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Old 04-14-2015, 05:25 PM   #61
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Old 04-14-2015, 05:35 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by diddleman View Post
Wow... you guys have me thinking a little differently than I began.. I was of the opinion Ze was out of line putting this on an open forum ,and I still have my reservations. However, you are right- one must include the 30 minutes she had to wait for him to be late, and clearly you do not deduct gift costs from session donations. I am on "the Ze is not interested" list. So I know how she can be annoying as hell. While we share mutual friends I am damn sure not a whiteknight for Ze. Here is what I think .. Blake you went from a crappy client to a jerk when you were short on the donation. Ze,, I can't help but think this could have been resolved without posting this "sort of alert"on public forum. I think you were pissed and wanted to do harm.
To those guys with the high five to Ze. Really? is this what you want to have your provider
be inclined to do if you have a session issue? I always ask them to be sure and contact me if anything comes up as a problem. Would this fellow have made peace if given a chance?
Damn good points sir! Hmmmmmm?

1. Not telling the hobbyist during the session for safety reasons:
I can agree with that.

2. Airing out the issue in the coed space?
It does alert fellow providers

I'm not sure Ze posted out of anger as I don't think the tone fits the bill.

Although when asked if this is how I would want a provider to react to me, that puts some perspective on it. I can see how the Hobbyist feels if he was under the impression that everything was copacetic, then, bam! Ze ass rapes him in coed. If this is a known habit that has been addressed with the Hobbyist before then, I have no sympathy. However, if the Hobbyist was completely clueless, then I can see how those actions are kind of fucked up. I would definitely want to be corrected by the provider if I did something stupid and inappropriate "before" it was posted for all to see.
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Old 04-14-2015, 05:37 PM   #63
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God dang it. I've been trying real hard not to address this so that I don't get on the "Ze does not want to waste her time on you" list. However, I feel like I now need to put in my .02.

No self respecting hobbyist would come into an appointment with at least full donation (I typically tip and sometimes I stay longer if mutually agreed, so I carry extra funds, but certainly not the expectation). Additionally, if I am late (usually 5 minutes at most) I feel the time is ticking from when I set the appointment. In these respects, Ze is correct.

However, there are several points that go the other way, in my opinion. First of all, if he has a bad rep, why would you see him? And more importantly, why wouldn't you get his funds first if he has a reputation for shorting? Seems to me like Ze has blasted other providers for being careless in the past. Additionally, there are ways to hurry up a client tactfully if he overstays. Seems like nothing was done, and now she's pissed. If she did not feel like addressing it in person for safety reasons, could have tried to resolve through PMs first. How many times are there issues here that get settled through talking it out, I would say it happens all the time. While it's certainly everyone's prerogative to air dirty laundry, it seems a bit childish to blindside someone with it before allowing them the opportunity to make it up (we recently had a similar issue where another hobbyist wrote about BSB, and although he was right, he could have handled it differently). If the hobbyist / provider are professional, things can be settled before it gets to this.

All that said, my account may have been compromised and I never wrote this.

Ze is awesome an the OP sucks hard. The last sentence was all me.

Originally Posted by diddleman View Post
Wow... you guys have me thinking a little differently than I began.. I was of the opinion Ze was out of line putting this on an open forum ,and I still have my reservations. However, you are right- one must include the 30 minutes she had to wait for him to be late, and clearly you do not deduct gift costs from session donations. I am on "the Ze is not interested" list. So I know how she can be annoying as hell. While we share mutual friends I am damn sure not a whiteknight for Ze. Here is what I think .. Blake you went from a crappy client to a jerk when you were short on the donation. Ze,, I can't help but think this could have been resolved without posting this "sort of alert"on public forum. I think you were pissed and wanted to do harm.
To those guys with the high five to Ze. Really? is this what you want to have your provider
be inclined to do if you have a session issue? I always ask them to be sure and contact me if anything comes up as a problem. Would this fellow have made peace if given a chance?
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Old 04-14-2015, 06:00 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Invisible1 View Post
Ze: Well written and expressed. You are a lady who can take care of business.....in so many amazing ways.

Blakeonback: Good luck. According to this thread your reputation preceeded your visit with Ze. You blew the chance you were given after trying to see Ze for so long. Now your reputation is even better known. You are now an infamous celebrity. ***applause and cheering***

I just wish she would perform an experiment on me
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Old 04-14-2015, 07:06 PM   #65
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Wait I thought ZE was a blue Smurffette person. I have never seen a photo of her before. Is that her?
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Old 04-14-2015, 08:02 PM   #66
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There is an underlying issue here that deserves discussion: how does a guy figure out his behavior is turning women off unless someone tells him? It may seem obvious to most readers, but I know in real life some incredibly intelligent people who don't realize how their behavior is turning people off.

How do you get the message across to a guy that the ladies are speaking ill of him behind his back before it gets to the point that you have to start a thread like this one?
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Old 04-14-2015, 10:25 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by blakeonback View Post
You decide to bring this stuff up in public? And never give me any indication of any disappointment at any point in our session? Who does that? Obviously, you have no concern of privacy for yourself or mine. I agree I may not be the most refined hobbiest on the board but I wouldn't call drinking half a can of cider while at an appt and in total as I showed up without having any drinks or indication of it and ok I did buy a couple of ciders and some gummy worms just to be cute and did bring them as a gift to you which you only had them I had none. bla bla bla.... then when we wrap the session you asked me to take the ciders and invited me back later in the evening to drink with you because it was just to early for you then and you had more appts in line after ours. As far as the overstaying the appt I had no idea and no indication that I was over my time. Our appt was at 12 noon and I arrived late at 12:30 and when I left it was 1:45. I don't know what justifies any part of you making our business everyone else's without any communication to myself that you felt there was some injustice done on my part. Another member brought your post to my attention and I was shocked with regards to your etiquette and any sense of discretion on your part much less any indication that there was any dissatisfaction on your part at all. I don't feel I should have to defend myself but I feel I have and even I know that most always squabbles between op and provider are better settled in private and really amounts to no more than gossip on the boards and ends up doing nobody any good anyway. I'll agree to stop by and drop you 10 bucks in your mail box lol if you wish and I apologize for any overstay and for not knowing what the donation was going to be first and shorting you 5 or 6 bucks. Please know the damage you cause from your disregard for privacy on the board is far more damaging for either of us and let me be the first to ask to end this thread. BOB

I don't know whose right and whose wrong, but what I do know is we need to learn about paragraphs.
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Old 04-14-2015, 10:36 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Col0002 View Post
I don't know whose right and whose wrong, but what I do know is we need to learn about paragraphs.
I mean... if you're going to criticize someone, at least make sure you don't have any mistakes either.

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Old 04-14-2015, 11:30 PM   #69
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slightly modified to take a different point of view.....

Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
There is an underlying issue here that deserves discussion:
how does a PROVIDER figure out HER behavior is turning CIENTS off unless someone tells HER? It may seem obvious to most readers, but I know in real life some incredibly intelligent people who don't realize how their behavior is turning people off.

How do you get the message across to a PROVIDER that the CIENTS are speaking ill of HER behind HER back before it gets to the point that you have to start a thread like this one?
yes, this is a good issue to discuss.
it would be better to hear about your character deficiencies directly from the person you've dealt with rather than see it posted in public [you know that old phrase "praise in public, correct/criticize in private"].
but it rarely works out that way, esp here. and rarely in interpersonal relationships in general.

most people dont like to initiate discussion of a conflict or problem w/ an "offender."
they'd rather just praise, congratulate, high-five, etc.
so, i say go ahead and raise the problem in public [ncns, rude behavior, theft, shorting, acting offensive, etc, etc, etc and ESPECIALLY problems of safety, security, outing].
plus it shows others what NOT to do or how to behave better.
whether they learn and apply the lesson is another topic.

several times i have attempted to comment to a provider VIA EMAIL about things i wish would have occured during our session or what i didnt like. in everyone of those situations, i got blasted by the provider via email. fortunately, she didnt air it publicly.
so, attempting to inform the provider fell on deaf ears.

now, i either just let it go or discuss it in private w/ other clients.

besides, this is a drama exchange, errr, information exchange site.
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Old 04-15-2015, 12:08 AM   #70
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Studies have shown that girls wearing tube tops and no bra are 99.00053%
more likely to have a wardrobe malfunction.

Just keeping it real people.
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Old 04-15-2015, 06:32 AM   #71
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You're laughable Ze and exposed your own ass and shot your own perceived privacy in it's apptss at the same time. I'm not even worried about your childish name calling especially considering the nature of this hobby/occupation prevailing.
I considered flaming you with an overwhelmingly negative review which I think is the equivalent of what you have done starting this thread . Although, in all honesty, the appt and your presentation and performance was acceptable however anti-climatic with regards to my anticipation of being in your presence and experiencing the abilities of such the great "Actress" you've proclaimed yourself to be, so thanks for kindly shutting the fuck up finally.
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Old 04-15-2015, 06:34 AM   #72
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Actress w no pictures? hmmmm?
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Old 04-15-2015, 06:46 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Bob the Nailer View Post
Yepper, ~Ze~ is totally correct in her application of hobby logic. (pretty much any and all logic really) and the dude looses. He did enough stuff to be booted and get a real alert. And dumbass, the reason she didn't tell you about it at the time is for her own safety. Are you really that dense? Guess so.

So bottom line is ~Ze~ is correct and dumbazz is wrong, yet again.
Keep Bobbing the Nailer Bob you'll figure it out soon
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Old 04-15-2015, 07:17 AM   #74
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You mean a scathing review like this one?


A lot of the same issues, and it didn't really go so well for you then, either. Clearly you've had more than one person in the past tell you that there is a problem with how you're choosing to "do business". It would also appear that you haven't listened.
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Old 04-15-2015, 07:26 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Billy Babitt View Post
This is almost as good as the ass hat that deducted gas money from his donation...SMDH. Sorry Ze, but sometimes there's juts no explaining ass hat logic.

That made me laugh.
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