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View Poll Results: Should There Be A Hobbyist Review Section?
Yes - It's nice to get some feedback 41 53.25%
No - I don't think it's a good idea (pls explain) 28 36.36%
Different idea - will explain in reply 4 5.19%
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Old 05-10-2015, 04:19 AM   #61
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Some or most reviews when I had BCD access were embellished anyways or ymmv, which to me is inconsistency.
If this goes thru, I think you probably have less hobbyists online but who knows bc one wants to be utr, but if you are online in any way, you aren't exactly utr. Then again some guys love the limelight.

I just look forward to the added comments and can't wait to see a review Joe Hobbyist was fantastic with pics or vice versa with a heck no review! I hobby for fun and don't take it as serious as others may. As far as a screening tool used, wouldn't be the best idea, who is to say that is a "real review" if you get my saying. For me, I wouldn't care, but would it be like Ros for gals instead of guys. Guys wouldn't be able to see Ros? Then how would the feedback help (on poll) unless regardless Ros would still be posted without additional membership fees. It would be another revenue stream for eccie if ladies had to pay hobbyist Ros and even guys to see thei own Ros ha. Would there be only female mods staff moderating the reviews? Oh I can imagine how many edits they have to do on hobbyists comments on their own reviews since gals cannot comment on reviews.

All things to consider. Great topic for discussion. I can imagine the even more "drama" with this and should be fun reads to see it even if I get reviewed which I wouldn't care or even respond.
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Old 05-10-2015, 08:37 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post
Voice to text. DICKtate the session AS it happens. Saves time.
That makes great sense. One reason I stopped writing them on the old board was being unable to read my notes

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Old 05-10-2015, 09:22 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Amen. And also the cliques that high-five and back-slap each other that make me rethink my choices of ladies.
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Old 05-10-2015, 09:25 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
I wouldn't want to see reviews of clients.. but what I would love to see happen is reviews to be cut off from comments. The dogpiling (both good and bad) gets ridiculous.. and even worse when mods decide to join in on the dogpiling.
That exists, it's called The Erotic Review.
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Old 05-10-2015, 10:15 AM   #65
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If I had a 2-inch dick, weighed 300lbs, had a 48-inch waist, drank more beer than water, had the stamina of a 20-lb cat, treated women like shit, and weren't a favorite visit of any provider, I wouldn't want to be reviewed either.

The above or reasons similar are WHY guys don't want to be reviewed. It has nothing to do with discretion. Describing a guy's physique does very little to compromise that. In public, we blend in with the public. So do these ladies.

Only the fucks who DON'T want to put forth any effort to being a better hobbyist or person in general are the ones that don't want to be reviewed. If there's something in the hobby that I consistently do wrong or could improve on, sure, I'd want to know it.

Guys come on this board and talk ALL KINDS OF SHIT about these females, critiquing them all to hell, many times with laughs, but the mere thought of them reviewing your fat, sorry asses is completely out of the question SHOULD speak volumes about how shitty your characters are.

Am I a super handsome stud with a huge dick, olympian stamina, and deep pockets? Not even close, but part of what motivates me to be better is so I can enjoy my sessions better. So I try to work out more. If you're fat, lazy and out of shape in general, you're going to be fat, lazy, and out of shape for an hour with a provider.

So when you get shot down for a session, maybe it's because the provider already knows YOU'RE A FAT, SORRY FUCK and she doesn't want to roll around with a walrus for an hour.

Self improvement should motivate us all...daily. Being a better hobbyist/provider should be no different. A little critique would do that...if you gave a shit about yourself.
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Old 05-10-2015, 10:33 AM   #66
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Interesting perspective. Fact is, being nice, clean and respectful would probably go a long way but many here can't grasp that concept either.

As far as working out, or staying reasonably fit, folks should have enough self worth to take care of their bodies for their own sake. Alas, across America, it simply not the case. with men and women alike.

If gents took some of the above advice (ladies too) they';d probably get laid a lot more in civvie life.

Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but IDGAS.


Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
If I had a 2-inch dick, weighed 300lbs, had a 48-inch waist, drank more beer than water, had the stamina of a 20-lb cat, treated women like shit, and weren't a favorite visit of any provider, I wouldn't want to be reviewed either.

The above or reasons similar are WHY guys don't want to be reviewed. It has nothing to do with discretion. Describing a guy's physique does very little to compromise that. In public, we blend in with the public. So do these ladies.

Only the fucks who DON'T want to put forth any effort to being a better hobbyist or person in general are the ones that don't want to be reviewed. If there's something in the hobby that I consistently do wrong or could improve on, sure, I'd want to know it.

Guys come on this board and talk ALL KINDS OF SHIT about these females, critiquing them all to hell, many times with laughs, but the mere thought of them reviewing your fat, sorry asses is completely out of the question SHOULD speak volumes about how shitty your characters are.

Am I a super handsome stud with a huge dick, olympian stamina, and deep pockets? Not even close, but part of what motivates me to be better is so I can enjoy my sessions better. So I try to work out more. If you're fat, lazy and out of shape in general, you're going to be fat, lazy, and out of shape for an hour with a provider.

So when you get shot down for a session, maybe it's because the provider already knows YOU'RE A FAT, SORRY FUCK and she doesn't want to roll around with a walrus for an hour.

Self improvement should motivate us all...daily. Being a better hobbyist/provider should be no different. A little critique would do that...if you gave a shit about yourself.
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Old 05-10-2015, 11:23 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by jdkees View Post
Maybe there is and I just don't know it (or have access to it). Personally, I think it would be great to have myself reviewed by the providers I review. Not simply to get a counterpoint on the things I say, but to hopefully get some honest constructive criticism. I'm comfortable enough and confident enough in my own skin that a few criticisms won't kill me, but the right kinds might give me some ideas to work on my game a little.

Don't get me wrong, ladies: it really does give me the warm fuzzies when you say nice things to me in a sesh. And if you're really enjoying yourself at the time, more the better. But take this as an open invite to any provider who ever sees me to give me pointers before, during, or after festivities where you think there's room for improvement. Just don't make me cry... I never bring enough tissues.

Anyone else think this is a good idea? Is this something we could request to test out?

There is already a spot for the ladies' reviews. Of course, this was covered a month or two ago.
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Old 05-10-2015, 12:57 PM   #68
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I thought I'd weigh in, even if all of the salient points have already been covered. I get both sides quite honestly. Probably the best implementations session in my mind would simply be an aggregized 10 point scale score based on the factors that make us good clients - are we on time, do we unnecessarily haggle or bicker over prices, make aggressive and unwarranted demands, did we stay over time without consent, good hygiene, did we no show, really anything that would be 'beyond the bounds' of paying for a providers time that wasn't agreed on previously. In effect, things that affect a provider's safety and business.

I know may of us have chatted with providers and heard a few of their issues with this and not all of them make it to the alert section unless they're really bad, but most of the great providers on here will 'suck it up' even if you left a nasty skid mark on their sheets because you haven't figured out how to wipe your own ass, or you no showed and didn't bother to send a text or call that you weren't coming, or some of the other crazy things we think we can simply do because we 'bought your time.'

Might it be abused, sure, there's always a chance that happens, just as I've seen some of our reviewers do that to a provider - for a yes or a no review. There's no perfect system, but if there is a system that allows the provider side to be safer and the client side to also reap some benefits from it as well, I don't see why it would bother me at all.
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Old 05-10-2015, 01:14 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Blacksheep07 View Post
I thought I'd weigh in, even if all of the salient points have already been covered. I get both sides quite honestly. Probably the best implementations session in my mind would simply be an aggregized 10 point scale score based on the factors that make us good clients - are we on time, do we unnecessarily haggle or bicker over prices, make aggressive and unwarranted demands, did we stay over time without consent, good hygiene, did we no show, really anything that would be 'beyond the bounds' of paying for a providers time that wasn't agreed on previously. In effect, things that affect a provider's safety and business.
That actually wouldn't be so bad. It's different from a review in the traditional sense, and wouldn't risk disclosing personally identifiable information.

The only way I see ownership ever implementing something like it would be if the women started paying for subscriptions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe most of the revenue from this site is currently derived from the guys' PA membership fees. Since this isn't information that guys particularly want or need, why would the owner introduce such a feature unless it opened up a new revenue stream, or protected an existing one?
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Old 05-10-2015, 02:53 PM   #70
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Its a good point, Tinman, I don't know that they necessarily have to do much other than open a new forum, sign up a few of the more popular providers to post reviews based on a given criteria that is easily and readily followable. Truth is, do the providers even want this or are they overall ok with their general working conditions?

When I meet a new provider, them having some at least general idea of my respect for their time and business would be nice. I don't often meet new providers and generally stay in a shallow end of 4-5 providers that I loosely rotate my time with but having not just my references and screening info available but a general idea of what they should expect from me from those that have seen me would be just an added bonus to the whole (sometimes convoluted) process of being screened. I can see this being a big bonus for those that have seen only one or two providers and can have some difficulty being taken seriously or those like me that often stick with certain women but sometimes move to other pastures.

Does it have a benefit to the users of this site that pay? Yes I think it does - even if indirectly.
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Old 05-11-2015, 12:20 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Angel Ryder View Post
I mean honestly, clients should not give 2 shits about our opinions. We are hired for our services to make you feel good. We are not bedroom coaches that report on performance and how to improve. It's not about how we feel. How we feel does not matter. This board is for the boys. Let's keep it that way.
You're a very smart girl, if there's a issue with a client start a thread, no need for clients reviews, dumbest idea ever.
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Old 05-12-2015, 11:11 AM   #72
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Hell no. There are probably 1000 clients for every one provider. What is the incentive for us to do that? Safety? Here's my motto


Some girls require all of this info and references and I think it is silly. A cop or a killer can get through the "screening process" very easily. If you limit your client base to guys that have seen a ton of other providers and is well known on the board, you aren't doing this shit right. You are missing the best clients. While you are wasting time reading reviews on the client that called you, that ***** might be calling someone else. I would be.

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Old 05-12-2015, 11:12 AM   #73
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Maybe that was a little off topic lol
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Old 05-12-2015, 11:43 AM   #74
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I would like to see something like the OK system that P411 has. My reason for that is when I am asked for references, even the most recent ones probably won't remember me, even if it's only been a few days since my visit. I don't consider myself to be a memorable experience, so what good is a "reference" if the gal can't remember you. And a lot of guys don't have P411. Seems this would make thing better and easier for both sides. My 2 cents. Thank you.
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Old 05-12-2015, 02:19 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan View Post
Hell no. There are probably 1000 clients for every one provider. What is the incentive for us to do that? Safety? Here's my motto


Some girls require all of this info and references and I think it is silly. A cop or a killer can get through the "screening process" very easily. If you limit your client base to guys that have seen a ton of other providers and is well known on the board, you aren't doing this shit right. You are missing the best clients. While you are wasting time reading reviews on the client that called you, that ***** might be calling someone else. I would be.

Staff edit: derrogstory racial remarks are not ok - Mojo
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