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Old 04-11-2015, 01:10 PM   #1
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Default My science experiment with blakeonback .

My science experiment with blakeonback.

A gentleman with a poor reputation for being a drunk, shorting girls and generally being a problem client... has been asking to see me for quite some time.

After about a year of back and forth banter, he shows some civility and really appeals to my softer side. I decide to see him based on his gentlemanly behavior.

He shows up reasonably on time, is clean, smiles at the door. I feel this is going to go just fine. We head upstairs to my bedroom.

"I have a present for you"... he says. I open the bag and there are two tallboy ciders and a bag of gummy worms. Yay gummies! But the ciders are going to be an issue. I don't drink unless I am the one handing the drinks out.

Annoyed, since it is barely noon, about the assumption that day drinking is ok... I hand him his cider and let him swig away. Sure, what's it gunna hurt if he has a few gulps. I am about to keep him occupied on my pussy for the better part of an hour...

Which is exactly what I do. Yay! Fun times. We roll around on the bed ALOT. We suck and fuck and play and have a pretty damn good time.

Then my trained internal clock starts to say I should check the time. I do, and it is literally about 5 minutes before we are supposed to wrap. I get to putting the pressure on. I let him know "we are both running late for lunch"... He get's the point and verbally affirms that we need to get a hurry on.

THEN - the bullshit starts... delay delay delay... eventually done.

45 minutes over. Fuck this ... dude. I have time to spare but seriously.

AND- to top it off. "I went to the atm, I have 300, but I took out a few bucks for the ciders"... DAFUQ. -_-

So, you thought it was totally ok to overstay, and take out your booze out of MY donation. Dude...

I knew what to expect going in. I am a seasoned vet, and yes, there are many ways I could have ended the time bluntly.

Overall- the dude is cool. Personality rocks, he is clean, respectful(in general).. if he could just get his shit together re: leeching time and playing games with donations, he would be a decent client to recommend to other ladies. Right now, I won't.
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Old 04-11-2015, 01:21 PM   #2
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That sucks. Hopefully he'll get it together one day and won't do stuff like this. I had a similar experience (different client) who I saw at an upscale hotel for an out call, and when I arrived I let him know I was a little hungry but he said he didn't mind if I ordered something.. I assumed he would take care of it and since the cheapest thing on the menu was a $19 salad ($29 with tip, delivery fee, etc) I hesitated but he assured me it was OK.

Once the salad got there and we had played around a bit he started bitching about how much it was. I asked him if he wanted $20 or something for it and he accepted. The thing that really irked me was when I went to the restroom he took $10 out of the donation envelope without even telling me. And this was after I gave him a steep discount.. the one time before that we couldn't get together because of some scheduling issues I told him would do $40 off 90 min, and he took it upon himself to contact me again while I was running specials and wanted 40 off my special rate, but I still did it for him just to be nice.

Smh. I feel your pain girl. There are some really douchebaggy guys out there. Best to just put them out there & let other ladies see him at their own discretion.
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Old 04-11-2015, 01:24 PM   #3
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Ze, you're being very kind to a disrespectful client. Those type of assumption should never be made. I totally respect the way you handled things though, very professional and classy.
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Old 04-11-2015, 02:26 PM   #4
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Welp better luck next time Ze.
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Old 04-11-2015, 03:18 PM   #5
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C'mon now Ze... you know I'm the only one with the protective asshole bubble.
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Old 04-11-2015, 04:46 PM   #6
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~Ze~ you ought to get review credit!
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Old 04-11-2015, 05:43 PM   #7
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Why would a guy fuck up his reputation over the price of two drinks? That's just major league stupid. If $10 is that big a deal, see a provider that's $25 or $50 cheaper and keep the change!! It almost sounds like some sort of pathology.
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Old 04-11-2015, 05:49 PM   #8
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The way I read it, his reputation wasn't all that stellar to begin with. It wasn't just the cost of the drinks either it was the purposefully staying over the time by 45 minutes.

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Old 04-11-2015, 06:58 PM   #9
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Well Ze, I think it's just a testament to your character that you actually gave this guy a chance instead of giving into the hype. I have the propensity to do the same thing, I wouldn't base a decision solely off of here-say because I like to make informed decisions based on my personal experience because there are always 2 sides to each story (and then, there's the truth). Although it didn't pan out quite as well this time, I commend you for giving it a shot. Respect! Anyway is that you on your avatar? Because, hot damn!!!
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Old 04-11-2015, 10:00 PM   #10
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Sorry that happened doll and glad to have you back!!1
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Old 04-12-2015, 12:22 AM   #11
Tony Gambino
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Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post
My science experiment with blakeonback.

A gentleman with a poor reputation for being a drunk, shorting girls and generally being a problem client... has been asking to see me for quite some time.

After about a year of back and forth banter, he shows some civility and really appeals to my softer side. I decide to see him based on his gentlemanly behavior.

He shows up reasonably on time, is clean, smiles at the door. I feel this is going to go just fine. We head upstairs to my bedroom.

"I have a present for you"... he says. I open the bag and there are two tallboy ciders and a bag of gummy worms. Yay gummies! But the ciders are going to be an issue. I don't drink unless I am the one handing the drinks out.

Annoyed, since it is barely noon, about the assumption that day drinking is ok... I hand him his cider and let him swig away. Sure, what's it gunna hurt if he has a few gulps. I am about to keep him occupied on my pussy for the better part of an hour...

Which is exactly what I do. Yay! Fun times. We roll around on the bed ALOT. We suck and fuck and play and have a pretty damn good time.

Then my trained internal clock starts to say I should check the time. I do, and it is literally about 5 minutes before we are supposed to wrap. I get to putting the pressure on. I let him know "we are both running late for lunch"... He get's the point and verbally affirms that we need to get a hurry on.

THEN - the bullshit starts... delay delay delay... eventually done.

45 minutes over. Fuck this ... dude. I have time to spare but seriously.

AND- to top it off. "I went to the atm, I have 300, but I took out a few bucks for the ciders"... DAFUQ. -_-

So, you thought it was totally ok to overstay, and take out your booze out of MY donation. Dude...

I knew what to expect going in. I am a seasoned vet, and yes, there are many ways I could have ended the time bluntly.

Overall- the dude is cool. Personality rocks, he is clean, respectful(in general).. if he could just get his shit together re: leeching time and playing games with donations, he would be a decent client to recommend to other ladies. Right now, I won't.
so if I inquired....you might consider taking a chance on me? I really am a nice guy,and I treat people right. I don't have any bad reviews..
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Old 04-12-2015, 01:48 AM   #12
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Who the hell drinks tallboy ciders with gummy bears?
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Old 04-12-2015, 05:44 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by TonyStark View Post
Who the hell drinks tallboy ciders with gummy bears?
No shit. Blaaaah.
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Old 04-12-2015, 07:34 AM   #14
Glenn Quagmire
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Why would a guy fuck up his reputation over the price of two drinks? That's just major league stupid. If $10 is that big a deal, see a provider that's $25 or $50 cheaper and keep the change!! It almost sounds like some sort of pathology.
Thanks for your eye witness news in depth investigation, ~ze~.

Definitely some cheap fuckers on here.

For a short period when I first got really active in the hobby, I was hobby friends with a guy, but I had to distance myself from him because he was cheap! He would deduct everything he could think of off the price of his sessions and stay way over and wonder why girls got mad at him, but were still friends with me.

It's called respect.

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Old 04-12-2015, 08:02 AM   #15
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Where is the hobbyist review section? just kidding

I enjoy your posts, Ze but this one has me scratching my head a little. First off, when I first joined, you were the one who usually came on threads of a disappointing experiences and either chastised or questioned the poster's screening methods or that they allowed the person to drink during the session so the experience was their fault for not controlling it.

I know I decided against posting a few times because I was concerned about what you and others might do to blame me for my own situation and therefore cause more problems for me rather than just letting it go. So it really surprises me to see you breaking all your own rules. Rules on screening, rules on drinking. And if you know he is known for shorting girls then why not have him lay the money out when he got there? Science experiments should definitely be in a more controlled environment and I'm wondering why you didn't control it considering his history?

Also, I don't think it's our place as providers to review hobbyists negatively in coed if the hobbyists himself hasn't discussed his meeting with you in public. If there is no danger to anyone's safety then our next priority should be discretion. There have been providers who had their reputations ruined for evening mentioning they had a session with a guy in the open if he hadn't mentioned it first. And I haven't seen anywhere where he said he saw you recently.

I thought about pming you this but I wanted to ask in the open since you posted in the open. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I saw him when I first started and never would see him again. I'm really surprised that you decided to see him. What would you have done differently if you had it to do over again?
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