Point 1: I do not know her. I have not spoken to her. I do not have any information from her. I do not have her side of the story.
Point 2: The problem is your retaliation on
ANYONE who does NOT agree with you. You cannot have a cordial discussion with anyone who does not agree with you. It's apparent on any of your responses. Even with your issue with her. You don't just provide information you come across kind of hostile.
Here, in my opinion, you just went to far.
Once they screw up enough they just won't see you and move on to the next guy paying full price.
It's the OLD BP mentality of being a hooker. Something tells me this isn't the first time she has done this!
Then rockerick's told you to write it up in review form.
Enough about her now.
I have disagreed with you on issues. I have complained about your bashing. I have not bashed you. I do not believe I have ridiculed you. You have made jokes at me which I did not take personally and I joked back. You have, however, retaliated and started a post in CoEd regarding myself and other members who disagree with you and that is the issue. If you don't agree with SL he will retaliate against you
While I appreciate your reviews, I'm not going to agree with everything you say. If you are wrong, you are wrong. I have an opinion and I will state it.
The question I think everyone should wonder why is SL going to this extreme? Why is he retaliating in CoEd?
Anyone can read through the entire thread and see I have not been derogatory toward you. I have stated my opinion. Your answers have been angry and continue to be angry.
You want to call me a white knight, call me a white knight. I'm not one. I can't change your opinion of me but I'm also not going to agree with you on that or other issues. And everything that has been discussed is not private information. It's information that is in CoEd where everyone can see that was posted by
Originally Posted by Still Looking
You complained / ridiculed /bashed me because I posted a thread in COED rather than post in the ML. That argument was settled. Placing a thread in ML does NOT get moved to COED and would NOT let the provider respond. Why do you think it's the POLICY to move those kind of reviews to COED? In this case... her response was something about peanut butter. Brilliant... but then here come the WHITE KNIGHTS not involved and do not know MS Shitty TCB Skills but you side with her. You even took the trouble to get her side of the story but your going to keep it a secret. Normally this is where the name calling starts but I'll just say keep up the good work. The more you post the more you embarrass myself. Enjoy the spot light! Oh wait a minute... there is one thing you KEEP FORGETTING! When I told her if she had no intention of resolving this "miscommunication" ; I would file a complaint with P411 and post a thread in Austin COED where by she will be the star! Her response was I don't care what you do! (Paraphrasing) Funny how you KEEP ignoring that. If I sent you a screen shot (perfectly OK so long as I don't publish it here) would you start a thread here in COED, admit you are a WHITE KNIGHT and that you were WRONG!?