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Old 03-06-2015, 01:08 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
And ex BF didn't bareback you?
And how about the spying on folks of Eccie?
It is posted by you, so I'm not making that shit up!
Gonna blame the ex BF for that too?
I thought I already stated he wasn't spying on them using eccie ???!!!???

ya me and my ex bf use other forms of birth control . we had been together for 3+ years and were both getting regular medical exams and check ups.

im not blaming it on him, its a fact that he posted that review .
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Old 03-06-2015, 01:38 PM   #47
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Perhaps you need to view your own words again? It seems you are quite dense!

Originally Posted by CristiCutiepie View Post
Dude it really was your fault not mine that you were a dumb ass to park in a no parking zone when we were only a block away from my house & you could of parked there. again I'll say you're only bringing this up because you're upset that I no longer hang out with you or let you use my social networking accounts to spy on current eccie members & retired providers.
Do you really think that the people of Eccie give a fuck what site it is that you use to spy on them?
You are in fact spying on Eccie members and retired providers in your own words!

Providers are supposed to be discreet.
Which you obviously are not......
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Old 03-06-2015, 07:27 PM   #48
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I wasn't the one spying he was! I just let hold my phone & I found him going through my Facebook acct. And the retired provider is my friend so I still had contact with her so I was able to let her know right away what was going on .
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Old 03-06-2015, 07:56 PM   #49
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Once again for your dumbass! In your own words!
Keep fucking digging, show everyone what a god damn liar you really are......

Originally Posted by CristiCutiepie View Post
Dude it really was your fault not mine that you were a dumb ass to park in a no parking zone when we were only a block away from my house & you could of parked there. again I'll say you're only bringing this up because you're upset that I no longer hang out with you or let you use my social networking accounts to spy on current eccie members & retired providers.
Doesn't say anything about him taking your phone and accessing Facebook without your permission!

Ever heard the saying about telling lies?
About how you keep telling lies to try and cover the previous lies?
It's better just to tell the truth because you don't have to remember what lies you told before, it's what really happened.

I no longer let you use my social networking accounts to spy on current eccie members & retired providers.

Notice how it says retired providers not provider that is your friend?
And you conveniently are leaving out the current Eccie members?
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Old 03-07-2015, 12:04 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by CristiCutiepie View Post
Dude it really was your fault not mine that you were a dumb ass to park in a no parking zone when we were only a block away from my house & you could of parked there. again I'll say you're only bringing this up because you're upset that I no longer hang out with you or let you use my social networking accounts to spy on current eccie members & retired providers.
Damn the RW. Would have loved to have done a timely reply.


So i'm the dumb one to park in a no parking zone. Agreed. There is a saying: "Ignorance of the Law is no excuse." I fess up to my errors and take care of them. Now for you. That was the Moms' hood. You know that neighborhood. Why didn't you say it was a no no to park? And you do have previous experience in parking where you are not suppose to, right? I'm sure there is something that could be found attached to your name in the records of our fair city. Along with something doing with chemicals. So, you being richly experienced in placing automobilies where they are not suppose to be, why didn't you say anything? Forgive me responding to a childish reply in like.

Pissed off because you don't hang out with me socially? Let's go along that path of reasoning. So, I just contacted you and said "Hey, let's go out!" and you agreed? Think a tiny bit. Our relations started out as usual on ECCIE: you placing ads. I responded and we met. Wrote a review. Later on ECCIE to the rescue. I placed an ISO for outcall and you responded. Choose you because I like familiarity. Especially to an outcall. Did a review. Now those that can read ROS (and I think it is stated in public view) that you stayed a LONG TIME. I think you remember that. I was tired. Had a long grind with the j.o.b. and was just generally exhausted, hence my outcall request. We talked and you unload ALOT of your personal issues. And I listened. I don't know why you were asking me relationship advice when i'm single. But that just one topic.

But you were the one that continued the contact. And for the reason that RR talked about. I have to ask anyone reading this to raise their hands: Do you see Providers socially when they call you and ask for money? Nothing more? I'm glad you put it was socially, Cristi. Because it sure wasn't P4P or time. You were in a bad time and place with your life (by fate or your circumstances, idk) and that is why I met and did what I did. I had to squeeze in a few of these while working.

Spying on people? Guilty as charged. Rick, it was not ECCIE. Cristi, why don't you tell them what happened when you met this "singular" person for a session? Tell them what you were uncomfortable to accept that they offered? And why don't you tell these people what happened after this "singular" person, I spied on, left you? You know something happened because you were intently hiding behind the curtains staring out your window noticing the activities this person drew on themselve.

You'll have to remind me what retired Provider I was spying on. Because frankly I don't remember that. I know there is one that is still on this board but their handle is not retired. Know enough about that one, if my guess is correct, because i've communicated with her mom also. (Yeah, I know more than one Providers mother.) So, go ahead and drop her name here.

I'm going to start a thread as promised. Was too tired to do it last night like I wanted. It will provide alot more details. And i'll answer to the best of my abilities (via site rules) queries from the folks here. Not do child like diversions like the subject.

But i'll ask again, when you going to pay me?
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Old 03-07-2015, 12:13 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
Would one of those social networking sites be Eccie?
Because you are admitting to a bannable offense, I'm betting the mods are gonna want to know this as well.

You really don't know when to keep your big mouth shut do you?

Even if you don't get banned, that admission should make you a pariah around here!

So now we have
1. A thief
2. A flake
3. A barebacker that passed along a little extra lovin'
(yeah you're gonna cry that didn't happen, but the review Is there
http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1171019 )
4. Someone willing to spy on people

Rick, you are correct on the first three.
Well, you are correct on all of them.
I was going to address the fourth. She let me have access to a profile on a person I was interested in. I will tell who this person is when i start the thread about it. But ECCIE was not the source of information.
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Old 03-07-2015, 12:19 PM   #52
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Here's a little piece of worthless advice: don't become private investigators!
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Old 03-07-2015, 12:34 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
Once again for your dumbass! In your own words!
Keep fucking digging, show everyone what a god damn liar you really are......

Doesn't say anything about him taking your phone and accessing Facebook without your permission!

Ever heard the saying about telling lies?
About how you keep telling lies to try and cover the previous lies?
It's better just to tell the truth because you don't have to remember what lies you told before, it's what really happened.

I no longer let you use my social networking accounts to spy on current eccie members & retired providers.

Notice how it says retired providers not provider that is your friend?
And you conveniently are leaving out the current Eccie members?
Rick, I didn't ask to use ECCIE.
And I was the one requesting because I knew who "he" was.
I don't remember a "she". So Crisiti, you can drop that name here. I'm laying odds that I know that person and their family members. Hence, no interest in them.
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Old 03-07-2015, 12:37 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Chincho View Post
Here's a little piece of worthless advice: don't become private investigators!

I think RR does an excellent job as a P.I.

Have not claim to it myself.
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Old 03-07-2015, 12:37 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Rick, you are correct on the first three.
Well, you are correct on all of them.
I was going to address the fourth. She let me have access to a profile on a person I was interested in. I will tell who this person is when i start the thread about it. But ECCIE was not the source of information.
Pb you'll notice I never said anything about you.
To me she threw that shit out there in an attempt to hurt you, and draw attention away from herself.
Curiosity about information is normal, but in my eyes the one responsible for keeping information is the custodian.
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Old 03-07-2015, 12:44 PM   #56
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I just wanted others not to get a short circuit in their head and think that is what she did. Lord knows i've done it in the past. Wanted it to be clear to others. Should not have addressed your name on that. Mea Culpa.

Yes, she is like the person running down an alley trying to escape a pursuer. Throws every box/garbage can/transient in the way of the pursuer. Her normal M.O. She will do anything but address the issue.

Your last sentence is quote-worthy.
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Old 03-07-2015, 01:29 PM   #57
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PB, Devious whores suck guys into bad situations all the time. I think we can all understand that! it's ok just learn from it instead of going through this shit again and again.
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Old 03-07-2015, 01:58 PM   #58
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You have a history of getting too close to providers that have personal issues. You cannot and should not try to fix/help them. You are wasting your time and resources. I can understand that you may be attracted to these types of personalities. You know the old saying, You can lead a horse to water... Girls like Cristi or J London (I forgot her name on this board) cannot fucking help themselves until guys like you stop enabling them.

Stop trying to build relationships with these people. You may have issues of your own that make you attracted to these types of women (I know that I'm attracted to chicks that are toxic to me). It never ends well. Trust me.

By the way, you're not getting that money back. This is for everyone else, don't ever lend money to anyone that you are not willing to part with. You will not see it back. Especially if it is to bail someone out. There are things that that person did to put them in that situation. Let them sit it out and figure out what decisions brought them to that fate.
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Old 03-07-2015, 04:20 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Simon Riley View Post

You have a history of getting too close to providers that have personal issues. You cannot and should not try to fix/help them. You are wasting your time and resources. I can understand that you may be attracted to these types of personalities. You know the old saying, You can lead a horse to water... Girls like Cristi or J London (I forgot her name on this board) cannot fucking help themselves until guys like you stop enabling them.

Stop trying to build relationships with these people. You may have issues of your own that make you attracted to these types of women (I know that I'm attracted to chicks that are toxic to me). It never ends well. Trust me.

By the way, you're not getting that money back. This is for everyone else, don't ever lend money to anyone that you are not willing to part with. You will not see it back. Especially if it is to bail someone out. There are things that that person did to put them in that situation. Let them sit it out and figure out what decisions brought them to that fate.
+1 This can be very hard to do when your such a nice guy like PB is. I used to be the same and always got screwed. At some point you learn to stop taking in strays.
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Old 03-07-2015, 04:34 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Simon Riley View Post

You have a history of getting too close to providers that have personal issues. You cannot and should not try to fix/help them. You are wasting your time and resources. I can understand that you may be attracted to these types of personalities. You know the old saying, You can lead a horse to water... Girls like Cristi or J London (I forgot her name on this board) cannot fucking help themselves until guys like you stop enabling them.

Stop trying to build relationships with these people. You may have issues of your own that make you attracted to these types of women (I know that I'm attracted to chicks that are toxic to me). It never ends well. Trust me.

By the way, you're not getting that money back. This is for everyone else, don't ever lend money to anyone that you are not willing to part with. You will not see it back. Especially if it is to bail someone out. There are things that that person did to put them in that situation. Let them sit it out and figure out what decisions brought them to that fate.

You are correct there, SR. But to repeat what i've said in other threads. This is not a dating site or a place to find a SO. Lord knows I don't come here for that. But I do like to get to know the Provider. I wish I was like some other members who just show up, wham, bam, gone. But I do like a bit more of a connection. And there is nothing wrong with making friends here. I am not intentionally mining long term friendships here. And I wasn't with Cristi.

I think of all the Providers I have met here, only 2 or 3 I know of off hand did not seem to have personal issues or hid them well. It comes with the territory. Maybe i'm susceptible to them or are drawn to them. Btw, I thank you for your honest feedback, SR. With Crisiti, I did not invite the contact. She sought me out. And I did ask her why. She told me it was because of the Provider you mentioned: J London. Believe or not, they are friends regardless the heated exchanges they've had on the boards. She said it was because I knew her that was a reason why she kept up contact with me.

When she got busted, I felt bad because of her current situation (the reason why she kept contact with me after our last session.) Afterwards I was telling her about helping another Provider on the path of going to school (that Provider has left the hobby and I am happy for her) and cristi told me she would have me paid at a certain time. I would have left it quiet but she took it upon herself to burn my friend. And then to make active efforts to cut contacts with me. Even when i told her on different channels we needed to talk. Since she refused to address fulfilling her promise to me off the boards, I brought it up here. At least she is addressing it. And I think it is serving a purpose also.

I invite anyone with constructive input to contribute. On previous isssues that others have had with her, I could see that others where feeding innuendo and such. She was passing incorrect/wrong information that I know she did not have first hand. So, I invite those that are behind the scene to come here and address me directly. Don't need any Whisper-esque unnamed masses.
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