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Old 05-05-2015, 12:10 AM   #31
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Ok boys and girls, let's start with how I ended up at her hotel, she said go to Indiana and 289 loop and call her. As I exit the loop the very next parking lot is the {staff edit-CK} hotel. I pull in while on a phone call that I could not get off. I drive around the hotel and park in the back at this point I had not talked to tye nor did I know where she was. While on the phone I see a baseball team standing around talking and I see tye walk out and load her car. She made a few trips while the cleaning ladies were in the rooms next to her. While I am on the phone she texts me and starts ripping my ass saying I am a time waster and so on. I am not going to get into those details. Now what is my fault, I could have communiced better with her and told her I was on the phone. So sorry tye business comes first.now what I am not, a stalker of any type! I have several providers that I am a regular with and will step in for me anytime.
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Old 05-05-2015, 12:11 AM   #32
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I think John deer can confirm this as well now.
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Old 05-05-2015, 05:50 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Real-quiet View Post
Ok boys and girls, let's start with how I ended up at her hotel, she said go to Indiana and 289 loop and call her. As I exit the loop the very next parking lot is the {staff edit-CK} hotel. I pull in while on a phone call that I could not get off. I drive around the hotel and park in the back at this point I had not talked to tye nor did I know where she was. While on the phone I see a baseball team standing around talking and I see tye walk out and load her car. She made a few trips while the cleaning ladies were in the rooms next to her. While I am on the phone she texts me and starts ripping my ass saying I am a time waster and so on. I am not going to get into those details. Now what is my fault, I could have communiced better with her and told her I was on the phone. So sorry tye business comes first.now what I am not, a stalker of any type! I have several providers that I am a regular with and will step in for me anytime.
Actually, again, I wasn't staying there, but ok. That's not the only hotel in that vicinity.
Secondly. We spoke at 11. U said it would take 20min to get to me, which should of put u at my CORRECT place no later than 11:30. I didn't text u til 12 noon. That's a 30min time slot. So you were on the phone for at least 30min? You know you can text while you're on the phone, right? You could of texted & said "I'm running a few minutes behind" or something of that nature. But 30min passed our scheduled appt and NOTHING except u telling me that you're watching (who u thought was me) pack my stuff?
And I didn't say you were a stalker, I said you had stalker potential. When you can tell someone that you were watching someone who u thought was me, without their knowledge, that's stalker potential & I stand by that. And I agree, business first, so now maybe you understand my position. U waste my time, u waste my business & I don't take either lightly, especially when it takes .5 seconds to send a text, like you initially did.
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Old 05-05-2015, 08:04 AM   #34
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inb4 cryptkicker arrives, says everybody has had their say, and now it's time to shut the fuck up.

he's right.
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Old 05-05-2015, 11:17 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
inb4 cryptkicker arrives, says everybody has had their say, and now it's time to shut the fuck up.

he's right.
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Old 05-05-2015, 07:25 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
inb4 cryptkicker arrives, says everybody has had their say, and now it's time to shut the fuck up.

he's right.
Nah- no violations and a good discussion all around. Just make sure you guys color between the lines and it's all good!
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Old 05-05-2015, 10:27 PM   #37
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Old 05-06-2015, 03:50 PM   #38
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Best post on this thread. The more R-Q tries to justify himself yhe worse he comes off. He seems to have a very blatant double standard: HIS business comes first, HERS doesn't matter. And he seems to have a decided feeling that changing the rules of the encounter are fine so long as HE decides they need to change.

And then we wonder why some ladies screen more thoroughly.

Originally Posted by john_deere View Post

i didn't intend to get myself into this as judge and jury but tye said text her and i called her on that. so...i've seen the text messages in question.

before i say what i think, let me make this clear: i do not know either individual in person, and before any of you assholes come at me for trying to get a white knight discount...i don't live in lbk and for logistical reasons alone i'll probably never meet tye. in addition, her menu - which plenty is known about - doesn't include several things i enjoy (too bad, because she'd enjoy it, too. heh.) nor do i have anything against real-quiet. never even heard of him before, to be honest.

so, what i think happened here is this: idiot boy meets zero tolerance girl. both could have communicated better.

the text messages say some things that are probably harmless, but that a girl could easily get nervous about, in addition to the fact he texted her instead of calling, which she CLEARLY states in her ads is her preference.

dude, even assuming you're a totally legit guy, telling a girl you've been sitting at her hotel watching her pack is STUPID. wtf were you thinking?

you have to understand that in this game the girls take all the risk. if they seem short on patience it's at least in part because they get sick of stupid shit. and how does she know you're not some psycho rapist fuckwad? i have a number of girls i'm friends enough with to know...the amount of garbage they get from us on any given day is substantial. i'm the first one to vouch for women being crazy, but you can only have so many episodes of "hey baby can i shit on your tits for $200?" before you get a low opinion of the species.

so, what needs to happen is this guy might want to acknowledge poor communication and his role in the misunderstanding. then tye might agree to be less annoyed.

the fact is, the more i talked with her via texts and then on facetime, the more i thought..."this chick is cool. how do so many guys here think she's a bitch?" well, she ain't putting up with any deviation and no bullshit and it's that simple. i could argue that in business we all have to put up with it to some degree, but she's free to handle her shit as she see's fit. she's clearly not some flake with no brains...she's on her way to an education and a career, and clearly she's made this game work for her beyond these few hiccups in west texas.

so...form your own opinion. that's mine.
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