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Coed Discussions - Dallas Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 05-15-2015, 09:32 AM   #16
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Maybe if we flood her box with PM Requests she'll get an 'Incall' here for a day or two, or, three, or four and test the waters of Panther City.
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Old 05-15-2015, 01:14 PM   #17
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Question, if the ladies place n ad in FW section, stating they are putting together a list of potential clients for a possible visit "...say the following week...", would this b in violation? All they would b doing is gauging the interest of prospective business. I would b all for it...s I'm quickly getting tired of the long-traffic-infested drive to Dallas. 😊...why not set up shop in cowtown (or mid-cities).? Many ladies would rather venture to Houston/Austin/SA/Lubbock...but why? U have a ton of folks West of Dallas who would luv to spend time with u...me included.
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Old 05-15-2015, 02:32 PM   #18
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There have been ads on the past and providers have done that, Gottahaveit

It is just not often enough!

Jules Jaguar tried to put something together a couple of weeks ago. We all let her down so she did not set up the "mini tour"
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Old 05-15-2015, 07:24 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Gottahavit55 View Post
Question, if the ladies place n ad in FW section, stating they are putting together a list of potential clients for a possible visit "...say the following week...", would this b in violation? All they would b doing is gauging the interest of prospective business. I would b all for it...s I'm quickly getting tired of the long-traffic-infested drive to Dallas. ��...why not set up shop in cowtown (or mid-cities).? Many ladies would rather venture to Houston/Austin/SA/Lubbock...but why? U have a ton of folks West of Dallas who would luv to spend time with u...me included.
HERE! HERE! I think you may be on to something friend Gottahavit55. We all know the ladies in 2s & 3s all over the Dallas area co-op 'Incalls'. Suppose,( just for the sake of getting a mild smallhead buzz mind you), suppose several ladies got an 'incall' relatively central to hobby-central, (where ever in hell that may be), in Tarrant County and rotated in & out on some schedule......... Nah, probably wouldn't work.
But, it is a thought.
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Old 05-16-2015, 09:26 PM   #20
Sir Lancehernot
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Heck, I know of a few in Fort Worth who might be up for such an arrangement.
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Old 05-17-2015, 04:39 PM   #21
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It seems pretty easy to me. If you have an incall, or are currently offering outcall, in or to Tarrant County, please post in the Fort Worth forum. If neither is offered, only post in Dallas forum. Personally, I like to see the Dallas providers that do outcall to FW posting in the FW forum.
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Old 05-17-2015, 09:04 PM   #22
Sir Lancehernot
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Originally Posted by harley2005 View Post
It seems pretty easy to me. If you have an incall, or are currently offering outcall, in or to Tarrant County, please post in the Fort Worth forum. If neither is offered, only post in Dallas forum. Personally, I like to see the Dallas providers that do outcall to FW posting in the FW forum.
That's good in theory. In practice, as TinMan, I, and others have noted over the years, it's a little different. You wind up with a whole bunch of ads from girls who would offer outcalls west of 360 but whose incall location and preferred outcall radius are east of it.

Someone who was genuinely interested in serving clients in Tarrant County would make it clear in the text of the ad. Instead, you see a lot of ads from girls whose location is "Dallas" and who advertise availability in Dallas County, with no mention of points to the west. I suppose we're supposed to assume outcall availability in Tarrant County, but we shouldn't have to take the added step of inquiring about it in our initial contact. It's just as easy, and probably closer to being correct, to assume that she's just taking advantage if the rules to get as much exposure as possible. When I see such an ad, I move along.

IMHO, over time, the pollution of the Fort Worth Ads forum with ads from Dallas providers has reduced its utility. I don't visit there often anymore, and haven't for quite some time, for just the reasons I have outlined.

My preferred solution would be to have three ad forums: Dallas Incalls, Fort Worth Incalls, and Outcalls. If you offered outcalls as well as an incall, you could advertise n both. It would be a lot easier for clients to find a provider whose business model fits their needs. But that'll never happen, so we're stuck with the status quo, which includes a new thread every few months complaining about how useless the Fort Worth Ads forum is.
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Old 05-18-2015, 09:42 AM   #23
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SL, I actually think things have improved in the FW ad section since we started to have these regular discussions. I see fewer posts from women who don't have Incalls here, and most of the remaining ladies are usually specific about their OC availability to the Westoplex.

It's never going to be 100%, but I'm taking the glass-half-full approach and being thankful for any improvement over the situation of several years ago.
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