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Old 03-27-2015, 09:32 AM   #91
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at the time team Obama had the naïve plan of re-integrating the Taliban into the political fabric of Afghanistan; they may still very well cling to that idiocy

seems Obama is a believer in everyone but America's allies and in America itself.

he seemingly either doesn't understand the nature of the worldviews of the people we face or he has the same views

so he had the brilliant idea of releasing the Taliban commanders as a sop to them, to curry favor. sort of an across the seas bowing to them as he was very much given to do in his first term

it also didn't hurt that he got to reduce the gitmo population

in furtherance of his scheme, he didn't care about the truth of bergdahls situation, or the danger these commanders present to America

so he trotted out the sycophant susan rice once more to lie to America

and the arrogant state dept spokes woman who snarkily dismissed the members of bergdahls platoon

he had to also sell it, so he held that disgusting rose garden event with the parents of the deserter that went off into moonbeam land, giving a rose garden event to a deserter when men and women who have died in honor get no such thing

and yeah, they knew the truth all along

then who knows the extent to which he tried to influence the army in not bringing charges

isn't this Benghazi redux?

kayla muller's family thinks Obama's trading with the enemy got their daughter killed, his releasing the commanders gave isis the idea they could bargain for her
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:24 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I clicked on one link and really don't get your point. The one link only tells how and approximately where the soldier died. It didn't tell mission specifics.

Here are some "specifics."
Bergdahl joined the Coast Guard before he joined Army.
Bergdahl was kicked out of the Coast Guard for psychological reasons.
Bergdahl joined the Army.

Oh this precious.....

Anyhoo, Obama fucked up for trading Bo for the Taliban Dream Team, ignoring Congressional Responsibility, having a White House Football Spike Celebration Dance and having Susan Rice say on National TV he served with "honor and distinction."

It's just appalling and loathsome.

No spin can offset it. Arguing the number of soldiers who died looking for him is moot.


Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Quote the goddamn post you illiterate bastard. You insert so many non-sequiturs into your speeches that you can't even keep simple english straight. That there six men? What is that? Baby talk?
Is "English" another one of those proper nouns that you refuse to capitalize for religious reasons, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion?

Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Find it your damn self, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.

Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
I was repeating the OP shit for brains really tough for you to grasp chicken dick. May have to drop that to 3% of pond scum. The dumb as fuck jackass you keep referring to is whirrly fool.
That in no manner changes the fact that you were the dumb-as-fuck jackass that stated that there were six men in the group of five exchanged for Bergdahl, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:30 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post


Is "English" another one of those proper nouns that you refuse to capitalize for religious reasons, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion?

Find it your damn self, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.

That in no manner changes the fact that you were the dumb-as-fuck jackass that stated that there were six men in the group of five exchanged for Bergdahl, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
I'm not the one making the claim cocksucker. That would put the burden of proof on YOU.
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:34 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
at the time team Obama had the naïve plan of re-integrating the Taliban into the political fabric of Afghanistan; they may still very well cling to that idiocy

seems Obama is a believer in everyone but America's allies and in America itself.

he seemingly either doesn't understand the nature of the worldviews of the people we face or he has the same views

so he had the brilliant idea of releasing the Taliban commanders as a sop to them, to curry favor. sort of an across the seas bowing to them as he was very much given to do in his first term

it also didn't hurt that he got to reduce the gitmo population

in furtherance of his scheme, he didn't care about the truth of bergdahls situation, or the danger these commanders present to America

so he trotted out the sycophant susan rice once more to lie to America

and the arrogant state dept spokes woman who snarkily dismissed the members of bergdahls platoon

he had to also sell it, so he held that disgusting rose garden event with the parents of the deserter that went off into moonbeam land, giving a rose garden event to a deserter when men and women who have died in honor get no such thing

and yeah, they knew the truth all along

then who knows the extent to which he tried to influence the army in not bringing charges

isn't this Benghazi redux?

kayla muller's family thinks Obama's trading with the enemy got their daughter killed, his releasing the commanders gave isis the idea they could bargain for her
I love how you have somehow inserted yourself INTO Obama's heart and mind and you know exactly what he is thinking AND why he is thinking it. Fascinating. You have managed to string together truth, half truth and outright lies into some retarded melange that you want people to take for the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Not buying it.

Benghazi redux? Hundreds of hours of committee meetings have not returned the evidence that republicans seek to find, perhaps because it isn't there. But they will keep looking and wasting taxpayer money, of that I have no doubt.
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:42 AM   #95
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With 60,000+ Hillary emails hidden from Congress how could they get to the evidence?

And we still don't know if others within the Benghazi lie loop used personal email/server accounts, which could be shielding them from FOIA requests and Congressional investigations.

Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Benghazi redux? Hundreds of hours of committee meetings have not returned the evidence that republicans seek to find, perhaps because it isn't there. But they will keep looking and wasting taxpayer money, of that I have no doubt.
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:44 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
I'm not the one making the claim cocksucker. That would put the burden of proof on YOU.
Your stupid, deflecting interjection serves as proof that you already know what Stumpy the Inbred Chimp posted, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.

Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post

Benghazi redux? Hundreds of hours of committee meetings have not returned the evidence that republicans seek to find, perhaps because it isn't there. But they will keep looking and wasting taxpayer money, of that I have no doubt.
And when and where were 100% of Hildabeast's e-mails relating to Benghazi ever examined, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion?

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
With 60,000+ Hillary emails hidden from Congress how could they get to the evidence?

And we still don't know if others within the Benghazi lie loop used personal email/server accounts, which could be shielding them from FOIA requests and Congressional investigations.
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:47 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
With 60,000+ Hillary emails hidden from Congress how could they get to the evidence?

And we still don't know if others within the Benghazi lie loop used personal email/server accounts, which could be shielding them from FOIA requests and Congressional investigations.
Where are you getting that number? She turned over 55K emails, could that be what you're referencing?

You really should take the time to read this timeline. There is no benghazi lie loop for christ sake. Just read it. It's not as cut and dry as you would no doubt like it to be.

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Old 03-27-2015, 10:49 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Your stupid, deflecting interjection serves as proof that you already know what Stumpy the Inbred Chimp posted, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.

Deflecting? You're the one shifting the burden of proof you inbred cocktard.

And when and where were 100% of Hildabeast's e-mails examined, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.
Still hoping for that smoking email, huh? Good luck with that. The clintons know how to get rid of shit
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Old 03-27-2015, 10:57 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Still hoping for that smoking email, huh? Good luck with that. The clintons know how to get rid of shit
That's your admission that a real investigation never happened, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. And since a real investigation never happened, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, it's about time that you STFU and quit giving any credence to the findings of the incomplete investigations conducted to date.
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Old 03-27-2015, 11:04 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
That's your admission that a real investigation never happened, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. And since a real investigation never happened, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, it's about time that you STFU and quit giving any credence to the findings of the incomplete investigations conducted to date.
The investigations to date have been quite complete. Hundreds of hours of committee meetings. I can see how you might think it isn't since your conspiracy theory hasn't been proven. The absence of evidence is not evidence of a wrongdoing.
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Old 03-27-2015, 11:11 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
The investigations to date have been quite complete. Hundreds of hours of committee meetings. I can see how you might think it isn't since your conspiracy theory hasn't been proven. The absence of evidence is not evidence of a wrongdoing.
You're a lying SOB, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Any investigation that didn't review the official communiques of one of the primary players is by definition "incomplete", you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Withholding evidence from a Federal investigation is itself a crime, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.
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Old 03-27-2015, 11:22 AM   #102
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did or did not Obama et al lie about Benghazi?

whats so difficult about that to understand

and they lied about bergdahl

that's evident as well
anyone who denies those two things is not worth getting into a discussion with for nothing good would come of it
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Old 03-27-2015, 11:33 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
The investigations to date have been quite complete. Hundreds of hours of committee meetings. I can see how you might think it isn't since your conspiracy theory hasn't been proven. The absence of evidence is not evidence of a wrongdoing.
The investigation is not complete until all the data are available.
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Old 03-27-2015, 12:07 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Actually, it is very simple to anyone with a room temperature IQ. Bergdahl (here after known as the deserter) voluntarily walked away from his post. His choice and I might add, put his fellow soldiers in danger when he left his post open. So that is one right there. Next, it is the unwritten policy of the US military to rescue our people if they are captured or taken. So it was reasonable to assume that someone would come after him. In fact, maybe he anticipated that they would come for him and he allowed them to die looking for him. Then he is just a murdering deserter.
So if they went after him and died because of an unwritten policy how would Obama be held accountable for them?
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Old 03-27-2015, 12:24 PM   #105
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Well Hillary admitted she deleted 30,000 emails and you claim she turned over 55,000 ( which I don't think is correct, since she said the number was 30,000), so by your accounting Hillary shield more than 85,000 emails from FOIA and Congressional investigators.

That doesn't include emails between parties that were likely using non-governmental systems (personal email to personal email).

We really are just beginning to understand the Benghazi lies and cover up.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
With 60,000+ Hillary emails hidden from Congress how could they get to the evidence?

And we still don't know if others within the Benghazi lie loop used personal email/server accounts, which could be shielding them from FOIA requests and Congressional investigations.
Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
Where are you getting that number? She turned over 55K emails, could that be what you're referencing?

You really should take the time to read this timeline. There is no benghazi lie loop for christ sake. Just read it. It's not as cut and dry as you would no doubt like it to be.

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