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Old 05-02-2015, 02:30 PM   #76
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Agreed I've never cared about the view counts much either.
Just part of the discussion.
You throw shit out there, sometimes it flops hard.
But if you aren't throwing anything out there yourself, you have no credibility in complaining.
As far as popularity goes, I'm a 50/50 guy, some love me some hate me.
End of the day I don't fucking care either way
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Old 05-02-2015, 06:39 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
All I care about is being able to post freely without the BS that ASPD had towards the end with mods like TC2 and gfe.
Still living inside your head rent free, am I?

Ehnh... You're just still pissed off that all of your streetwalker reviews didn't earn you any BCD credit on ASPD. Hey... Rules was rules. Wasn't my fault. How many did you have there anyway? 50? 100? More?

Still slummin' it over on Cesar Chavez and Pleasant Valley these days?
How's that working out for ya?

Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin View Post
Things here indeed changed when "polite and civil" ceased to be a value adhered to by the owners and administrators of the board.


"Polite and civil" seems to have gone by the wayside anymore. Right, Monk?

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Old 05-02-2015, 10:23 PM   #78
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Well said Russ. You are a class act on this board as well as ASPD. It doesn't take much effort for all of us to be respectful and choosing our words carefully to express a negative. Several choose the opposite to be pricks hidden behind a keyboard. I'm here for the fun with the ladies and to share info and my experience with others. Thanks again for taking the time to write this thread Russ. We needed to talk about the ten ton elephant in the room.
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Old 05-03-2015, 06:22 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by SexiLexi333 View Post
Are you sure its the belly that needs the rub?
One thing hopefully leads to another!
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Old 05-03-2015, 09:16 AM   #80
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Old 05-03-2015, 11:09 AM   #81
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Great post RT. I hope people read it and take it to heart. So much negativity here, though I guess it's almost inevitable in an anonymous board.
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Old 05-06-2015, 12:18 PM   #82
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Default A final note (I hope) from Russ on this one ...

Russ has been / is being torn to shreds in a private area for sharing his thoughts and hasn’t seen a need to engage in fighting nor bickering there; however, I thought a final remark might be appropriate on this thread which has been buried in several pages of tags on very old threads. Having known that the flaming would occur, why did Russ post in the first place?

Sigh. My whole point was about civility and most particularly about treating our Ladies with respect. One particular Lady I see often had asked me to do this. I wanted to let the Ladies know that many of us see them as equals in this blissful hell of a hobby we enjoy.

And it's also true that I wanted to let some “Gents” know that I don’t appreciate their constant bickering, drama, and blatant disrespect of women.

The shit storm that ensued was predictable and I guess pretty much proves my point. I knew I’d be personally assaulted as would anyone with a long a review history as I have on the boards. I knew attempts would be made to change the subject and that has occurred - laughingly to suggest that the shit slingers benefit the board economically from running up the number of views, etc. True? Maybe, but sad, I think. And sadder, a subject change that the shit slingers are the only ones that tell the truth about the ladies - that the Gents who hold them highly and respect them are just pussy whipped white knights, etc., etc.

Anyone with any brains at knows the group (and the individual members) that cause the problems. While a few ladies may also have some culpability at times, I’m speaking here only of a few male eccie members as those bearing primary responsibility. To avoid using less appropriate language, I’ll refer to them by class (or lack thereof) as follows (nomenclature here inspired by a Lady I see and respect):

Eccie Hogs - Self absorbed. Obtain significant meaning in their lives from controlling, dominating, coercing, laughing at and otherwise demeaning women and from having status as Big Shots on this Board. True, many are obese, single and socially maladjusted from what I gather, but we needn’t go there.

Eccie Pigs - Not quite Eccie Hogs, but like to be identified with the Hogs and maintain their status on the premise of - “The best it gets is IOP - these women are in fact lesser creatures and should be kept in their place.” Some of these ‘Eccie Pigs’ don’t have a clue of their Piggie status and are convinced the women like them, but continue to complain about those who don’t meet their preferences in terms of age, appearance, menu, style, price point, TCB, etc. I have suggested that moving along to find what you like rather than pausing to belittle, berate and try to coerce women to do what they do not wish to do is a much better approach for everyone here.

Eccie Piglets - they follow around the Hogs and Pigs thinking they will be cool in so doing or that this kind of aberrant behavior is somehow expected for them to be part of this “community”. With more examples of better behavior, they just might take a different course noting of course that the louder, ruder course is always the one most noticed and most easily followed.

There are many very good members here, most members actually, whose participation and views I really enjoy and respect. They often get drowned out in screaming slinging shit. I have been told by a number of Ladies that some of the best members and the Gents they enjoy the most are the “lurkers”. I’ve also been told that the shit storm culture here has run off many of the lurkers - an important economic base for many of the the Ladies.

Naming names? Oh hell no. What good would that do? That would just cause additional shit to flow of course.

Why haven’t the ladies been named who have left or significantly decreased their eccie presence? Any buffoon knows the answer to that. I’m personally not willing to subject any one of them to the venom of the Hogs and Pigs and the attendant squeels of the Piglets. Nor would personally naming the Hogs and Pigs be useful in any respect.

Do I have any regret from starting this discussion?

Yes, it’s only caused more of the same old shit and is not likely to do any damn good at all. Apologies for that.

Yours Tworthy,
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Old 05-06-2015, 12:22 PM   #83
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So it was predictable, that would mean you did it on purpose?
You people do get that the current situation that is going on was done purposely to you right?
Ho well it's a lot more entertaining at the moment.
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Old 05-06-2015, 01:07 PM   #84
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I think you had noble intent with your initial post.

Now you have put people in boxes with your general stooping to the very level of disrespect you detest.

No one here is innocent or more noble than any other just because they don't show their true colors.

If members are all up in these threads to pick a side then by means people do so, but if you stick to the hawk-eye-view you can see everything for what it really is... which is: nothing and no one here is as they may appear... yes over her... on the blurred lines of civilian society.
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Old 05-06-2015, 01:17 PM   #85
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this is a thread worth bumping. The clown car foursome would do well to read it from start to finish. Then get on a treadmill or something.
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Old 05-06-2015, 01:49 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin View Post

I think you had noble intent with your initial post.

Now you have put people in boxes with your general stooping to the very level of disrespect you detest.
What you got against pigs Russ?
Look at that avatar...how could you defame a cute little guy like that?
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