances are we didn't have anything to drink. And I dont measure guys lol.
Some of these questions I just have to laugh at like;
Was he fuckable? wtf kinda question is that, are you in this for business or looking for a relationship?
Does he tip? That might depend on how the session went, I have a few regulars that always tip 100+ but I've had 1 of them tell me that I was the only girl he's ever tipped and that he believes I should raise my rates so he gives me what he thinks I should charge anyways.
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Old 03-18-2015, 08:54 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Devon Derriere View Post
she should ask her client that info. All she needs to know from a reference is if the guy was safe, clean or if she had any problems.
I agree.. how would a provider know what a guy likes after 1 hour visit?

plus he might choose a redhead he is into and then next time he wants a brunette.. variety can be fun and just cause I might like a BBW one visit doesn't mean I won't like a spinner next go around
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Old 03-18-2015, 09:19 AM   #23
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When it comes to references, I do my best to answer all the questions asked. (as long as their not sexual) You never know if the provider has a gut feeling or other reasons o ask questions. This is a very dangerous hobby, anything we can all do to help keep others safe should be done. Sometimes I ask for more info than "yes I've seen him and I'll see him again". Other times, that little sentence is all I need because I always use 2 or more screening methods and could have got other info on him before sending a reference request.
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Old 05-17-2015, 03:31 PM   #24
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I aprreciate the responses from ths thread thus far.
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Old 05-17-2015, 09:27 PM   #25
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Any more than three questions is too many.
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Old 05-18-2015, 12:08 AM   #26
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I don't mind answering questions, as long as all the questions are in the same PM. When I ask for a reference, I just want to make sure the lady has indeed seen him in person and if he was a gentleman the entire time. I don't need to know what they did without clothes on.
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Old 05-18-2015, 05:14 AM   #27
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Default I'll answer this one...

Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Any more than three questions is too many.
One question and one question only - an THIS is your one question!!
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Old 05-18-2015, 04:45 PM   #28
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Damn I am glad I don't provide. I would be a bitch. I have had other clients ask me about a lady I met a couple of months ago and damn I have to go look at her eccie profile and try and remember what she looked like and every thing that happened.
There is no way a provider can remember all these guys.
That is why I write a review because I do not have time and do not want to be bothered with that shit.
Make an appointment, do the deal, or not, just move out of the way and let someone else take care of it.
I make my on mind up based on the reviews because if you are not truthful in the review you can bet it will bite you in the ass. I wrote a review on a nice lady that asked for a review and the only negative comment was is that she had a flat ass. It was not 1 hour after posting she blew my phone up because of her flat ass and I commented on it. Took me 2 weeks to get her to be my friend again. BUT sweetie you ass is flat but I love you anyway.
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Old 05-20-2015, 11:23 AM   #29
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For me, Initial contact must be made by email and that applies for references too. I stopped posting my phone number not too long ago, so it allows me to weed out the bad refs.
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