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View Poll Results: In answer to speedies question
I have used a firearm to protect myself, another person, or my property. 26 52.00%
There have been times I wished I had a gun to protect myself or others. 5 10.00%
There have been times that I wished I DID NOT have a gun to protect myself. 0 0%
I hope that I can get through life without ever needing to use a gun. 19 38.00%
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Old 04-07-2015, 09:36 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Because as a CHL holder I know I am held to a higher standard and de-escalation is my first priority.
The same provisions of the Penal Code apply to civilians whether non-CHL or CHL and LE. The only distinction might be when one is called upon to justify the "shoot-don't shoot" decision the presence of training that is inconsistent with the facts of the response might cause you some difficulty in avoiding civil liability for your actions, and to some degree with criminal liability in a "close case." In that sense the amount of documented training would be a consideration, although I believe the threat level addressed by your response would probably be of greater consideration in the judgment decision.

The positive aspect of the CHL training is the academic portion that provides an insight into the appropriate decision making on the "use of force continuum."
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Old 04-07-2015, 11:55 AM   #32
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where are the "average" answers of:

-carry mine, but never have had to use it, but it has accidentally gone off twice

-I carry mine, pulled it out to use it when I was getting mugged and shot my leg, the mugger got away

-I practice at the range weekly, never have had to pull it out, but I carry in case I'm so stupid to get myself into a bad situation that 99.99999% of people avoid daily
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Old 04-07-2015, 11:57 AM   #33
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I'll take that as a "no"! And include dove, ducks, geese, and pheasant.
Take it for what is said scat for brains. Not what the voices in your head said .
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Old 04-07-2015, 01:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker View Post
where are the "average" answers of:

-carry mine, but never have had to use it, but it has accidentally gone off twice

-I carry mine, pulled it out to use it when I was getting mugged and shot my leg, the mugger got away

-I practice at the range weekly, never have had to pull it out, but I carry in case I'm so stupid to get myself into a bad situation that 99.99999% of people avoid daily
Pretty much spot on. Much better than these "carefully" worded answers that JDMoron put on there.

The best option is to not have guns at all. Once that ball gets rolling, it'll be removed from the average mugger just as easily as it would be removed from the hands of the average citizen. England and Australia are perfect examples; developed countries with an effective LE that keep gun violence to a minimum.
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Old 04-07-2015, 01:35 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
If there are no CHL's in New York how is there any "correlation" between the two? Like cigarettes, people buy firearms out of state and bring them "home."

By your "stastical" analysis ...

....there is a "correlation" between breast feeding and addiction.
Who said there were no CHLs in N.Y.?

My earlier statement was "And in what state is it next to impossible to obtain a CHL? New York.".

Low number of CHLs issued in N.Y. and decreasing crime rate. Gnadfly's assertion was the decrease in crime rate was due to the increase in CHLs. Every article I found on the subject of decreasing crime rates made no mention of CHLs as being a positive factor in the decrease. If you or anyone else can find an unbiased article stating differently I'd like to see it.
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Old 04-07-2015, 02:45 PM   #36
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I have been on both ends of the weapon .

I have been shot point blank in the chest walking in to a structure . First i was hit in the back of my leg at the knee with a baseball bat from the guy standing behind the door .

as i dropped to my knee from the blow by the bat i was shot in the chest from a foot away by another person .

As i layed on the cold concrete on my back couldnt see couldnt hear . I couldnt figure out at the time why the cold felt so good coming from the concrete.

The muzzle flash was so close to my chest it had set my clothes on fire burning my shirt completly off my body .

That day it didnt matter if i was carrying are not . They got the drop on me .It is hard to explain what it is like being shot like that .So many things happen so fast. Its something i thought i understood what it would be like . Wrong

It is what it is . I typed this message so we know i didnt die .

The other guys? No comment .

Its really a wicked world sometimes and if the equalizer is a weapon by all means carry one .
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Old 04-07-2015, 03:09 PM   #37
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Default Carrying a gun

It is a personal decision to make the choice to carry or not carry a gun. I know more than one person who has been assaulted, robbed and even killed by another person. In each case they never saw it coming. Most of us don't even think about such things till it happens to you or someone you know. The first person I knew that was killed was my high school track buddy. He lived on the north side of San Antonio and he was going to Trinity University on a full scholarship. He came home from school and was shot in the back of the head by a burglar that was in his house. The first person I knew who was robbed at gunpoint was my older sister. She was going to the University of Texas nursing school in Houston. She was robbed while leaving a fraternity party with her boyfriend. This all happened in the early 1970's. Both times in places you would have never dreamed that it could. Oh yeah. The guy that robbed my sister came back 2 months later and did it again. The fraternity guys jumped him and the bastard shot one of the frat brothers in the leg.
In 1995 friend who was a cop talked me into getting a concealed carry permit. He insisted I get additional training by professional schools that did law enforcement training. It was not cheap, it was very intensive and it took time. Most of the training was about risk assessment, mental preparation, shoot/don't shoot situations and shooting under stress. It made me much more aware about how to spot trouble, avoid it if possible, know when you have to shoot and how to shoot effectively and responsibly. For 20 years I have never had to use my gun. I have never had anyone even notice that I am carrying one when I do. I don't feel paranoid. I just feel confident and happy that I the training. It makes life more enjoyable. And I've had fun teaching friends what I have learned.
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Old 04-07-2015, 03:28 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Dartswinger View Post
He insisted I get additional training by professional schools that did law enforcement training.

Most of the training was about risk assessment, mental preparation, shoot/don't shoot situations and shooting under stress. It made me much more aware about how to spot trouble, avoid it if possible, know when you have to shoot and how to shoot effectively and responsibly.
That's the issue I have with the typical CHL instruction. It is simply insufficient. Most ranges are not set up to accommodate the types of responses and shooting that is faced on the street, which is customarily close quarters, low light, and fast paced.
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Old 04-07-2015, 03:29 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Take it for what is said scat for brains. Not what the voices in your head said .
A "no," of course. Why don't you talk about shit you know something about?

Oh, wait: You wouldn't be doing any talking then, would you?
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Old 04-07-2015, 03:36 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Who said there were no CHLs in N.Y.?

My earlier statement was "And in what state is it next to impossible to obtain a CHL? New York.".
My apologies....

.... just how close to "impossible" is it? I know it's "next to" it, but just how close is it ....?

Oh, BTW: http://www.usacarry.com/new_york_con...formation.html

I'm not sure what "next to impossible" means, but ...

"Concealed Permit:
May Issue to Residents and Non-Residents
The determination whether to grant the license is completely within the discretion of the licensing officer. However, the licensing officer must state specifically and concisely in writing the reasons for a denial. A denial can only be overturned in court if the denial is shown to be arbitrary and capricious."

Sounds like a cabby would have a tougher time getting a "permit" for his cab than a CHL. Doesn't even need union approval!!!

As for an article. .....

..... can you find one that says not lawfully carrying a weapon reduces crime?

And I'm not talking about regurgitating statistics while trying to justify a conclusion.

The last time this discussion hit the forums here the "experience" of Mexico where IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get a CHL for a handgun was dismissed as being from a "underdeveloped country" .... without much explanation of what the fuck difference it makes that Mexico is an "underdeveloped country" .... in looking at "statistics" of killings by firearms to see if less LEGAL firearm ownership AND POSSESSION reduces "crime rates"?

Again, I would like to know how many of those killing people with handguns breast fed as babies (to distinguish from the adult fetishes) as an indicator of whether or not breast feeding or not breast feeding causes an increase in murders.

Statistically speaking, of course!!!
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Old 04-07-2015, 06:37 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
A "no," of course. Why don't you talk about shit you know something about?

Oh, wait: You wouldn't be doing any talking then, would you?
Anything you would like to know about CC, shooting, firearms, hunting just ask I will be glad to tutor you lexie lacking.
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Old 04-07-2015, 09:23 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
I've carried legally for 10 years. I've been in a few confrontations but never been in one that went to the point of having to even present. Why? Because as a CHL holder I know I am held to a higher standard and de-escalation is my first priority.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Poorly worded poll options;
I never thought I would say this but.....I agree with TrendingIdiot. The options are very poorly worded. But I would expect nothing less from JDIdiot.

Since I first became a CHL holder, I have never felt the need to point a gun at another person and have only used a firearm for sporting purposes.
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Old 04-07-2015, 10:13 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
A "no," of course. Why don't you talk about shit you know something about?

Oh, wait: You wouldn't be doing any talking then, would you?
You are correct. If he (IvaBiggen) were required to speak intelligently on any subject or be quiet, he would be pitied as someone unable to speak. He is another sad case, left pondering the unfairness of life after every intelligence test he took since he always scored in the lowest quartile.
Rumor has it that his poor mother is in jail now, because she shot his father for being such an intellectually lacking dolt for a son who was the laughing stock of the other third graders, who although they were 3 years younger had to teach IvaBiggen addin' and subtractin'.
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Old 04-07-2015, 10:21 PM   #44
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I've owned a .40 for 5 years now. Have my CHL; learned how to shoot when I was a kid - got better in the military, and now I target shoot for fun. Only had to draw it once - and that was during my divorce when my ex was threatening to beat me up. These days I hardly ever carry it, but I do keep it close by.
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Old 04-08-2015, 02:33 AM   #45
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