Originally Posted by Keisha Cummings
While just becoming registered here on eccie, I have noticed a few things: People are rude, mean, hateful, the attitude here is so elementary, and more than I would have like to take notice to people here are just plain "DISRESPECTFUL" for no reason at all! But why?
I mean if you're gonna trust someone to be in your company while you are in one of your most vulnerable moments wouldn't you want them to have a respectful character and to be a gentleman?
But I've noticed some of the women here are co-signing the men disrespectful comments and remarks and I am just so blown away because is the money that good and/or that important to you that you're going to tolerate that type of behavior? Why stroke an ego of a person like that?
I guess a lot of guys won't be seeing me; because I'm going to take your character here on the board as the person you truly are. And I can't stand disrespectful and hateful people.
I guess this is my welcome to eccie.
Unfortunately, you are right. Most of the members who are frequent posters in the Dallas forums at least, are arrogant, condescending and many have vendettas and agendas. Most of what they say is no more than theorized opinions (usually to further those agendas) with no real proof to either try to make themselves look good or someone else look bad. BTW, the few things you have noticed is not even the tip of the iceberg! There is nothing wrong with giving your opinion as that is what this site is all about, but when EVERYTHING you say is negative, then it might be time to turn off that computer. Eccie is some of the members' only means of outside contact and socializing.
Eccie is good for some info, but the grade school drama (attempt to bully, insults and rude comments) is more prevalent than anything else, even with providers, hence why less than 5% of them post anything other than ads. Just goes to show you what you may deal with seeing them in person, but many act an ass on the internet and then are at least cordial to extremely nice in person, at least we can hope.
By the way, welcome to Eccie!