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Old 05-04-2015, 07:50 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
I love it when idiots like Wellendowed and Shamwow defend radical Islam; they expose their true anti-Americanism.....

You have to laugh at the sophomoric statement Shamwow posted:

"I support free speech 100%"............hahhahaha....

then he went on his rant against free speech....hahahah...
Please stop spreading filthy lies- where did I defend radical islam??? in fact I stated that these radical terrorist don't even fully follow the Koran because no where does it say in the Koran to kill people who defame islam or muhammad. I ask that you apologize or post evidence that I defended radical islam- how can I defend Islam if I am a God fearing Christian??? You are trying to paint me to be a muslim apologist when I have repeated several times that I will die a Christian.
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Old 05-04-2015, 07:51 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Why did the organizers even stage an invite that they know would cause an uprising - expect the Muslim extremist to respond back on our own yard. I see no purpose on having a situation in which you disrespect the prophet that is revered by over a billion Muslims and don't expect a retaliation or protest. You are adding fuel to the fire - just leave the Muslims alone and let them worship in peace.
There was only one reason for the event. It was to insult in the name of "freedom of Speach"! Now, only in Texas would such an event happen. Only in Texas would there be a in your face event that was also prepared for the expected response.
Now, these were home grown nut cases. That is something to be alarmed about. Not only was there the understanding that the proper response when "We" are insulted is to avenge, but that all the rest in this country are "Kifir" and to be looked down on. This is the ideology and earliest understanding that they are taught! Right here in this country!! That is something to be worried about!
If anybody thinks that will be the end of it is greatly mistaken. As the event was talked about all over their websites before the event, now, Texas is really being talked about even more. That is something to be worried about!
However, what I think is the greatest thing to be worried about has been the erosion of simple respect for anything! The disrespecting of another's belief, loved ones, family, background, person, everything! That is the saddest thing?
The strangest thing is not just that we insult each other, but that we seem to think there are no consequences for it! Let's see who can understand this?
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Old 05-04-2015, 07:52 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
I love it when idiots like Wellendowed and Shamwow defend radical Islam; they expose their true anti-Americanism.....

You have to laugh at the sophomoric statement Shamwow posted:

"I support free speech 100%"............hahhahaha....

then he went on his rant against free speech..hahahah...
hahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha
got any more internet "hahaha's" you wanna get out?

Oh and did you miss this post? Take note of the last two lines especially

Originally Posted by shanm View Post
How do I know that the event was promoting hate speech? Does a bear shit in the woods?

Pamela Geller is a known racist. Her organization, AFDI, is on the watchlist for being a known hate group. Are you a fucking retard or what?
I don't need to go to your brethrens Klan meeting to know that some questionable things will be said.

You're not an American, don't delude yourself. You are the shit on the heel that we need to wipe off but somehow never do.

Also, you don't know me dipshit. I understand free speech better than your pea size brain ever will. When that south park episode came out, I protested on the streets of New York in favor of them showing the cartoon.

That was humor, applicable equally to anyone and everyone.

This is a contest for who gets to be the bigger dipshit and offend the most people.

P.S. have you paid your debts yet?
I'll take you seriously when you cough up those 100 bucks you fucking welcher
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:06 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Hermosa View Post
There was only one reason for the event. It was to insult in the name of "freedom of Speach"! Now, only in Texas would such an event happen. Only in Texas would there be a in your face event that was also prepared for the expected response.
Now, these were home grown nut cases. That is something to be alarmed about. Not only was there the understanding that the proper response when "We" are insulted is to avenge, but that all the rest in this country are "Kifir" and to be looked down on. This is the ideology and earliest understanding that they are taught! Right here in this country!! That is something to be worried about!
If anybody thinks that will be the end of it is greatly mistaken. As the event was talked about all over their websites before the event, now, Texas is really being talked about even more. That is something to be worried about!
However, what I think is the greatest thing to be worried about has been the erosion of simple respect for anything!
The disrespecting of another's belief, loved ones, family, background, person, everything! That is the saddest thing?
The strangest thing is not just that we insult each other, but that we seem to think there are no consequences for it! Let's see who can understand this?
And did you realize there were such consequences in 1987?
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:11 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
And did you realize there were such consequences in 1987?
Why do you bring that up? Who gives a shit? Per usual, you're trying to create some straw man argument. This is about what happened in Texas, not piss christ. Quit trying to twist it around into something it's not, you gruberized obdumbo cunt.
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:13 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Hermosa View Post
There was only one reason for the event. It was to insult in the name of "freedom of Speach"! Now, only in Texas would such an event happen. Only in Texas would there be a in your face event that was also prepared for the expected response.
Now, these were home grown nut cases. That is something to be alarmed about. Not only was there the understanding that the proper response when "We" are insulted is to avenge, but that all the rest in this country are "Kifir" and to be looked down on. This is the ideology and earliest understanding that they are taught! Right here in this country!! That is something to be worried about!
If anybody thinks that will be the end of it is greatly mistaken. As the event was talked about all over their websites before the event, now, Texas is really being talked about even more. That is something to be worried about!
However, what I think is the greatest thing to be worried about has been the erosion of simple respect for anything! The disrespecting of another's belief, loved ones, family, background, person, everything! That is the saddest thing?
The strangest thing is not just that we insult each other, but that we seem to think there are no consequences for it! Let's see who can understand this?
Texas, where they want Moses in the history books alongside the founding fathers. Moses, a fucking composite of several people, if he existed at all, in the history books. Let that sink in for a minute and you'll begin to understand the level of stupidity we're dealing with. When I see that some crazy shit has happened, it's good odds that it happened in Texas.

You can always tell a texan. You just can't tell them much.
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:21 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Why do you bring that up? Who gives a shit? Per usual, you're trying to create some straw man argument. This is about what happened in Texas, not piss christ. Quit trying to twist it around into something it's not, you gruberized obdumbo cunt.
Because hypocritical jackasses like you, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, had no problem hypocritically labeling it "high art"; characterizing it "as mysterious and beautiful"; applauding it as the "winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's 'Awards in the Visual Arts' competition." And when it was "exhibited at the Stux Gallery in New York ... [it] was favorably received ... [and subsequently it was] argued that ... [it was] an issue of artistic freedom and freedom of speech." You and your ilk are a bunch of flaming hypocrites, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:25 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Texas, where they want Moses in the history books alongside the founding fathers. Moses, a fucking composite of several people, if he existed at all, in the history books. Let that sink in for a minute and you'll begin to understand the level of stupidity we're dealing with. When I see that some crazy shit has happened, it's good odds that it happened in Texas.

You can always tell a texan. You just can't tell them much.

That's because Texans are a hell of a lot smarter than you?
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:26 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Because hypocritical jackasses like you, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, had no problem hypocritically labeling it "high art"; characterizing it "as mysterious and beautiful"; applauding it as the "winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's 'Awards in the Visual Arts' competition." And when it was "exhibited at the Stux Gallery in New York ... [it] was favorably received ... [and subsequently it was] argued that ... [it was] an issue of artistic freedom and freedom of speech." You and your ilk are a bunch of flaming hypocrites, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
I didn't label it shit, jackass. And to say that it was favorably received by christians is to be a fucking liar. Of course that's not new territory for you, you dusty bukakke jizz beard... errr IB.


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Old 05-04-2015, 08:26 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
That's because Texans are a hell of a lot smarter than you?
It's because they don't listen. Already think they know it all. Most of the rest of the country laughs at them.
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:27 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
Because a "Piss Christ exhibit" isn't what it was, you bumbling cunt-nugget.

It was an event to combat the negative perception of Islam that is being created by the terrorists and Jihadi's who disrespect their religion.

Here's an excerpt from one of their speakers:

"It is extremely important for the Muslim community to connect with our message. We cannot allow terrorists to run away with the merciful personality of Prophet Muhammad, that they are standing on his name. No. We Muslims in the world, 1.7 billion people, we don’t agree with that. ... At the same time, we’re wondering whether there are good neighbors in America who will stand up with people of other faiths for their right to practice their faith."

What they did was a noble thing. We need more muslims who stand up and advocate the peaceful face of their religion instead of the hateful ignorant one promoted by you and your half-wit brethren.

You've consistently proving yourself to be the biggest equivocating jack-ass on this entire forum. You make up bullshit and hope no one calls you out on it. It would work, except that everyone can see right through to the fucking idiot that you really are.
ROFL.. you go off the rails and call others cunt-nugget? Absolutely hilarious. Do you know what the PISS CHRIST art exhibit was dick breath?


Look it up. And then you quote "one of their speaker"?? WHO'S SPEAKER cum gobbler?

"The attention "Piss Christ" received continued well after the 1989 show. In 2011, protesters in France attacked and destroyed a print of the "blasphemous" work when it went on display in Avignon on Palm Sunday. And in 2012, the Catholic League got all hot and bothered about a retrospective of Serrano's career that featured the submerged Jesus photograph." quoting from PuffHo so you can't whine about it being a "right wing source"

So.. if those folks holding the Muhammad Cartoon are "to blame" for inciting the attack.. then.. was the artist/museum that displayed the offensive picture to blame for the attack and destruction of the offensive picture?

Tell us dipshit.. We'll all be fascinated to hear you back peddle on this.
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:28 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
ROFL.. you go off the rails and call others cunt-nugget? Absolutely hilarious. Do you know what the PISS CHRIST art exhibit was dick breath?


Look it up. And then you quote "one of their speaker"?? WHO'S SPEAKER cum gobbler?

"The attention "Piss Christ" received continued well after the 1989 show. In 2011, protesters in France attacked and destroyed a print of the "blasphemous" work when it went on display in Avignon on Palm Sunday. And in 2012, the Catholic League got all hot and bothered about a retrospective of Serrano's career that featured the submerged Jesus photograph." quoting from PuffHo so you can't whine about it being a "right wing source"

So.. if those folks holding the Muhammad Cartoon are "to blame" for inciting the attack.. then.. was the artist/museum that displayed the offensive picture to blame for the attack and destruction of the offensive picture?

Tell us dipshit.. We'll all be fascinated to hear you back peddle on this.
They aren't the same goddamn thing. Why this need to equate one thing with another? Both parties knew they could possibly face problems by doing what they were doing. So what?
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:32 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
He is quickly beginning to challenge LL as the biggest dumdum on the board. He's gone an entire thread before, basically arguing with himself by putting words in my mouth(not the only thing he's probably wishing he could put in my mouth). He's like one of those wind-up toys. Just get him going and you don't even need to come back till much later.
And yet you and Woody and Shanny can't refute anything I post.. just spew name calling as per normal here.

Too Fucking Funny. Its why I come here.. to watch you all make jackasses of yourself. Like Shan confused the Piss Christ exhibit with the "Pro Islam" convention held in the same facility earlier... too stupid to know what you are saying.

But hey.. keep it up, its entertaining to watch you folks self-destruct like you do.
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:34 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
They aren't the same goddamn thing. Why this need to equate one thing with another? Both parties knew they could possibly face problems by doing what they were doing. So what?
How are they NOT the same goddamn thing? In BOTH cases, you have "free speech" advocates claiming a right to do things that religious members find objectionable and both result in "violence".

But you only blame this anti-Muslim event, but not the anti-Christian event.

Why is that?
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Old 05-04-2015, 08:35 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
And yet you and Woody and Shanny can't refute anything I post.. just spew name calling as per normal here.

Too Fucking Funny. Its why I come here.. to watch you all make jackasses of yourself. Like Shan confused the Piss Christ exhibit with the "Pro Islam" convention held in the same facility earlier... too stupid to know what you are saying.

But hey.. keep it up, its entertaining to watch you folks self-destruct like you do.
Can't refute anything you post? You have yet to prove shit. You don't post links. You were caught lying yesterday about second quarter gdp, when the numbers haven't come out yet. I posted a link that showed you were a fucking liar and suddenly you disappeared. Keep bullshitting, motherfucker.
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