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Old 05-07-2015, 12:24 PM   #1
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Default 1000's visit here daily and are well balanced enjoying what ECCIE offers. What seperates you from them? A few of you are pretty pathetic. Why do sell your soul in the pursuit of a whore's affection when it can so easily be purchased for a few bucks?

For 15 years I've posted and participated on this and similar boards across the country and because of my feelings in regards to what a whore's place is in a man's life I get labeled a woman hater or misogynist. It's a certain subset of the community though that gets vocal about it and in reality they are the ones with a problem.

To me a whore is simply a whore. The time spent with one is a transaction and the money spent relieves me of any and all responsibility for the physical or mental well being of that whore when I walk out the door. I know I am getting exactly what I am paying for. Nothing more or less provided I did my homework.

I've attended hundreds of socials, spent nights and weekends with whores and had a couple travel with me over the years for an extended period of time.

Constant socialization with and/or close proximity with whores has led to more than one relationship of sorts.

But I have never once fallen in love with or forgot for even a moment that they are whores. That I am never taking them around my real friends. I am never taking them around my family.

Here on the boards since almost my first day back in 2000 I have kept whores in the same place. Although I have met and reviewed hundreds over the years I have always maintained the same attitude. Whether a woman was an escort or a stripper, if she accepted my cash in exchange for a sexual act she was a whore and could never be anything more to me.

As controversial as that is for some to accept it has kept this all in balance for me over the years. I do not "lose myself" to championing some whore's cause.

Most importantly, remaining honest to myself and my views has never once gotten in the way of meeting people, male as well as female, from this and similar communities and building lasting relationships with them over the years.

There are men and women I've met at luncheons, socials and private parties over the last 15 years that I've come to know. Some I see regularly when I go out and hit the clubs..... A few are people I probably have lunch or dinner with a couple of times a month.... Others I might chat with several times a week.... Some a few times a year..... Every once in a while some guy from Houston is traveling here on business and reaches out for some information or to get together for a drink.... and we catch up after not talking for a couple of years....

As I said... lasting friends.....

227 IRL names and phone numbers in my phone at the moment.

I know that is something many of you long for in the passion and emotion that you put into some of what you share here. Yet you are not finding it and there are those of us here that have it and the idea of us having it and you not infuriates you to the point of trying to prove in some way that it is us that are wrong in the way we approach it..

So...... What makes me and some like me different? In my mind it's a good personal life without a shortage of relationships with members of the opposite sex and a healthy understanding of why whores and these communities appeal to me.

Really guys...... Some of you really are clueless as to the needs you have that drive you.

Everyday 1000s of men log onto ECCIE, research whores, make selections and go see them..... Many of them read more than just that in other forums...... A few choose to participate outside of the sexual act by posting... Some go to socials as well to meet prospective whores..... Many write reviews, hang out in the locker room, high five each other in a normal and healthy male banter.....

But within the subset of guys that actually post here, which I believe is very very small in comparison to the numbers seeing whores every day, are guys that go to those socials for other reasons..... guys that participate here for other reasons.....

Those are the guys that get overly involved in this whole thing..... Guys that get overly involved emotionally here on the board IMO have lost their way and seeing whores has become a replacement for something essential in their lives that they are clueless as to how to find and/or maintain.

I think its very very sad that so many of you lack a satisfying life and are lead down a path where here, on an anonymous website, you seek to please the whores and gain their admiration and develop relationships with them that are outside the "norm" for most.

For the overwhelming majority of men prostitutes appeal to them because after payment is made, she is experienced as completely devoted to the him -- to his pleasure, his satisfaction, his care, his happiness. A guy does not have to please a whore. You don't have to make her happy or worry about her emotional needs or demands. You can give or take without the burden of reciprocity. You can be entirely selfish. You can be especially aggressive or especially passive, and not only will the whore not get upset, she will act aroused. You are not responsible for her in any way. You paid and for that time she is entirely focused on you. You are the center of her world. Naturally, these interactions are scripted. The whore is acting. But it doesn't matter. For men who like whores the illusion of passion is enough.

I think that description applies fairly to the thousands of men logging on here ever day, fucking whores every day and returning to their lives...... I know it describes me.

I think men in relationships can have sexual needs unfulfilled in those relationships and manage their sexual needs or needs for attention from a whore without ever crossing over into areas the transaction was never meant to take them.

But for many of you here that post with passion over the way a whore should be treated here on the board or how we have a responsibility to not share negative things that might affect their business I think you are seeing them for a different reason...... I don't believe you actually have a stable emotional relationship with a member of the opposite sex in your real life that is fulfilling to you.

You may have come here for the sex but what you also found here are women that IN YOUR MIND need a big strong man to protect them. You have no one to care for in the real world so here you can nourish your needs to have someone to "take care of". You feel an obligation to make a woman happy, to please her, to become her hero.

With many of you those beliefs are out of control. You were probably raised to believe that women were helpless, unhappy and dissatisfied with what they have in life and are incapable of defending themselves. You confuse a whore conducting a business for a lady IRL that you are missing a connection with. You probably feel guilty in any real relationship and don't believe you deserve much without giving a lot and pay way too much to get what you need if and when you find it. You compromise yourself as a man in a never ending display of actions trying to appeal to those "needs" you think they have. Your beliefs are far more chauvinistic and belittling of a woman then mine.

I don't believe in real life women find pansy asses like you appealing but you get the illusion from the whore that knows her financial well being is tied you believing whatever it is you want to. Especially here in CoEd.

The young, attractive, fresh, ever changing pool of whores never post in CoEd because their ONLY real need, cash, is met when they post in the Welcome Wagon and run ads by the 1000s of well balanced guys here to get laid.

The ones past their prime years or lacking in desirability due to weight or appearance that DO post here regularly and troll the ISOs work you and cater to that need and create the atmosphere that leads away from accurate information and into much confusion for many. They will always tell you what you want to hear. You are not only paying for it but YOU have a need to "matter" that most others do not and they can turn that need into opportunity better than the young ones that don't know it or need the hassle of it.

I don't think you ever really see a whore in a real light. I have many whores as friends. They understand my use of the word and consider me well balanced. I understand them as well.

Those here that thrive on catering to the emotional needs of you pansy asses will always say and post what they need to here in order to satisfy what it is some of you need in hopes of garnering a session from you.

I don't expect any of you to all of a sudden do a 180 and grow a set and put this place and these whores in the proper prospective in your lives. Maybe one or two might be able to have an honest exchange on the issue but taking a look at yourselves in the mirror and addressing how pathetic you really are both in your personal lives as well as your interaction here with the whores as well as other men is probably nothing you can face.
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:15 PM   #2
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You should just start your own blog or something!
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:40 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
The only one here who is deluding themselves is you.
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:43 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by WyldemanATX View Post
You should just start your own blog or something!
Please no, there is No Ignore Button on your own blog, which you can then circumvent ....

... and I really don't want W to take over all of the Internet ... this space (and may be a couple others - as he doesn't just fit into one) is just fine
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:50 PM   #5
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a fat joke directed at your boss? is rome falling?
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:54 PM   #6
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Isn't that cute dumb dumb doesn't know we are independent contractors.
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Old 05-07-2015, 04:00 PM   #7
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Thats not what your boss says. I do agree with his pontificating about the few pathetic though. I count 5 today.
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Old 05-07-2015, 04:05 PM   #8
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Shit dude. Not only are your post Titles too long, but then I open it and it's just ridiculous. Can you not encapsulate and make your point in at least 2 paragraphs? I refuse to read all of that.
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Old 05-07-2015, 04:29 PM   #9
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See he really does care. I hope Russ reads this! very enlightening! its just amazing how some people are willing to help others around here! What a blessing!
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Old 05-07-2015, 04:49 PM   #10
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Oh Vey...
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Old 05-08-2015, 11:19 AM   #11
Hope I haven't bored you!
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
See he really does care. I hope Russ reads this! very enlightening! its just amazing how some people are willing to help others around here! What a blessing!
He is just one of many local sell outs here that believe a whore's right to feed the monkey on her back outweighs a guys right to know what the problems surrounding her business are.
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Old 05-08-2015, 12:23 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
He is just one of many local sell outs here that believe a whore's right to feed the monkey on her back outweighs a guys right to know what the problems surrounding her business are.
Still better than the guys who don't review, drink beer and post drunk!
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Old 05-08-2015, 01:49 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Still better than the guys who don't review, drink beer and post drunk!
reviews mean- absolutely dick.. except on the review forum. But here we get to know the true you... much more telling. and oftentimes sad.
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Old 05-08-2015, 02:45 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
The only one here who is deluding themselves is you.

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Old 05-08-2015, 05:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by budman33 View Post
reviews mean- absolutely dick.. except on the review forum. But here we get to know the true you... much more telling. and oftentimes sad.
Actually reviews mean a lot more than what any blowhard on this board post are like.

I will say this, if a guy on here is constantly White Knighting on the board, then I don't think his reviews are very honest!

Just my opinion...
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